Relativity and Cosmology

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2025 - 2501(28) - 2502(26) - 2503(28)

Recent submissions

Any replacements are listed farther down

[5048] viXra:2503.0192 [pdf] submitted on 2025-03-31 03:10:43

Observational Relativity: A New Theory with New Discoveries and New Insights

Authors: Xiaogang Ruan
Comments: 27 Pages.

Physics has had a new theory: the theory of Observational Relativity (OR). The theory of OR has discovered that all theories or spacetime models in human being’s physics must be branded with observation. The theory of OR has uncovered the root and essence of the relativistic effects of matter motion and matter interactions presented in spacetime: all relativistic effects are observational effects and apparent phenomena -- the speed of light is not really invariant; spacetime is not really curved. Newton’s classical mechanics is a theory of idealized observation with the idealized observation agent OA, presenting us with the true reflection of the objective physical world; Einstein’s relativity theory is a theory of optical observation with the optical observation agent OA(c), presenting us with only an optical image of the objective physics world, not exactly the physical reality. The theory of OR is a theory of the general observation agent OA() (0<<; ), which has genralized and unified Newton’s classical mechanics and Einstein’s relativity theory: as , the theory of OR strictly reduces to Newton’s classical mechanics; as c, the theory of OR strictly reduces to Einstein’s relativity theory. In the theory of OR, Newton’s classical mechanics and Einstein’s relativity theory are just two special cases, i.e., what Hawking called ‘partial theories’. Now, the theory of OR has become what Hawking called a ‘complete theory’. The theory of OR would inject fresh blood and new ideas into physics. Mankind must re-examine his physics and reshape his view of nature.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5047] viXra:2503.0179 [pdf] submitted on 2025-03-28 03:16:25

Relativity of Mass

Authors: Asutosh Kumar
Comments: 9 Pages. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

We present a simple approach for deriving velocity-dependent masses using the principle of relativity.Our analysis reveals that the transformations associated with Galilean, Lorentz, and otherspace-time frameworks between two inertial reference frames are fundamentally equivalent in the context of the relativity of mass. Consequently, the notion of velocity-dependent mass is not the exclusive characteristic of Special Relativity (Lorentz transformation). Among the notable conclusions drawn from our formalism are: mass can both increase and decrease with velocity, a particle can never be completely at rest, and superluminal signaling is in principle feasible. Furthermore, we discuss on the nature of mass and argue that a photon is not massless.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5046] viXra:2503.0171 [pdf] submitted on 2025-03-26 12:42:35

Accelerating Expansion of the Universe Based on Archimedes’ Principle

Authors: Michael Tzoumpas
Comments: 22 Pages.

Natural phenomena are derived from dynamic space, which is structured with fundamental elements, namely dimension, electrically opposite units, and their forces. The finite dimensions of the universe and the opposition (principle of antithesis) between existence (the universe) and nonexistence (non-space) cause the spherical deformation of space. This deformation has resulted in the equality of peripheral andradial cohesive forces (universal symmetry) and a change in their cohesive pressure, leading to a universal antigravity force similar to buoyancy (Archimedes’ principle), that supports Hubble’s law. The breaking of this universal symmetry near the center of the universe leads to the creation of the primary form of the neutron as a vacuum bubble. The gravity of the particle is defined as the mutual stretching of dynamic space by the core vacuum (empty space hole) of the particle.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5045] viXra:2503.0156 [pdf] submitted on 2025-03-26 02:53:29

Thermodynamic Stabilization of GravitationalCollapse at Planck-Scale Temperatures.

