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[67] viXra:2502.0081 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-12 20:54:15
Authors: Masashi Ishihara
Comments: 5 Pages.
The Roman dodecahedron, an enigmatic artifact dating from the 2nd to 3rd centuries CE, has puzzled archaeologists and historians for centuries. Found primarily in the northern territories of the Roman Empire, it is characterized by twelve pentagonal faces, each featuring circular holes of varying diameters, and small spherical protrusions at its vertices. This paper explores its possible functions, focusing on the hypothesis that it was used as a time-measuring device, particularly in military contexts. Through an extensive review of archaeological evidence, metallurgical analysis, and experimental studies, we assess its potential role in Roman frontier logistics, military operations, and technological innovation.
Category: Archaeology
[66] viXra:2412.0173 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-28 17:31:30
Authors: Anindya Kumar Biswas
Comments: 18 Pages.
We study the head entries of The Penguin Dictionary of Archaeology by Warwick Bray and David Trump, Second Edition, 1982.We draw the natural logarithm of the number of head entries, normalised, starting with a letter vs the natural logarithm of the rank of the letter, normalised. We conclude that the dictionary can be characterised by BW(c=0.01),the magnetisation curve of the Ising Model in the Bragg-Williams approximation in the presence of external magnetic field, H. $c=frac{ H}{gamma epsilon}=0.01$ with $epsilon$ being the strength of coupling between two neighbouring spins in the Ising Model. $gamma$ represents the number of nearest neighbours of a spin, which is very large.
Category: Archaeology
[65] viXra:2410.0185 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-30 20:58:53
Authors: Corrado Soddu
Comments: 25 Pages. In Italian
The article presents the results of a rereading of all the historical-geographical and archaeological sources with the addition of new data obtained from the construction of the Cremona-Sergnano gas pipeline. The territory that is commonly identified as Cremasco is a geographical area of u200bu200b573.2 km² inhabited by just over 150,000 people. This area is located in the center of the Lombardy region, is part of the Province of Cremona and occupies the northernmost area. The city of Crema is to be considered the capital of this area, an area delimited in a very precise way, also thanks to a very specific element, the dialect, here the Crema dialect is spoken. the research period considers all literary and material evidence in the period from the 3rd century BC. until the end of Roman domination on the peninsula between the 5th and 6th centuries AD.
Category: Archaeology
[64] viXra:2409.0167 [pdf] submitted on 2024-09-29 04:32:15
Authors: Andrey V. Voron
Comments: 9 Pages.
Based on the methods of formal logic, analogy and modeling, the article substantiates the assumption about the purpose of the pyramids of Egypt and, in particular, the pyramids of the Giza plateau as communication devices of a highly developed ancient civilization. Based on the analogy method, the presence of significant signs of a communication device in the pyramids of Egypt is shown. The modeling method allowed us to assume: the presence of carrier waves of the pyramids — gravitational waves of the planet Earth, the structure of its gravitational field and the presence of a tunnel with a gallery closed by a granite plug in the pyramid of Khufu.
Category: Archaeology
[63] viXra:2408.0131 [pdf] submitted on 2024-08-30 07:08:32
Authors: Andrey V. Voron
Comments: 12 Pages.
An attempt is made to logically substantiate the assumption about the possible purpose of the Giza pyramids complex as a deep space communication device and as an object indicating the level of development of the civilization that created it. In this regard, a possible analogy is considered that arises when comparing the missions of the Pioneer-10, Pioneer-11, Voyager-1, Voyager-2 spacecraft on the one hand, and the Giza Pyramid Complex project on the other. At the same time, 5 possible assumptions are considered, the results of which show: the probable message of the builders of the pyramids and the possible addressee for transmitting the message (the proposed planetary system).
Category: Archaeology
[62] viXra:2408.0111 [pdf] submitted on 2024-08-26 14:04:40
Authors: Mauro Giorgi, Stefano Giorgi
Comments: 8 Pages.
In a recent underwater archaeological survey conducted along the coast north of Rome, near Santa Marinella, at a depth of 1.5 meters and 90 meters from the shoreline, we identified a significant assemblage of organogenic sandstone (macco) ashlar blocks. These blocks were arranged in a double parallel row extending approximately 5 meters in a NW-SE orientation, parallel to the coastline. The arrangement of the blocks delineates an internal space filled with stones, forming a structure reminiscent of a mole. The ashlar blocks were positioned in two distinct manners: the stretchers (Greek: διάτονοι) were placed with their longer sides facing outward, while the headers (Greek: ὀρθοστάτης) were arranged with their shorter sides facing outward, contributing to the structural reinforcement. Midway along the structure, a narrow canal formed by a double row of ashlars provides a connection between the internal space and the exterior, facilitating water circulation and mitigating the risk of silting in the port basin. The external mole continues northwest, incorporating additional blocks and natural rocks, which together form an L-shaped configuration. The area protected by these moles covers approximately 3,000 square meters and is located in close proximity (130 meters) to the sixth-century B.C. Etruscan temple at Punta della Vipera. These findings represent the earliest known evidence of a utility landing site associated with the Etruscan temple.
Category: Archaeology
[61] viXra:2408.0096 [pdf] submitted on 2024-08-24 18:46:05
Authors: Clark M. Thomas
Comments: 5 Pages.
Among the great advances in 21st-century sciencehas been how much we can learn from DNA data.Historical narratives relying heavily on genomicclues may not always have sufficient causality.When possible, it is ideal to combine the geologicalpast with our emerging genetic profiles.Multidisciplinary perspectives can thereby yieldsuperior hypotheses regarding our ancient past.
Category: Archaeology
[60] viXra:2404.0110 [pdf] submitted on 2024-04-23 20:50:00
Authors: Alexis Zaganidis
Comments: 10 Pages. (One illustration blocked by viXra Admin - Please remove!)
The great pyramid of Giza as a construction minimizing the Frictional Dissipation and relying on a labor concentration camp. The present article is an attempt to give a significant input, from theoretical physics, into the construction of the great pyramid of Giza at different steps of its construction.
Category: Archaeology
[59] viXra:2402.0134 [pdf] submitted on 2024-02-23 18:15:15
Authors: William John Page
Comments: 37 Pages. (Correction made by viXra Admin to conform with the requirements of
The study includes a multi-discipline analysis to identify the main process through which Afro-Indonesians became established on Madagascar within the first Millennium.The conclusion proposes an extended and extensive exploration of the great rivers of Mocambique by Paleo-Indonesian expeditions. They bartered their Asian food plants grown on homes set up on islands or riverside settlements with aquatic Bantu on periodic expeditions. This process left trace patterns reflecting: 1. the Paleo-Indonesian river trade and, 2. dispersion of these crops by the Bantu agriculturalists and led to the formation of Afro-Indonesians ancestral to the Sakalava and Vezo people of western Madagascar. This paper was prepared from 1980 to 1990 and donated to the Mitchell Library in Sydney, Australia.
Category: Archaeology
[58] viXra:2305.0147 [pdf] submitted on 2023-05-22 10:41:08
Authors: Anindya Kumar Biswas
Comments: 21 Pages.
We study the The Penguin Encyclopedia of Places by W. G. Moore. We draw the natural logarithm of the number of entries, normalised, starting with a letter vs the natural logarithm of the rank of the letter, normalised. We conclude that the Dictionary can be characterised by BP(4, $beta H=0.04$), i.e.the Bethe-Peierls curve in the presence of four nearest neighbours and little external magnetic field, H, with $beta H= 0.04$. $beta$ is $frac{1}{k_{B}T}$ where, T is temperature and $k_{B}$ is the tiny Boltzmann constant.