Authors: A. Schubert
Comments: 11 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: AI assisted content is in general not acceptable)

The conventional view of gravitational collapse predicts the formation of a classical event horizon (EH), followed by an inevitable singularity. However, this scenario does not fully account for the thermodynamicproperties of self-gravitating systems, particularly their negative heat capacity. In this work, we investigate how thermodynamic constraints mayinfluence the late stages of collapse and propose that a non-singular, thermodynamically stabilized intermediate state may emerge at Planck-scaletemperatures.By analyzing the temperature evolution driven by gravitational compression and energy-momentum effects, we show that the system can reachthe Planck temperature well before the classical free-fall time completes.This rapid heating phase naturally leads to a transition into a stabilizedstate supported by an Anti-de Sitter (AdS)-like interior with a negativecosmological constant. While an event horizon still forms as an observerindependent boundary, the singularity is avoided due to this internal stabilization.We further examine the holographic implications of this scenario. Theevent horizon acts not as a classical one-way membrane, but as a quantumclassical interface that stores and gradually releases information. This provides a thermodynamically motivated framework for resolving the blackhole information paradox.Rather than contradicting standard black hole physics, this model extends it by incorporating thermodynamic and quantum gravitational principles. The results suggest new avenues for theoretical and observationalexploration of non-singular gravitational collapse.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5044] viXra:2503.0155 [pdf] submitted on 2025-03-25 20:03:19

Potential Evidence of Evolving Spacetime Dimensions from DESI

Authors: Ervin Goldfain
Comments: 8 Pages.

Recent results from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) indicate that Dark Energy (DE) may be weakening over time. The potential evolution of DE raises a major challenge to standard cosmology, which is built on the assumption that DE represents the cosmological constant (CC) of Einstein’s equations. Here we point out that DESI’s findings support the conjecture that, a) well above the range of electroweak interactions spacetime dimensionality is continuous and runs with the observation scale, and b), the energy content of the CC comes from the cumulative contribution of energies stored in the fractal structure of Dark Matter/Cantor Dust.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5043] viXra:2503.0148 [pdf] submitted on 2025-03-25 02:21:58

About the Gravitational Wake of the Galaxy

Authors: A. V. Antipin
Comments: 14 Pages. In Russian

Wake gravitational waves are a supposed phenomenon resulting from the movement of material bodies in the Absolute Space-Time of the universe as a whole.Thus, Wake gravitational waves are a test that, if positive, will provide clear, indisputable arguments in favor of the existence of a dedicated (absolute) frame of reference. This article is devoted to the consideration of the Wake gravitational waves of the Galaxy. It follows an article that examined the Wake gravitational waves of the Sun and Moon. Estimates of the physical and geometric characteristics of the Galactic Gravitational Wake are presented here. Their calculated impact on the Solar System turned out to be insignificant.

Кильватерные гравитационные волны - это предполагаемое явление, возникающее в результате движения материальных тел в Абсолютном Пространстве-Времени — Вселенной, как целое. Т.о., Кильватерные гравитационные волны является тестом, который, в случае положительного результата, даст ясные, неоспоримые аргументы в пользу существования выделенной (абсолютной) системы отсчёта. Данная статья посвящена рассмотрению Кильватерных гравитационных волн Галактики. Она следует за статьёй, в которой рассматривались Кильватерные гравитационные волны Солнца и Луны. Здесь представлены оценки физических и геометрических характеристик Кильватерных гравитационных волн Галактики. Их расчётное воздействие на Солнечную систему оказалось незначительным.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5042] viXra:2503.0141 [pdf] submitted on 2025-03-24 01:43:23

Possible Evidences from $H(z)$ Parameter Data for Physics Beyond Lambda CDM

Authors: Rong-Jia Yang
Comments: 7 Pages.