Category: Archaeology
[57] viXra:2112.0080 [pdf] submitted on 2021-12-15 22:53:47
Authors: Arturo Tozzi
Comments: 3 Pages.
In this brief note, we cast doubts on the death of the great Hittite king Muwatalli II. Going through the prayer CTH 383 in which the king’s impiety against the priestess of the Sun-goddness of Arinna is emphasized and condemned, we argue that Muwatalli II was dismissed and killed: “he paid for it with his head”.
Category: Archaeology
[56] viXra:2107.0050 [pdf] submitted on 2021-07-08 12:36:17
Authors: Ricardo Alvira
Comments: 11 Pages.
From mid-fifteenth century to the first third of the sixteenth century, several architects proposed novel radio centric urban layouts in the north of Italy.
There is lack of agreement between scholars on the origin/sources of these radio-centric layouts. Broadly, we can divide them into two groups. The main group of scholars asserts Vitruvius' De Reaedificatoria was the main source of these designs. However, a smaller and more differentiated group, points out to several other sources, including both Greek and medieval sources. In this brief communication we compare these two approaches, pointing out to the greatest consistency of Greek Sources, and specifically, to Plato's dialogues as origin of these radio centric layouts.
Category: Archaeology
[55] viXra:2106.0034 [pdf] submitted on 2021-06-07 13:27:14
Authors: Yulia Meshkova
Comments: 2 Pages.
The opus contains a speculative thought on funerals in ancient Egypt.
Category: Archaeology
[54] viXra:2105.0007 [pdf] submitted on 2021-05-03 12:26:00
Authors: Olivier Samson
Comments: 13 Pages.
Here, we align multiple texts of various Libation formulae in Linear A. The alignment delineates words, and highlights synonymous syllables, of the Libation formulae. Remarkably, two vessels and their contents are specified and verify the proto-Greek origin of Linear A. The two vessels are: (1) “receptacle of grain” SU-TE-DA-KE (σιτοδόκος) followed by its content “grains” SE-TO-I-JA (σιτος,-oο) and (2) “receptacle of oil” I-RAI-DE-KA (ελαιοδόκος) followed by its content “olive oil” A-RE-PI (ἄλειφαρ, oil) RE-NA (ἔλαιον, olive). We hypothesize that *301 is pronounced RAI, and translate I-RAI-WA-E (ἐλαιόω) into “olive-oil”, and I-RAI-TI (ἀλείατα) into “wheat-meal”, both common in libation.
Furthermore, the multiple sequence alignment juxtaposes the Goddess, I-DA-A (θεά) and I-DA-MI (δαίμων) with JA-SA-SA-RA-ME, the Ashera poles (אשרים) and with JA-SA-RA-A-NA-NE, a luxuriant tree (רענן). Potentially, the alignment enables the decipherment of logogram *321, shaped like a labrys, with the phonogram JA-SA-SA-RA-ME. In turn, the labrys inscription I-DA-MA-TE could refer to the God mother (θεά μήτηρ), Demeter (Δημήτηρ).
Finally, we hypothesize that KA-NA-SI is derived from the noun “empty” (κενός), and the verb “to pour” (Εγκανασσειν). Interestingly, KA-NA-SI is aligned with the proto-Semitic synonymous translation “I emptied” RU-KA-NA-TI (רוקנתי) and RU-KA-JA-SI (ריקיתי).
As such, we conclude Minoan is mainly a proto-Greek language, yet permeated with proto-Semitic influence.
Category: Archaeology
[53] viXra:2007.0120 [pdf] submitted on 2020-07-15 20:03:48
Authors: Rick Smith
Comments: 4 Pages.
The Temple of Hathor at Dendera contains wall decorations containing scenes depicting characteristics not seen in other ancient
Egyptian art. The scenes are analyzed using ray-trace techniques.
Category: Archaeology
[52] viXra:1912.0322 [pdf] submitted on 2019-12-16 23:37:42
Authors: Александр И. Дубинянский и Юлия А. Крупенина.
Comments: 10 Pages.
Показана последовательность расселения народов и передвижения гаплогрупп в период с 65.000 лет до нашей эры. Обоснован новый взгляд на происхождение монголоидов, русских и других народов.
Category: Archaeology
[51] viXra:1912.0321 [pdf] submitted on 2019-12-16 23:39:32
Authors: Alexander I. Dubinyansky, Julia A. Krupenina.
Comments: 10 Pages.
The sequence of the resettlement of peoples and the movement of haplogroups from 65,000 years BC is shown. A new view on the origin of the Mongoloids, Russians and other peoples is substantiated.
Category: Archaeology
[50] viXra:1911.0482 [pdf] submitted on 2019-11-28 10:08:20
Authors: Alexander I. Dubinyansky, Julia A. Krupenina.
Comments: 6 Pages.
The hypothesis that the resettlement of a person after leaving Africa occurs for the second time is substantiated. The first resettlement ended 65,000 years ago with a military or genetic disaster and the self-destruction of mankind.
Category: Archaeology
[49] viXra:1911.0481 [pdf] submitted on 2019-11-28 10:11:51
Authors: Александр И. Дубинянский и Юлия А. Крупенина.
Comments: 6 Pages.
Обоснована гипотеза о том, что расселение человека после выхода из Африки происходит во второй раз. Первое расселение закончилось 65.000 лет назад военной или генетической катастрофой и самоистреблением человечества.
Category: Archaeology
[48] viXra:1906.0506 [pdf] submitted on 2019-06-27 07:00:50
Authors: Daniel Consalles
Comments: 19 Pages. Only in spanish
Para resolver el misterio de Tartessos debemos seguir el rastro del comercio del estaño, un metal imprescindible en la
producción del Bronce. Hace 3.000 años el estaño de Oriente Medio se agotó y fue necesario importarlo desde las míticas
islas Casitérides (Sur de Inglaterra). Los fenicios fueron los primeros en establecer una ruta comercial marítima desde el
Líbano a Inglaterra pasando por el estrecho de Gibraltar. Esta ruta comercial se mantuvo en funcionamiento durante mil años y
fue la base de la riqueza de fenicios y cartagineses, así como el principal motivo de enfrentamiento con sus competidores
griegos. En este escenario es donde se sitúa el pequeño reino de Tartessos que, por azares del destino, se encontró en el
centro de una nueva ruta comercial del estaño a través del Ebro creada por los Celtíberos. Gracias a la habilidad de su rey
Argantonio, durante un siglo Tartessos pudo vender ese estaño a los comerciantes griegos y obtener importantes beneficios.
Pero esas ganancias para tartesios y griegos implicaban pérdidas para fenicios y cartagineses. Desde el punto de vista de los
fenicios, el comercio del estaño era su monopolio legítimo desde hacía siglos, lo que convertía a los tartesios en unos simples
contrabandistas del estaño que venía de Inglaterra. Tartessos sobrevivió a la amenaza cartaginesa gracias a la protección de
la poderosa flota griega. Pero tras la batalla naval de Alalia entre griegos y cartagineses, la flota griega quedó muy mermada y
los griegos no pudieron continuar protegiendo a sus aliados tartésicos. Los cartagineses aprovecharon para destruir a sus
molestos competidores y barrerlos de la historia.
Category: Archaeology
[47] viXra:1903.0365 [pdf] submitted on 2019-03-19 08:00:13
Authors: Leon Elshout
Comments: 2 Pages.
Is Turkish village of Hisarlik really Homer's Troy? But what if the key actors of the Troyan War were no human beings at all? And what does the Bible say about Troy? - by leon Elshout, 19 march 2019, aurichalcum2018 (at) &
Category: Archaeology
[46] viXra:1903.0332 [pdf] submitted on 2019-03-19 03:19:29
Authors: Leon Elshout
Comments: 4 Pages.
The main gods of Atlantis were very well known in the Bible. This fact should change our ideas about Atlantis. Was the western location of Atlantis really a physical island or was it an underworld? - by leon elshout, aurichalcum2018 (at)
Category: Archaeology
[45] viXra:1902.0081 [pdf] submitted on 2019-02-04 16:02:28
Authors: Gerges Francis Tawdrous
Comments: 225 Pages.
Church Icons Study and Analysis
(Arabic Version)
Category: Archaeology
[44] viXra:1812.0481 [pdf] submitted on 2018-12-30 23:34:26
Authors: Greg Orme
Comments: 37 Pages.
This shows two long ridges on Mars, both are close to mathematical hyperbolas in shape. It is argued these are too long and too exact to form by chance, a random formation would deviate from a hyperbola. Together they form an Isosceles Triangle with the King Face, a well known face on Mars. Other geometric formations nearby are also shown.
Category: Archaeology
[43] viXra:1811.0436 [pdf] submitted on 2018-11-28 03:57:33
Authors: A.I.Somsikov
Comments: 3 Pages. -
The explanation of the artifact called is offered
"Corkscrew of a devil"
Category: Archaeology
[42] viXra:1810.0180 [pdf] submitted on 2018-10-11 22:47:01
Authors: Greg Orme
Comments: 33 Pages.
A shows these walled structures
, in them the pale areas may be a degrading floor
. Some
of these objects may also have been furniture
made of stone or cement
. B shows more of
these that may be degraded or buried
. C at 2 o’clock shows a long very straight wall
extending to the right. C at 4 o’clock shows more structures between the walls like
. The rooms
at D show many small objects in the walls, these may also be from a
collapsed roof
. The rooms around E, F, and G may be partially buried
like at B.
Category: Archaeology
[41] viXra:1810.0179 [pdf] submitted on 2018-10-11 22:55:03
Authors: Greg Orme
Comments: 33 Pages.
Similar to the rooms
and walls
in Cymmeria
, the only example of this in Protonilus
. A
shows some rooms and perhaps an interior support
if there was once a roof
on this. B
shows more rooms, all are around the same size. C at 7 o’clock may contain rooms, at 8
o’clock there may be ceiling material
still covering some of them. D may also be ceiling
, at 6 o’clock more rooms
are exposed.
Category: Archaeology
[40] viXra:1810.0178 [pdf] submitted on 2018-10-11 22:58:27
Authors: Greg Orme
Comments: 33 Pages.
Two parabolas
are s
hown, closeups of parts of this image follow. It appears to show a
complex irrigation system
. The parabolic dam
at B seems to have a pipe
coming out of it
at 12 o’clock, it also has vertical groo
on the sides at 1 o’clock like pillars
. The pipe
goes down to 8 o’clock connecting to a second pipe off to its left and down to E. B at 4
o’clock is another pipe. C shows another parabolic dam
, D at 2 o’clock is probably a
parabolic arch
Category: Archaeology
[39] viXra:1810.0177 [pdf] submitted on 2018-10-11 23:03:30
Authors: Greg Orme
Comments: 33 Pages.
A shows a road coming out of the hill
at 10 and 12 o’clock, another road more eroded at 4
o’clock. B shows two roads
, one going into a hollow hill at 4 o’clock. C shows two road
, one bordering a hollow hill
at 1 o’clock, and another with a smaller hill at 4
o’clock. D shows a road going into a hill from a fork
at 5 to 4 o’clock.
E shows a road
connecting to the edge of a hollow hill
at 8 o’clock.
Category: Archaeology
[38] viXra:1810.0176 [pdf] submitted on 2018-10-11 23:06:43
Authors: Greg Orme
Comments: 33 Pages.
A and B show how the dam wall is degrading
, A at 8 o’cl
ock is in good condition, at 5
and 7 o’clock the cement edge of the dam wall
has been undermined
perhaps from water
in the past. B shows a double wall
from 2 to 7 o’clock as if the central dam wall
has eroded away or fallen off. The wall may have been full of gravel
with an inner and
outer skin of cement
, when the
top breaks then the gravel would fall out leaving a
. At 7 and 8 o’clock first and second legs there is an undermining of the wall
Category: Archaeology
[37] viXra:1810.0087 [pdf] submitted on 2018-10-07 00:28:08
Authors: Greg Orme
Comments: 30 Pages.
This long ridge may be a tube
, it connects into many crater
s here along A and B. Some of
the hills are also unusual, they may be hollow hill
s. Mathematicians
might consider how
a parabola would be formed efficiently on such a large scale, engineers
on how a long
hollow structure could be created. Sociologists
might consider how these crater
s would
have been used, to get water for possible farming, drinking, raising fish, etc. Biologists
can regard this as a clue to the ecosystem, that water may have come from a water table,
from rain, etc.
Category: Archaeology
[36] viXra:1809.0269 [pdf] submitted on 2018-09-12 05:39:03
Authors: A.I.Somsikov
Comments: 6 Pages. -
The internal device of megalytic constructions from positions of practical technology.
Category: Archaeology
[35] viXra:1809.0165 [pdf] submitted on 2018-09-09 00:23:07
Authors: A.I.Somsikov
Comments: 12 Pages. -
Probable labor of construction of pyramid of Cheops. In the assumption of its covering concrete blocks only by external part.
Category: Archaeology
[34] viXra:1809.0123 [pdf] submitted on 2018-09-07 01:42:27
Authors: A.I.Somsikov
Comments: 29 Pages. -
The presumable origin of the State Emblems, inter alia and Russian, on the basis of symbolics of ancient Egypt is considered.
Category: Archaeology
[33] viXra:1809.0109 [pdf] submitted on 2018-09-06 01:36:10
Authors: A.I.Somsikov
Comments: 3 Pages. -
The message on a trip to Oxford and the passing impressions including visit of Stonehenge.
Category: Archaeology
[32] viXra:1809.0081 [pdf] submitted on 2018-09-05 01:30:56
Authors: Y.S. Cham
Comments: 18 Pages.
This paper first briefly outlines and establishes the methods of obtaining rational historical truth untainted by empirical bias based on Hegel’s dialectics and notions of the state, identifying the source of revelational truth validity and memory-awakening that are the primary sources for the Hwan-Suomi(Finno-Korean) Hyperwar, and then proceeds to summarize existing theories and research so far on the source and the end of the Hyperwar by the Hyper-Academic community. The three main models analyzed are the Hwan-Autism-Pyramids Theory, the Suomi-Memes-Autism Theory, and the Hwan-Autism-Suomi-Pyramids Theory. This paper establishes the flawed nature of all three theories and proposes an alternative – the Hwan-Pyramids-Suomi-Nexus theory – that satisfactorily explain both the existing evidence and new information acquired from sources of revelation and memory-awakening, and shatters the pro-Finnish bias of existing hyperwar research.