We analyse $H(z)$ parameter data with some conditions by using Lagrange mean value theorem in Calculus. We find that: (1) there exists decelerated phase at 1 $sigma$ confidence level in the redshift range $(0.38, 0.59)$; (2) the equation of state of dark energy may be less than $-1$ at 1 $sigma$ confidence level at some redshifts in the redshift range $(1.3, 1.53)$; (3) there exists accelerated phase at 1 $sigma$ confidence level in the redshift range $(1.037, 1.944)$. These results may provide possible evidences for physics beyond $Lambda$CDM.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5041] viXra:2503.0132 [pdf] submitted on 2025-03-21 21:11:20

Temporal Flow Theory: A Unified Framework for Time, Gravity, and Quantum Mechanics

Authors: Matthew Warren Payne
Comments: 8 Pages. © Matthew W. Payne 2025 (Note by viXra Admin: AI assisted article is in general not acceptable)

Temporal Flow Theory (TFT) unifies time, gravity, and quantum mechanics through an entropy flux four-vector Wµ, emergent from coarse-grained quantum entanglement and decoherence, coupled to spacetime curvature via a scale- and temperature-dependent function g(r,T). Distinct from Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG), string theory, and entropic gravity, TFT is derived from an information theoretic action and predicts a frequency-independent 1.0 ± 0.5% boost in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) power spectrum at ℓ ∼ 100, a Planck-scale bounce, a (1.0±0.2)×10−6 nanoscale quantum phase shift, and a (1.0 ± 0.3) × 10−16 gravitational wave (GW) speed deviation. These predictions are testable by CMB-S4, the Matter-wave Interferometer Gravitational-wave Antenna (MIGA), and LIGO/Virgo stacking, respectively. Consistent with Planck 2018 and GW170817 data, TFT operates as an effective field theory (EFT), offering a thermodynamically motivated resolution to the problem of time in quantum mechanics. This paper presents the full theoretical framework, including detailed derivations, cosmological implications, quantization, and experimental constraints, situating TFT within the broader quantum gravity landscape
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5040] viXra:2503.0129 [pdf] submitted on 2025-03-21 20:50:52

An Intuitive Explanation of the Invariance of the Speed of Light: Understanding the Concept Through the Timeless and Spaceless Nature of Photons.

Authors: Izam Syed
Comments: 6 Pages.

The invariance of the speed of light is a cornerstone of special relativity, yet it remains counterintuitive to many. This paper presents an intuitive explanation based on the nature of photons, which do not experience time or space. We argue that the observed constancy of light speed follows naturally from this fact. Through thought experiments and relativistic principles, we demonstrate why all observers, regardless of their motion, perceive light at the same speed. This perspective deepens our understanding of spacetime and the fundamental properties of light.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5039] viXra:2503.0120 [pdf] submitted on 2025-03-19 20:21:41

Investigating Cyclic Gravity and Cosmology (CGC) as an Alternative Framework to Standard Cosmology

Authors: Joseph Bakhos
Comments: 16 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: AI assisted article is in general not acceptable)

Cyclic Gravity and Cosmology (CGC) is introduced as an alternative framework to General Relativity (GR) and the ΛCDM model. CGC retains Euclidean space and proposes that gravity is a residual effect of electromagnetism ratherthan a fundamental force. The theory replaces the standard expansion model with cyclic expansion and contraction phases governed by large-scale gravitational oscillations. Redshift in CGC is explained through a combination ofDoppler motion, neutrino interactions, and a refined tired light mechanism. Time dilation and light deflection arise from neutrino scattering rather than spacetime curvature, preserving a Euclidean structure. CGC naturally explains the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) power spectrum without requiring inflation, aligns with observed large-scale structure, and provides a resolution to the Hubble tension within a non-expanding space framework. The theory predicts a self-regulating cosmic equilibrium maintained by an outer shell of intergalactic medium, preventing energy loss and sustaining cyclic dynamics. The observed galactic rotation curves, large-scale filament-and-void cosmic structures, and elemental recycling in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are also consistent withCGC’s gravitational model. The purpose of this paper is not to assert CGC as the definitive model of cosmology but to establish it as aframework worthy of rigorous scientific investigation. Given recent challenges to ΛCDM from JWST observations and inconsistencies in Hubble measurements, CGC presents an opportunity to explore alternative gravitational dynamicsand cosmic evolution mechanisms that align with observational data.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5038] viXra:2503.0119 [pdf] submitted on 2025-03-18 22:39:02

Chaos, Confusion, and the Illusion of Gravity Waves

Authors: Keith D. Foote
Comments: 13 Pages.