Category: Archaeology
[31] viXra:1809.0038 [pdf] submitted on 2018-09-03 00:30:31
Authors: A.I.Somsikov
Comments: 9 Pages. -
The possible explanation of proportions of a body of the Big Sphinx is offered
Category: Archaeology
[30] viXra:1809.0037 [pdf] submitted on 2018-09-03 00:37:20
Authors: A.I.Somsikov
Comments: 12 Pages. -
Partially remained remains of inscriptions on Hefren's pyramid are revealed.
These inscriptions – the CHRISTIAN, completely confirming assumptions Nova Hronologii Fomenko-Nosovskogo.
Category: Archaeology
[29] viXra:1806.0407 [pdf] submitted on 2018-06-27 22:55:58
Authors: Greg Orme
Comments: 225 Pages.
A series of peer reviewed published papers on possible Martian artifacts.
Category: Archaeology
[28] viXra:1801.0228 [pdf] submitted on 2018-01-18 06:52:16
Authors: Rainer W. Kühne
Comments: 4 Pages.
I suggest the following scenario. In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius (14-37), that is late in 28 or early in 29, John began to preach a baptism. Jesus healed and preached and was crucified on the Preparation Day, Friday 3 April 33 during a lunar eclipse. Thereafter the apostles began to preach and raising the number of believers from 120 to 5000. This caused a persecution where Saul converted to Paul late in 33. Afterwards Paul spent three years in Damascus, where Aretas IV was king. Thereafter Paul did his first travel which lasted for fourteen years, that is 36-50. This was followed by the council of the apostles late in 50. Thereafter Paul did his second travel which lasted for at least a year and six months. Then he did his third travel which lasted for at least two years and six months, that is 52-54. Afterwards he was imprisoned for two years by Antonius Felix until Porcius Festus became procurator of Judaea in 56.
Category: Archaeology
[27] viXra:1701.0556 [pdf] submitted on 2017-01-20 18:49:12
Authors: Gerges Francis Tawdrous
Comments: 107 Pages.
Arabic version for
the Tabernacle Geometry
Category: Archaeology
[26] viXra:1611.0014 [pdf] submitted on 2016-11-01 16:48:21
Authors: Rochelle Forrester
Comments: 4 Pages.
The ultimate cause of much historical, social and cultural change is the gradual accumulation of human knowledge of the environment. Human beings use the materials in their environment to meet their needs and increased human knowledge of the environment enables human needs to be met in a more efficient manner. The human environment includes the human being itself and the human ability to communicate by means of language and to make symbolic representations of the sounds produced by language, allowed the development of writing. Writing developed over time in a necessary and inevitable manner from logographic, to syllabic, to alphabetical systems. This development from simpler word based writing to more complex syllable based systems and then even more complex sound based writing systems was a logical progression from, simple less useful systems, to more complex, but more useful systems. This is an example of how the simplest knowledge is acquired first and more complex knowledge is acquired later. The order of discovery determines the course of human social and cultural history as knowledge of new and more efficient means of meeting human needs, results in new technology, which results in the development of new social and ideological systems. This means human social and cultural history, has to follow a particular course, a course that is determined by the structure of the human environment.
Category: Archaeology
[25] viXra:1610.0296 [pdf] submitted on 2016-10-24 21:04:03
Authors: Rochelle Forrester
Comments: 5 Pages.
This paper was written to study the development of stone tool technology throughout the stone age. It finds the technology developed with the simplest discoveries being made first and more complex discoveries being made later. The chemical structure and properties of the raw materials determined that stone tools could be useful to humans and over time people learnt to make better and better stone tools. The improvements occurred in an order that was necessary and inevitable with later improvements building upon earlier improvements and is an illustration of how ever increasing human knowledge drives technology and human social and cultural history forward.
Category: Archaeology
[24] viXra:1610.0102 [pdf] submitted on 2016-10-09 06:29:13
Authors: Gerges Francis Tawdrous
Comments: 177 Pages.
I Study the detailed geometrical structure of the Tabernacle
Category: Archaeology
[23] viXra:1601.0116 [pdf] submitted on 2016-01-11 10:03:07
Authors: Sai Venkatesh Balasubramanian
Comments: 86 Pages.
The pre-history of ancient India seems to be shrouded in mystery. Today, a secular country and the home of some of the most important religions, little can be said with concrete evidence about its past, especially before the Indus Valley Civilization (IVC). This has thus become a hot topic of debate and controversy among archaeologists and historians alike, and with the uncovering of artifacts and evidences from Archaeology, Genetics, Linguistics and Mythology alike, a lot of light is being shedded on this mystery, and what seems to emerge are some shocking facts about this land.This work tries in the first place to consolidate such data collected by various fields, and also by experiments and inferences made by the author. It also takes into account various theories proposed till date, and with all this information, tries to consolidate and come up with one single theory/hypothesis that details the evolution and cultural and linguistic development of India and the effects it had on the rest of the world.
Category: Archaeology
[22] viXra:1503.0182 [pdf] submitted on 2015-03-25 12:54:38
Authors: Joel M WIlliams
Comments: 4 Pages.
Based on the chemistry of minerals, Petrie's "Infamous Core #7" is shown to have been produced easily by milling techniques far less advanced than those espoused to exceed modern milling technolog
Category: Archaeology
[21] viXra:1503.0061 [pdf] submitted on 2015-03-09 07:04:47
Authors: Giorgio Fabretti
Comments: 8 Pages. The synthetic results of the March 6th 2015 meeting on "How to Restore Domus Aurea and the Roman Forums", in the "Raffaele Fabretti" Foundation in Rome, Italy
An early practice of Neo-Ancient modern concepts can be traced back to the thought and writings of Raffaele Fabretti (1618-1700), an erudite antiquarian, historian and magistrate in charge for Ancient Ruins of Rome and the Secret Archives of the Vatican.
Fabretti, cultural adviser of several Popes, is considered an inspired founder both of Arcadia Movement and of Roman Archeology. His student and biographer Gio.Ba. Crescimbeni was the first curator of Arcadia and two of his students initiated the first archeological studies at the University of Sapienza in Rome.
According to Fabretti, reviving the Ancient could be achieved through a multiple international interdisciplinary action: 1) scientific studies of mathematics, astronomy and naturalistic measurement; 2) comparative cultural, anthropological, historical and antiquarian studies; 3) hydraulic engineering and urban re-planning the Baroque Development of the City of Rome; 4) bucolic poetical arcadian academy reviving the ancient utopias of Classic Greece and Rome, about the harmony between mankind and its environment; 5) re-elaborating global proposals to governments, to comply technological and public investments with an ethical human development.
"Decoding Neo Ancient (DNA)" has therefore been defined by Giorgio Fabretti, historical anthropologist, descendant and living curator of the Raffaele Fabretti Foundation, as "The interdisciplinary scientifical and historical studies of the ancient projections into the present and the future, decoding historical cyclic cultural patterns along naturalistic evolutionary lines, critical of human self-referential and technological excesses."
The object of such "Decoding Neo Ancient" (DNA) has also become the finality of an International Foundation based in Rome, with extensions in Greece and Great Britain since recent years.
Many Neo Ancient decoding researches and analysis have been published by the DNA Foundation Members in half a century of intense activism and experimenting.
Here we quote the studies of Piero Meogrossi on the reviving "Forma Urbis" of Ancient Rome, or of Giorgio Fabretti on the comeback of Ancient Frugivorism, or of the 'Theory of All' the historical recurrences. They will be systematically collected in the archivist work in progress of the Foundation.