The interpretation of vibrations detected by LIGO’s facilities is critically examined. The concept of gravitational waves is disputed and the argument is made the detected vibrations are the result of synchrotron radiation. Spacetime is treated with skepticism, and a modern version of the aether is described. Synchrotron and Cerenkov radiation are used as supporting evidence of a medium supporting the transport of electromagnetic waves.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5037] viXra:2503.0118 [pdf] submitted on 2025-03-19 20:11:24

A New Theory of Gravity and the Design and Fabrication of a Gravitational Field Generator Based on [a] New Theory

Authors: Yuan Pan, Yong Wen Pan
Comments: 86 Pages.

Albert Einstein (1879-1955) used a different line of thought to study the physical properties of gravitational fields before he established the general theory of relativity on the mathematical basis of Riemannian geometry. Based on this idea, we developed a new theory of gravity that describes the physical properties of gravitational fields on the basis of special relativity and eventually unifies the electromagnetic and gravitational fields. This paper is only the first part of this new gravitational theory, focusing on the construction of the foundation of the new theoretical system, with the following main contents:1.A new view of space-time is put forward, which holds that time, space and the mass of matter are determined by the gravitational field, and therefore controlling the gravitational field can control the space-time and the mass of matter to a certain extent.2. Recalculating and reinterpreting the classical verification experiments of general relativity (including the gravitational redshift of light frequencies, the gravitational deflection of light, the Mercury perihelion procession shift, etc.) in accordance with the new theory of gravity yielded identical calculations to those of general relativity.3.On the basis of the observed speed of motion of the centre of mass of the solar system with respect to the stationary reference system of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR), it was calculated that a 1-year cycle variation should be included in the complex variation of the Earth's rotation rate. In this cycle, the change in the length of day (ΔLOD) of the Earth decreases by about 0.77376 ms to 0.85972 ms in August compared to February each year. We analyse that this calculation is consistent with the observation data released by IERS (International Earth Rotation Service).4.The new gravitational theory explains the dark energy in the Universe.5.We have revised De Broglie's matter wave formula, and the revised matter wave formula can explain why matter cannot be cooled to absolute zero, and this new matter wave formula can be used as the basis for unifying the electromagnetic field and the gravitational field. We believe that fluctuations in matter (matter waves) generate gravitational fields, and that regulating matter waves regulates the generation of gravitational fields.6. We have designed and built the world's first gravitational field generator since 2016 based on this new theory of gravity, and have successfully conducted a gravitational field generator (curvature engine) experiment in 2021, which is briefly described in this paper.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5036] viXra:2503.0113 [pdf] submitted on 2025-03-19 20:24:57

Systemic Relativity & Logarithmic Gravity (SRLG): A Scale-Dependent Framework for Unifying Quantum and Cosmic Phenomena - REVISION

Authors: Lukas A. Sosna
Comments: 16 Pages. 6 figures (Note by viXra Admin: AI assisted article is in general not acceptable)

The persistent rotation curve anomalies of galaxies present one of modern physics' most profound puzzles. Stars orbit galactic peripheries at velocities far exceeding Newtonian predictions based on visible matter alone, a discrepancy conventionally addressed by postulating vast halos of invisible dark matter. Meanwhile, the theoretical landscape remains fractured by the fundamental incompatibility between quantum mechanics and general relativity, particularly in extreme gravitational environments.This paper introduces Systemic Relativity & Logarithmic Gravity (SRLG), a theoretical framework that addresses these challenges through a single unifying principle: the scale-dependence of gravitational interactions. The core mathematical innovation is remarkably straightforward—a logarithmic modification to Newtonian gravity that causes gravitational force to decline more gradually with distance than the inverse-square law predicts:$$g_{text{log}}(r) = frac{GM}{r^2} times e^{-lambda log(r)}$$The distinguishing feature of SRLG is the system-dependent parameter λ, defined as the ratio of gravitational binding energy to Planck energy. This definition provides a physical basis for why gravitational behavior transforms across cosmic scales, with λ naturally increasing from negligible values at solar-system scales (λ ≈ 10^-38) to appreciable values at galactic scales (λ ≈ 10^-5).Rigorous analysis using 175 galaxies from the SPARC database demonstrates that SRLG reduces rotational velocity prediction errors by approximately 50% compared to Newtonian models without requiring dark matter. The framework also successfully models gravitational lensing in the Abell 2744 galaxy cluster with λ ≈ 0.26-0.32, producing observed lensing strength within 5-8% of measured values without dark matter components.The time-frequency dynamics incorporated in SRLG yields testable predictions for gravitational wave propagation, specifically a frequency-dependent phase shift potentially detectable by LIGO and LISA. This aspect of the theory may provide crucial insights into how gravity behaves in the strong-field regime, offering a bridge between quantum and relativistic physics. SRLG's connections to renormalization group approaches, black hole thermodynamics, and quantum gravity suggest it may be uncovering a fundamental pattern in nature's architecture rather than merely providing a convenient fitting function. By reconceptualizing gravity as a scale-dependent phenomenon, this work offers not only a potential resolution to the dark matter problem, but also a fresh perspective on the century-old quest to reconcile quantum mechanics with general relativity.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5035] viXra:2503.0112 [pdf] submitted on 2025-03-19 20:24:16

The Quo Vadis Effect: A Graviton-Based Explanation of Mercury’s Perihelion Precession

Authors: Adolfo Santa Fe Dueñas
Comments: 14 Pages.

We propose the Quo Vadis Effect (QVE), a velocity-dependent correction to Newtonian gravity arising from gravitational aberration. Unlike General Relativity (GR), which explains Mercury’s perihelion precession via space-time curvature, the QVE operates within a Newtonian framework without modifying the geometry of space-time. The core mechanism of the QVE is that an orbiting body perceives gravitons arriving at an apparent velocity greater than $c$ due to aberration. This results in two simultaneous effects: (1) an increased flux of gravitons and (2) an enhanced force per graviton, leading to a total gravitational force correction proportional to (1 + (v/c)²). This correction modifies the gravitational potential energy, reproducing the standard GR prediction for Mercury’s perihelion precession.A similar velocity-dependent correction was previously explored by Wayne (2015), albeit without a clear physical derivation, speculating on possible friction-like effects. In contrast, the QVE provides a well-defined mechanism based on gravitational aberration.Beyond Mercury’s orbit, the QVE may have broader implications, including potential corrections to GPS satellite clocks and alternative explanations for galaxy rotation curves without invoking dark matter. Additionally, it may offer insights into cosmic acceleration if graviton propagation exhibits similar aberration effects at cosmological scales.Given the ongoing debate surrounding modified gravity theories, this work aims to contribute to the discussion by demonstrating that a Newtonian approach incorporating gravitational aberration can recover key relativistic results. The QVE suggests a possible bridge between classical mechanics and quantum gravity, warranting further investigation.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5034] viXra:2503.0098 [pdf] submitted on 2025-03-17 01:57:15

Kaluza Klein Theory Versus the Possibility that the Electric Field Strength Might be Recognized as a Form of Acceleration

Authors: Moshe Segal
Comments: 12 Pages.