On March the 6th, 2015, in the urban site of the "Raffaele Fabretti" Foundation in Rome, Via Nicola Salvi 68, the Neo Ancient comparative method of Fabretti, of re-proposing the Ancient Aqueducts as a Baroque Key to continue Roman Greatness, was again illustrated to the audience.
Updating Raffaele Fabretti method, his descendant Giorgio Fabretti announced to all the many participants the constitution of a new operative foundation entitled "DNA - Decoding Neo Ancient", and proposed to the meeting the following practical application of the “Decoding Ancient Rome Now” method to the central archeological area of Rome.
Today is impossible to decode the central archeological area of Rome because Mussolini did build an enormous motorway that cuts and covers the five central squares: the 5 Forums, the pulsing heart of Ancient Rome.
Being hyper provincial, Mussolini conceived the ancient ruins as a scenery for military parades together with Hitler.
His interpretation of the show road of a New Roman Empire was so tragically powerful and unrealistic, that was used to seduce the Italians into waging a lost war against Soviet Union, France, Albania, Greece, Egypt, English and American "plutocratic empires", all at the same time, without even having proper shoes for his soldiers.
Defeat and unprecedented national humiliation followed. The relics of that wrong Fascist Neo Ancient was the "Way on the Forums", a sort of vain imitation of the Champs Elysee in Paris. The crucial difference was that the "Way on the Forums" buried alive true visible unique remains of Ancient Rome, now protected as Unesco World Heritage.
Therefore, supported by the “Raffaele Fabretti” Foundation, it has been illustrated a plan in the spirit of Unesco, for a minimal restore of the central archeological area between the Colosseum and Venice Square, to make it decodable by the visitors in its Neo Ancient conception.
The 7 Archeological Transitional Sceneries will be - walking from the Colosseum to Venice Square:
1) From the Domus Aurea Oriental Palace straight into the Flavian Amphitheatre, and vice versa; a passage across two different conception of Civilization: from Nero' aesthetic despotism to the Flavian manipulating modern mass society.
2) The Ancient Velia Hill as a frame of the Colosseum Sacred Valley and the Renaissance Garden of 15th Century restored Villa Rivaldi, a precious antiquary of renaissance rediscoveries of Imperial Rome.
3) The Templum of Peace, a large Forum cornered by the original Map of Ancient Rome and by the hugest medieval Conti's Tower: a true transitional scenery from Ancient to Medieval Rome.
4) The Transitorium Nerva Forum, that a monumental corridor linking the Suburra popular neighborhood, still crowded and alive today, to the Ancient Public Squares: a meditative passage across a regenerated ancient site into a silent monumental area.
5) The Forum of Augustus, seen from the balcony of Alessandrina Way as a scenery for public screening of virtual reconstructions of the ancient site in time, under the renaissance balcony of the Cavaliers of Malta.
6) The huge Trajan Forum overseen by the spectacular gallery of the Trajan Markets, the mist ancient shopping mall, under the towering medieval Tower of Militias: a true square and stage to show the Ancient Stone Movie encoded in the Trajan Column.
7) The Cesarean Forum under the towering Senatorial Curia, bordering the Republican Forum, to decode the historical passage from the Agrarian Republican Rome to the Military Imperial Rome.
7 archeological passages of Ages to decode now the Ancient Greatness of Rome, a cultural ability of encoding the Spirit of Ages into a stratified syncretic Present; a decoding readable 'ever new' Ancient.
It will then finally still be possible from all directions, a pedestrian and electric cycle crossing of the seven separated archeological (Domus Aurea and Colosseum Valley, Velia Hill and 5 Forums) environments, between the Colosseum and Venice Square, along two paths, being the left on the gardens facing the Curia, and the right on Corrado Ricci square and the Alessandrina Way facing the Augustus Forum.
To conclude:containment of Mental or Ideological Social Fantasies through Scientific Historical Naturalistic Links to DNA, is a peculiar duty of a Decoding Neo Ancient, as long as it allows drawing stochastic lines of action from the Past to the Future. A Neo Ancient attitude to decode what can be preserved and what can be mutated, is a practical insurance for Progress to pass the natural selection as the fittest one.
Cultural adaptive human skills are like steam engines. They are powerful as long as a self-regulating feedback Watt valve is applied to let out steam in excess, and to avoid imploding effects.
Otherwise miscalculation of the side effects of human environmental manipulations, can promote apparently new successes that cause explosions and self-destructions.
It happens when the New ignores the Ancient, where it comes from. That is the case when a compromising New Ancient can instead be respectful of longer lasting laws of nature, and avoid painful compensations.
Decoding Neo Ancient is after all a stochastic rebalancing function in non-linear thermodynamic human environments. The more is the technological activism, the more it needs to be moderated by encoding Neo Ancient.
That is why "DNA Foundation", announced on March the 6th 2015, will be a 'Futuristic tool from the Past': "Futuristic Ancient" is its paradoxical realistic definition.
Category: Archaeology
[20] viXra:1501.0171 [pdf] submitted on 2015-01-16 21:51:14
Authors: Robert M. Hartranft, John W. Hartranft
Comments: 3 Pages.
The pyramids could have been easily built using very long ropes: up one side of the pyramid, across the top, down the other side, and out to the pulling team. Many ropes could be used in parallel.
Category: Archaeology
[19] viXra:1412.0149 [pdf] submitted on 2014-12-09 15:31:41
Authors: Joel M Williams
Comments: 13 Pages.
The Nazca lines and figures are not readily viewed at ground level. Much, esp on television, has been posited by those who endorse extraterrestrials that these lines and figures are "proof" of alien influence on earthly matters. This paper demonstrates with figures that these lines, whether straight and narrow or broad like rectangles and trapezoids, are simply the application of basic, humankind, engineering knowledge. No extraterrestrial intervention was necessary.
Why the Nazca Desert even exists is demonstrated with a satellite image of the area and contour lines. A colossal landslide performed a strip-mining dump into the previous valley giving pre-Inca miners a "rock-milled" ore source.
How the nature figures were created with significant precision without being viewable has been a source of conjecture. This paper illustrates that they could simply have been created by citizens who staged them on a well-defined, viewable grid and then celebrated by marching into the open desert and taking up corresponding target locations. Some of the Nazca nature figures are even "staged" in the paper. Must have been quite a celebration.
Category: Archaeology
[18] viXra:1409.0157 [pdf] submitted on 2014-09-22 03:20:12
Authors: Rainer W. Kühne
Comments: 6 Pages. in German
This paper examines the geographical description of Athens and Atlantis in Plato's dialogues Timaios and Critias. Plato described both Attika and the Athenian Acropolis essentially correct. The description of the Acropolis resembles the historical Acropolis of the Mycenaean time, but also the city of Athens of Plato's time. Plato's description of Atlantis is impossible from the geological point of view. Greek elements which appeared for the first time in the 7th century BC are included in the cultural description of Atlantis. The flood and cataclysms mentioned by Plato are based neither on Greek nor Egyptian tradition, but are based on his philosophical views.
Category: Archaeology
[17] viXra:1407.0003 [pdf] submitted on 2014-07-01 04:48:08
Authors: Pavel Kalenda, Eva Kalendova
Comments: 10 Pages.
We analysed in the paper the possible purpose of the Great Cursus in the Stonehenge area.