Einstein's Theories are considered as significant theories of the nowadays Science of Physics. However, the nowadays Science of Physics did not provide yet a verified theory for unifying Gravitation and Electromagnetism.Kaluza Klein Theory addresses that issue by predicting that there are five dimensions, with the fifth dimension being of the shape of a tiny circle, with a radius of 23 times the Planck length, which is of the order of 10−33 cm.However, because there is no foreseeable technology for verifying that prediction, about that fifth dimension, the Kaluza Klein Theory is not yet accepted as a complete viable theory, which implies that the issues of presenting a theory which unifies the Gravitation and Electromagnetism is still an open issue.This paper, and several other preprints, by the author of this paper, also tries to address that issue, by presenting an alternate theory, which is also accompanied by a proposal for an experiment, which might either disprove the proposed theory, if the proposed experiment implementation will turn out to be unsuccessful, or, alternatively, provide validity to the proposed theory, if the proposed experiment implementation will turn out to be successful.However, while the Kaluza Klein theory does not challenge significant elements of the nowadaysScience of Physics, the proposed theory does challenge significant elements of the nowadaysScience of Physics, and as such, might appear, initially, as completely wrong. Thus, this paper concludes that the implementation of the proposed experiment might be an important endeavor, because it might provide validity to the proposed theory, while the Kaluza Klein theory does not seem to be verified, in the foreseeable future, leaving the issue of the unification of Gravity and Electromagnetism as an open issue.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5033] viXra:2503.0078 [pdf] submitted on 2025-03-13 20:42:20

Gravity and Black Holes

Authors: A. J. Owen
Comments: 8 Pages.

The question of how Newton's inverse-square law of gravity relates to general relativity (GR) is discussed in this paper. In GR, gravity is considered as a consequence of space and time curvature, whereas Newton's law is restricted to a flat space. Logically, then, Newtoniangravity must relate solely to the time curvature contribution in GR. Instances where Newton's law does not describe phenomena correctly, such as the perihelion rotation of the planet Mercury and the bending of starlight, are therefore attributable to spatial curvature. The GRsolution for a static point mass, calculated on this basis for correspondence with Newton's law, is entirely regular and agrees with all theusual predictions of GR except the one leading to an event horizon. This suggests that the currently accepted model of a static black-hole,although mathematically possible, is non-physical. Not only is there no horizon in spacetime, but gravitational attraction between two masses does not diverge to infinity as they approach each other. This means there is no singularity at the origin of coordinates where physical laws would break down, and relative speeds do not exceed the speed of light.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5032] viXra:2503.0077 [pdf] submitted on 2025-03-13 14:42:35

A New 3D Spherical Coordinates Warp Drive Vector with Hodge Star Over the Y-Axis and Variable Speeds Using the Natario Methodology

Authors: Fernando Loup
Comments: 51 Pages.

The Natario warp drive appeared for the first time in 2001.Although the idea of the warp dive as a spacetime distortion that allows a spaceship to travel faster than lightpredated the Natario work by 7 years Natario introduced in 2001 the new concept of a propulsion vector to define or togenerate a warp drive spacetime.Natario defined a warp drive vector for constant speeds in Polar Coordinates over the x-axis but remember that a real warp drive must accelerate orde-accelerate in order to be accepted as a physical valid model so it must possesses variable speeds.We developed in this work a newwarp drive vector for the y-axis in both Polar and Spherical coordinates that encompasses variable speeds.Also Polar Coordinates uses only two dimensions and we know that a realspaceship is a tridimensional 3D object inserted inside a tridimensional 3D warp bubble that must be defined in real 3D Spherical Coordinates.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5031] viXra:2503.0071 [pdf] submitted on 2025-03-12 22:51:18

Does Time Dilation Reveal a Variable Speed of Light?

Authors: Branimir Spigel
Comments: 16 Pages.

A reexamination of the well-known Hafele-Keating time dilation experiment reveals an overlooked assumption in standard interpretations. The time interval measurements for all clocks began and ended simultaneously in the laboratory, implying that their measured intervals should be identical. This raises questions about the conventional view that these intervals differ in duration due to motion. A deeper analysis revealed a fundamental issue: applying the same standard seconds to all intervals disregards the fact that moving clocks tick at a slower rate. This implies that the duration of a time unit on a moving clock is longer than a standard second. To resolve this inconsistency, we introduce the concept of variable time units. We further propose modifying the time dilation formula by defining time intervals in terms of discrete clock ticks rather than fixed-duration units, demonstrating that the ratio of time units follows directly from the ratio of clock ticks. However, adopting variable time units leads to the inevitable conclusion that the speed of light must also be variable, contradicting Einstein’s postulate of its invariance. From this perspective, while the Hafele-Keating experiment is widely regarded as empirical confirmation of Einstein’s theory of relativity, a closer analysis suggests an alternative interpretation that questions the assumption of a universally constant speed of light.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5030] viXra:2503.0063 [pdf] submitted on 2025-03-10 21:08:00