We analysed the ephemeride of Sun and Moon and we found that the border lines of Great Cursus could help to determine the mutual position of all of three bodies – Earth, Moon and Sun, which repeats once per saros (app. 18 years). The moonrise in the beginning of saros, when the angle between Moon´s orbit and equator is the lowest, was in the direction of the Great Cursus during the first and last quarter of the Moon. Therefore, the people, who built the Stonehenge, could predict the solar or lunar eclipse 7 or 21 in advance.
The Stonehenge itself, which was built 500 years after Great Cursus, seems to be (from this point of view) only a „calculator“ of saros cycle, heritage place and superstructure of the Great Cursus.
Category: Archaeology
[16] viXra:1405.0029 [pdf] submitted on 2014-05-05 20:20:11
Authors: Roger Munday
Comments: 22 Pages.
This paper questions the currently and generally held hypothesis that the species Australopithecus Afarensis was a fully upright hominid over three million years ago.
It considers the importance of the visual field in human co-ordination and locomotion and compares the capabilities of modern homo sapiens with the capabilities generally attributed to A. Afarensis.
It shows that, if A. Afarensis walked, ran and hunted in the manner and the posture suggested its visual field would have been restricted so that it was unsuitable for fully upright movement.
The inference is then drawn that the progression to an upright stance would logically coincide with the observed increase in hominid cranial capacity, the development of tools and other evidence of mental progression.
Thus it is concluded that A.Afarensis was not fully bipedal in the manner of man today and, if it was our ancestor, it was still at the stage of progressing to an upright stance when in motion.
Category: Archaeology
[15] viXra:1309.0125 [pdf] submitted on 2013-09-17 14:03:42
Authors: Giuseppe Laquidara, Marika Mazzi Boém
Comments: 8 Pages.
Crypta Manent ‘013 aims to create a hybrid virtual-reality, immersive, and scenographic exhibition-space/path, representing a Catacomb of the Ancient Rome, installed inside a modern, itinerant museum. The resulting environment is dynamically connected to big open dataset [LOD], specific for the archeological Built Heritage, enriched with correlated media resources, aiming to process them in quasi-real time, through urgent computation algorithms, and live reproducing different path and archeo-environment live. The resulting experience touches every sense and stimuli [visual, acoustic, tactile, olfactory, cognitive and learning], coming to the "immersive" experiment, since a so called "tech-capsule" is installed reproducing in stereoscopic, immersive performance a real underground walkway, assisted by wearable devices. The dynamics of data streams coming from the set of Big Open Data, leads up to the experience to “5 dimensions”.
Category: Archaeology
[14] viXra:1305.0103 [pdf] submitted on 2013-05-18 01:54:58
Authors: Jay Yoon
Comments: 47 Pages.
As the twenty-first century unfolds, the mystery of Atlantis remains as enigmatic as ever. That is, until now. Google Earth, for the first time in the history of human civilization, has laid bare the seafloor of the world's oceans for anyone to see, and the author has found the lost city of Atlantis fifteen thousand feet under the sea.
In Atlantis Shrugged, the author presents these never-before-seen photos of the city through a Socratic dialogue, a conversation between three historical figures, Aristotle, Critias, and Solon, that will reveal to the discerning reader the true nature of Atlantis. Aristotle, who disbelieved in his teacher Plato's story, through the course of the dialogue, becomes convinced of the truth of Plato's narrative and his stamp of approval and conversion symbolizes the transmigration of the story of Atlantis from the realm of shadowy mist of myth to that of indisputable fact.
Atlantis Shrugged contains the makings of a paradigm shift in our world consciousness, wherein the myths of our past will be revealed as sacred truth, a truth that indeed, is stranger than fiction.
Category: Archaeology
[13] viXra:1305.0076 [pdf] submitted on 2013-05-12 23:13:48
Authors: Constantinos Ragazas
Comments: 12 Pages. All Rights Reserved Copyright 2013 C. Ragazas
Based on the facts on the ground and on ancient texts, I argue Göbekli Tepe is the site of The Hanging Gardens of Babylon. One of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Further, I explain why the current dates of 10,000BC for Göbekli Tepe are wrong. Rather, this construction probably dates to 600BC. At a time when Babylonian and Assyrian Civilizations are known to have had the capabilities and organization to have built such wonders.
Category: Archaeology
[12] viXra:1303.0187 [pdf] submitted on 2013-03-24 21:33:11
Authors: Subhajit Ganguly
Comments: 28 Pages.
Around 45 odd signs out of the total number of Harappan signs found make up almost 100 percent of the inscriptions, in some form or other, as said earlier. Out of these 45 signs, around 40 are readily distinguishable. These form an almost exclusive and unique set. The primary signs are seen to have many variants, as in Brahmi. Many of these provide us with quite a vivid picture of their evolution, depending upon the factors of time, place and usefulness. Even minor adjustments in such signs, depending upon these factors, are noteworthy. Many of the signs in this list are the same as or are very similar to the corresponding Brahmi signs. These are similarities that simply cannot arise from mere chance. It is also to be noted that the most frequently used signs in the Brahmi look so similar to the most frequent Harappan symbols. The Harappan script transformed naturally into the Brahmi, depending upon the factors channelizing evolution of scripts.
Category: Archaeology
[11] viXra:1303.0026 [pdf] submitted on 2013-03-05 11:53:14
Authors: Andrew Nassif
Comments: 11 Pages.
The guide was written in 2011 of August and is about the rise and fall of civilization through a historical point of perspective.
Category: Archaeology
[10] viXra:1303.0020 [pdf] submitted on 2013-03-04 12:39:44
Authors: Subhajit Ganguly
Comments: 7 Pages.
Considering the fact that the Harappan script may have been proto-Brahmi, the underlying language to be expected should be Sanskrit, or proto-Sanskrit, or derivatives of Sanskrit. Many of the rules of evolution that apply to scripts are equivalently true for languages too. Like scripts, languages too render themselves to similar evolutionary inspections, as they too carry imprints of their journey down the ages.
Category: Archaeology
[9] viXra:1302.0071 [pdf] submitted on 2013-02-11 16:56:51
Authors: Andrew Nassif
Comments: 9 Pages. This is a small presentation.
The people of Ancient Egypt were much like people today, they were farmers with very fertile land and vast majority or rivers. Many of them built mud brick homes and buildings and had jobs such as: Field Hands, Farmers, Craftsmen, Scribes, and Nobles.
Category: Archaeology
[8] viXra:1201.0059 [pdf] submitted on 2012-01-14 12:04:49
Authors: Christopher D. Pierce
Comments: 10 Pages.
For the past decade, several archaeologists have advocated the development of middle-range theory as a way to give objective meaning to the archaeological record (e.g., Bettinger 1987; Binford 1977, 1983b; Thomas 1983, 1989; Torrence 1986). They argue that we must translate the static archaeological record into behaviorally dynamic terms by documenting causal linkages between relevant behaviors and their static material by-products. This is accomplished, they argue, by making observations today that establish signature patterns allowing the unambiguous recognition of particular dynamics from their static by-products, and inferring past dynamics from identification of signature patterns in the archaeological record. Further, it has been emphasized that the operations and products of middle-range theory must remain logically independent of the general theory we use to explain the past to avoid automatically confirming our ideas about the past through a tautology. This approach to middle-range research is flawed in two major respects. First, the justification of inferences relies on the establishment of universal behavioral laws and unambiguous signature patterns to validate the use of uniformitarian assumptions, neither of which can be accomplished in the manner proposed. Second, the tautological relationship between description and explanation is not only an unavoidable, but also a necessary aspect of science. Solutions to these problems lie in using the physical characteristics of the archaeological record itself as our source of knowledge about the past rather than translating the record into untestable behavioral reconstructions.
Category: Archaeology
[7] viXra:1104.0035 [pdf] submitted on 7 Apr 2011
Authors: Rainer W. Kühne
Comments: 5 pages.
Adolf Schulten suggested that Tartessos-Tarshish was the model for Plato's
Atlantis. I argued that its capital was situated in what is now the Marisma
de Hinojos within the central part of the Andalucian Donana National Park
in south-west Spain. This article reports about the preliminary results of an
archaeological expedition to test this theory. The preliminary results of the
expedition include evidence of either a tsunami or a storm flood during the
third millenium BC and evidence of human settlements from the Neolithic Age
to the Middle Ages.
Category: Archaeology
[6] viXra:1103.0058 [pdf] submitted on 14 Mar 2011
Authors: Rainer W. Kühne
Comments: 6 pages, published in: Science and Technology in Homeric Epics; ed. S. A.
Paipetis, Series: History of Mechanism and Machine Science, Vol. 6
(Springer, 2008, ISBN: 978-1-4020-8783-7), pp. 509-514
Good fiction imitates facts. Plato declared that his Atlantis tale is philosophical fiction
invented to describe his fictitious ideal state in the case of war. I suggest that Plato used three
historical elements for this tale. (i) Greek tradition on Mycenaean Athens for the description
of ancient Athens, (ii) Egyptian records on the wars of the Sea Peoples for the description of
the war of the Atlanteans, and (iii) oral tradition from Syracuse about Tartessos for the
description of the city and geography of Atlantis.
Category: Archaeology
[5] viXra:1103.0041 [pdf] submitted on 12 Mar 2011
Authors: Rainer W. Kühne
Comments: 82 pages, book, in German
This book describes how between 1984 and 2004 the author developed his theory that Plato's
Atlantis tale is to a large part philosophical fiction which includes independent historical
elements. The Atlantis tale refers to the Mycenaean Athens, the war of the Sea Peoples, and
to the Bronze Age Tartessos. This theory found world-wide media interest since 2004. Moreover
Jürgen Spanuth's Atlantis = Helgoland (North Sea) theory is discussed in detail. In addition
the historical elements of the Argonautika and the Gilgamesh epos are examined.
Category: Archaeology
[4] viXra:1103.0040 [pdf] submitted on 12 Mar 2011
Authors: Rainer W. Kühne
Comments: 2 pages
Literary evidence supports the following view.
Tartessos and Tarshish were identical. Tartessos
was the model for Plato's Atlantis. The
Tartessians traded with precious metals,
especially with silver. Among their trade
partners were the Phoenicians, the Hebrews, and
the Greeks. The capital of Tartessos lay in the
Donana National Park. Tartessos existed from
the tenth to the sixth century BC.
Category: Archaeology
[3] viXra:1102.0053 [pdf] submitted on 27 Feb 2011
Authors: K.L. Margiani
90 pages.
This is an interesting book on decoded secrets of the mankind�s prohibited and forgotten history. There is interrelated three
independent investigations and has few same data. You can understand almost exact information on last pre-flood empire
Atlantis. You will travel in the prohibited and forgotten past. I promise you in traveling you will understand the amazing
news. In the book is gathered many intersting data that have been survived for difficult milleniumes and modern prisons of
the mainstreams. I�m sure future generation will open the prisons in the museums and all unacceptable artifacts for the
modern mainstreams will be investigated. Geological evolution of the Eath in the space, biblical information, genesis code,
legends, epics, development of the mankind and even royal families are interrelated to the Atlantis. Lots of geniuses have tried
to understand that!
Category: Archaeology
[2] viXra:1012.0005 [pdf] submitted on 2 Dec 2010
Authors: Vincenzo Sicari
Comments: 1 page
An image is an "interpretation of the real world" that forms in the brain and represents reality for us.
Category: Archaeology
[1] viXra:1003.0005 [pdf] submitted on 4 Mar 2010
Authors: Constantinos Ragazas
Comments: 6 pages
In this paper we un-henge the mystery of Stonehenge and propose a simple and consistent explanation to
all its puzzling enigmas. How the stones got there? How was it built? Why was it built? Why is it aligned
with the summer solstice sunrise? When was it built? Who built it? We argue that Nature built Stonehenge
while men directed its construction. Its original function was neither an astronomical observatory nor a
healing religious center. Stonehenge acquired such attributes thousands of years later as people, even
now, felt its grandeur and wonder. Though the method of its construction can be easily explained, loosening
its magical hold on people's imagination may be a more difficult task.
Category: Archaeology
[13] viXra:2408.0111 [pdf] replaced on 2024-11-29 22:08:45
Authors: Mauro Giorgi, Stefano Giorgi
Comments: 8 Pages. Typos are fixed
In a recent underwater archaeological survey conducted along the coast north of Rome, near Santa Marinella, at a depth of 1.5 meters and 90 meters from the shoreline, we identified a significant assemblage of organogenic sandstone (macco) ashlar blocks. These blocks were arranged in a double parallel row extending approximately 5 meters in a NW-SE orientation, parallel to the coastline. The arrangement of the blocks delineates an internal space filled with stones, forming a structure reminiscent of a mole. The ashlar blocks were positioned in two distinct manners: the stretchers (Greek: διάτονοι) were placed with their longer sides facing outward, while the headers (Greek: ὀρθοστάτης) were arranged with their shorter sides facing outward, contributing to the structural reinforcement. Midway along the structure, a narrow canal formed by a double row of ashlars provides a connection between the internal space and the exterior, facilitating water circulation and mitigating the risk of silting in the port basin. The external mole continues northwest, incorporating additional blocks and natural rocks, which together form an L-shaped configuration. The area protected by these moles covers approximately 3,000 square meters and is located in close proximity (130 meters) to the sixth-century B.C. Etruscan temple at Punta della Vipera. These findings represent the earliest known evidence of a utility landing site associated with the Etruscan temple.
Category: Archaeology
[12] viXra:2105.0007 [pdf] replaced on 2021-05-19 09:02:27
Authors: Olivier Samson
Comments: 16 Pages.
Here, we align multiple texts of various Libation formulae in Linear A. The alignment delineates words, and highlights synonymous syllables, of the Libation formulae. Remarkably, two vessels and their contents are specified and verify the proto-Greek origin of Linear A. The two vessels are: (1) “receptacle of grain” SU-TE-DA-KE (σιτοδόκος) followed by its content “grains” SE-TO-I-JA (σιτος,-oο) and (2) “receptacle of oil” I-RI-DE-KA (ελαιοδόκος) followed by its content “olive oil” A-RE-PI (ἄλειφαρ, oil) RE-NA (ἔλαιον, olive). We hypothesize that *301 is pronounced RI, and translate I-RI-WA-E (ἐλαιόω) into “olive-oil”, and I-RI-TI (ἀλείατα) into “wheat-meal”, both common in libation.