The Overlooked Geometric Conflict Between Special Relativity and Sommerfeld’s 1909 Spherical Model

Authors: Aswan Korula
Comments: 7 Pages.

Special Relativity (SR) assumes that velocity vectors, displacement vectors and direction vectors coincide, since they are projected onto a flat analytical space (Minkowski space) to interpret inertial relative motion. In contrast, Arnold Sommerfeld’s 1909 spherical model interprets velocity composition on a spherical surface, where displacement and constant direction vectors are fundamentally distinct. This paper demonstrates that because Einstein and Sommerfeld use different surfaces to project their interpretation of the Michelson-Morley interferometry, their predictions for relativistic effects diverge. Specifically, while Einstein’s model necessitates Lorentz contraction and time dilation, Sommerfeld’s spherical formulation predicts no such distortions. Notably, compatibility between SR and Sommerfeld’s spherical model exists only in the special case of two right-angled triangles. By extension, any hyperbolic model that claims compatibility with SR must also be restricted to this special case. This work highlights a fundamental geometric conflict between Special Relativity and Sommerfeld’s alternative formulation, warranting further examination of the geometric nature of inertial motion.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5029] viXra:2503.0062 [pdf] submitted on 2025-03-10 21:06:46

Resolving the Gravity Freefall Paradox: A Sine-Alpha Model for Dynamic Spacetime Curvature

Authors: Aswan Korula
Comments: 6 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: AI assisted article is in general not acceptable)

This paper presents a novel resolution to the gravity freefall paradox, where General Relativity (GR) appears to introduce prematurespatial contraction effects that contradict Newtonian expectations. The paradox arises from the fact that GR predicts the same exter-nal gravitational field for both a physical mass and a black hole, yet point mass freefall marker behavior differs in both cases. We introduce the sine-alpha function, a dynamic formulation that naturally regulates spatial curvature according to the evolving ratio of marker separations. This model predicts Newtonian behavior outside the event horizon while dynamically allowing self-regulated curvature inside it. Our model preserves logical consistency between classical and relativistic physics. We provide evidence from numerical simulation, comparing our function’s predictions to GR, demonstrating its stability within and beyond the event horizon. We restrict ourselves to theoretical considerations only.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5028] viXra:2503.0057 [pdf] submitted on 2025-03-09 20:41:53

Atomic Spectrum by Electrometrication of Space and Quantum Nature of Motion

Authors: Sergio de Azevedo Melo
Comments: 53 Pages. In Portuguese

The electrical nature of the particles that make up the atom allows the prediction of the electromagnetic emission spectrum, resulting from the mechanics between the particles involved. However, the radiation process described by quantum physics is different from the understanding made by ordinary electromagnetism. The understanding of fission is discussed by the correspondence principle.The proposed curvature produced by the elementary electric charge and the representation by an electrometric tensor make it possible to address aspects of classical and quantum theories using the same formulation. The electron does not fall into the nucleus, as it follows a geodesic trajectory. The resolution of the atomic binary system encounters self-induced harmonic oscillations that produce fluctuations in the metric, with consequences in the determination of the point representation and in the position-momentum simultaneity in the same reference frame. The energy of the orbital transition by the electron, according to the spectrum of the hydrogen atom, reproduces the discretization and ripple effects as a consequence of the resolution. The result endorses how the correspondence between electromagnetic radiation processes is understood by electrometric curvature.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5027] viXra:2503.0045 [pdf] submitted on 2025-03-08 13:50:07

Relativistic Mass

Authors: Nainan K. Varghese
Comments: 9 Pages.