Furthermore, the multiple sequence alignment juxtaposes the Goddess, I-DA-A (θεά or δεά in Tyrrhenian) and I-DA-MI (δαίμων) with JA-SA-SA-RA-ME, the Ashera poles (אשרים) and with JA-SA-RA-A-NA-NE, a luxuriant tree (רענן). In turn, the labrys inscription I-DA-MA-TE could refer to the God mother (θεά μήτηρ), Demeter (Δημήτηρ).
Finally, we hypothesize that KA-NA-SI is derived from the noun “empty” (κενός), and the verb “to pour” (Εγκανασσειν). Interestingly, KA-NA-SI is aligned with the proto-Semitic synonymous translation “I emptied” RU-KA-NA-TI (רוקנתי) and RU-KA-JA-SI (ריקיתי).
As such, we conclude Minoan is mainly a proto-Greek language, yet permeated with proto-Semitic influence.
Category: Archaeology
[11] viXra:1809.0038 [pdf] replaced on 2020-05-12 14:03:58
Authors: Somsikov A.I.
Comments: 14 Pages. -
Possible explanation for the proportions of the body of the Great Sphinx is proposed
Category: Archaeology
[10] viXra:1412.0149 [pdf] replaced on 2015-01-21 14:18:15
Authors: Joel M Williams
Comments: 15 Pages.
This paper demonstrates with figures that the Nazca lines, whether straight and narrow or broad like rectangles and trapezoids, are simply the application of basic, humankind, engineering knowledge. No extraterrestrial intervention was necessary. ______________ Why the Nazca Desert even exists is demonstrated with a satellite image of the area and contour lines. A colossal landslide performed a strip-mining dump into the previous valley giving pre-Inca miners a "rock-milled" ore source. ______________ How the nature figures were created with significant precision without being viewable has been a source of conjecture. This paper illustrates that they could simply have been created by citizens who staged them on a well-defined, viewable grid and then celebrated by marching into the open desert and taking up corresponding target locations. ______________ Some of the Nazca nature figures are "staged" on the Mandala Grid in the paper.
Category: Archaeology
[9] viXra:1305.0103 [pdf] replaced on 2013-06-21 09:03:12
Authors: Jay Yoon
Comments: 47 Pages.
As the twenty-first century unfolds, the mystery of Atlantis remains as enigmatic as ever. That is, until now. Google Earth, for the first time in the history of human civilization, has laid bare the seafloor of the world's oceans for anyone to see, and the author has found the lost city of Atlantis fifteen thousand feet under the sea. In Atlantis Shrugged, the author presents these never-before-seen photos of the city through a Socratic dialogue, a conversation between three historical figures, Aristotle, Critias, and Solon, that will reveal to the discerning reader the true nature of Atlantis. Aristotle, who disbelieved in his teacher Plato's story, through the course of the dialogue, becomes convinced of the truth of Plato's narrative and his stamp of approval and conversion symbolizes the transmigration of the story of Atlantis from the realm of shadowy mist of myth to that of indisputable fact. Atlantis Shrugged contains the makings of a paradigm shift in our world consciousness, wherein the myths of our past will be revealed as sacred truth, a truth that indeed, is stranger than fiction.
Coordinates (can look up on Google Earth): 17°09'48.82" N 65°03'25.04" W
Category: Archaeology
[8] viXra:1305.0076 [pdf] replaced on 2013-05-21 16:10:16
Authors: Constantinos Ragazas
Comments: 12 Pages. Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved by the Author
Based on the facts on the ground and on ancient texts, I argue Göbekli Tepe is the site of The Hanging Gardens of Babylon. One of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Further, I explain why the current dates of 10,000BC for Göbekli Tepe are wrong. Rather, this construction probably dates to 600BC. At a time when Babylonian and Assyrian Civilizations are known to have had the capabilities and organization to have build such wonders.
Category: Archaeology
[7] viXra:1305.0076 [pdf] replaced on 2013-05-18 17:06:40
Authors: Constantinos Ragazas
Comments: 12 Pages. Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved by the Author
Based on the facts on the ground and on ancient texts, I argue Göbekli Tepe is the site of The Hanging Gardens of Babylon. One of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Further, I explain why the current dates of 10,000BC for Göbekli Tepe are wrong. Rather, this construction probably dates to 600BC. At a time when Babylonian and Assyrian Civilizations are known to have had the capabilities and organization to have build such wonders.
Category: Archaeology
[6] viXra:1305.0076 [pdf] replaced on 2013-05-14 10:38:17
Authors: Constantinos Ragazas
Comments: 12 Pages. Copyrights © 2013 All Rights Reserved by the Author
Based on the facts on the ground and on ancient texts, I argue Göbekli Tepe is the site of The Hanging Gardens of Babylon. One of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Further, I explain why the current dates of 10,000BC for Göbekli Tepe are wrong. Rather, this construction probably dates to 600BC. At a time when Babylonian and Assyrian Civilizations are known to have had the capabilities and organization to have built such wonders.
Category: Archaeology
[5] viXra:1102.0053 [pdf] replaced on 2012-05-31 02:54:43
Authors: K.L. Margiani
Comments: 105 Pages.
Category: Archaeology
[4] viXra:1102.0053 [pdf] replaced on 2012-04-20 12:14:01
Authors: K.L. Margiani
Comments: Please delete the old versions (90 pages) and replace by this one (102 pages).
- same
Category: Archaeology
[3] viXra:1102.0053 [pdf] replaced on 14 Apr 2011
Authors: K.L. Margiani
90 pages.
This is an interesting book on decoded secrets of the mankind�s prohibited and forgotten history. There is interrelated three
independent investigations and has few same data. You can understand almost exact information on last pre-flood empire
Atlantis. You will travel in the prohibited and forgotten past. I promise you in traveling you will understand the amazing
news. In the book is gathered many intersting data that have been survived for difficult milleniumes and modern prisons of
the mainstreams. I�m sure future generation will open the prisons in the museums and all unacceptable artifacts for the
modern mainstreams will be investigated. Geological evolution of the Eath in the space, biblical information, genesis code,
legends, epics, development of the mankind and even royal families are interrelated to the Atlantis. Lots of geniuses have tried
to understand that!
Category: Archaeology
[2] viXra:1003.0005 [pdf] replaced on 25 Mar 2010
Authors: Constantinos Ragazas
Comments: 7 pages
In this paper we un-henge the mystery of Stonehenge and propose a simple and consistent explanation to
all its puzzling enigmas. How the stones got there? How was it built? Why was it built? Why is it aligned
with the summer solstice sunrise? When was it built? Who built it? We argue that Nature built Stonehenge
while men directed its construction. Its original function was neither an astronomical observatory nor a
healing religious center. Stonehenge acquired such attributes thousands of years later as people, even
now, felt its grandeur and wonder. Though the method of its construction can be easily explained, loosening
its magical hold on people's imagination may be a more difficult task.
Category: Archaeology
[1] viXra:1003.0005 [pdf] replaced on 11 Mar 2010
Authors: Constantinos Ragazas
Comments: 6 pages
In this paper we un-henge the mystery of Stonehenge and propose a simple and consistent explanation to
all its puzzling enigmas. How the stones got there? How was it built? Why was it built? Why is it aligned
with the summer solstice sunrise? When was it built? Who built it? We argue that Nature built Stonehenge
while men directed its construction. Its original function was neither an astronomical observatory nor a
healing religious center. Stonehenge acquired such attributes thousands of years later as people, even
now, felt its grandeur and wonder. Though the method of its construction can be easily explained, loosening
its magical hold on people's imagination may be a more difficult task.
Category: Archaeology