Abstract: Although the mass of an object is defined to represent the equivalent of 3D matter it contains, it is often considered as the quantity of 3D matter contained in the object. Mass is the mathematical relation between an external linear effort on an object and the rate of rate of its displacement in the direction of the external effort. This relationship is often ignored, and the value of mass is regarded in almost all academic fields as the quantity of 3D matter present in the object. The dependency of the mass of an object on its linear speed introduces changes in the value of its mass depending on the initial speed of the object considered.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5026] viXra:2503.0039 [pdf] submitted on 2025-03-07 22:28:51

The Hubble Diagrams Limitations and Surprises

Authors: Martin Schauer
Comments: 12 Pages.

In 1929, Edwin Hubble measured the brightness and redshift of distant stars to calculate their distance and escape velocity. The resulting data, plotted on the now famous Hubble diagram, showed a proportional relationship between distance and redshift. It is important to note, however, that any measurement of a star's brightness (magnitude) also gives its corresponding lookback time. But is the correlation between redshift and lookback time causal or spurious, or is even the correlation between redshift and distance spurious ?In other words, does the redshift brightness plot reflect the spatial or the temporal evolution of the Universe or both, and to what extent? This article shows that there are many different possible events that could lead to the same redshift brightness diagram. For example, the redshift could depend almost entirely on changes in distance, or almost entirely on changes in lookback time. It turns out that the more redshift depends on changes in distance, the less it depends on changes in lookback time, and vice versa. However, due to a lack of data, no one knows what really happened. But many things would be simpler, if one assumed that the redshift depends almost exclusively on the lookback time: The amazing idea of an expanding space would not be necessary. The expansion rate of the universe would be steadily decreasing.Dark energy and the cosmological constant (Einstein's biggest blunder) would not be necessary. Until new discoveries are made, it is not possible to determine what conclusions can be drawn from a redshift brightness diagram.But these inferences are a key pillar of the ΛCDM model. If this pillar wobbles, the whole structure could collapse.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5025] viXra:2503.0027 [pdf] submitted on 2025-03-04 07:44:00

A Simple Approach to Understanding the Stress-Energy Tensor

Authors: Mueiz Gafer KamalEldeen
Comments: 4 Pages.

The common method of defining the stress-energy tensor is confusing and inconsistent. In this article, an alternative simple method for definition is presented. The connection between the stress-energy tensor used in general relativity and the stress tensor used in material mechanics contains errors, as all stresses occurring in the material cause an increase in the fields that bind the microscopic parts of the material and affect only the material's density.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5024] viXra:2503.0026 [pdf] submitted on 2025-03-04 08:08:43

The Cosmological Constant Problem is not a Problem: it is a Misconception

Authors: Rudi Van Nieuwenhove
Comments: 6 Pages.

The persistent discrepancy between quantum field theoretical predictions of vacuum energy density and the observed value of the cosmological constant suggests a fundamental issue in our understanding of their gravitational effects. We argue that General Relativity developed without quantum mechanical input, is not suited to accommodate zero-point energy as a source term in the Einstein field equations. Instead, we propose that the cosmological constant arises from large-scale curvature effects rather than an intrinsic vacuum energy density. This approach naturally resolves the cosmological constant problem without requiring fine-tuning or exotic physics. Furthermore, we outline how this perspective aligns with the idea that only energy contributions with physical boundaries (e.g., mass-affected zero-point fluctuations) gravitate, while uniform vacuum fluctuations do not.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5023] viXra:2503.0017 [pdf] submitted on 2025-03-03 20:18:12

Reasonable Alternatives to the Two Big Problems in 20th-Century Physics

Authors: Gocho V. Sharlanov
Comments: 105 Pages. The content of this monograph is based on 3 published articles.

The formulation of a problem is often more essential than its solution, which may be merely a matter of mathematical or experimental skill. To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks the real advance in science ("The Evolution of Physics", Einstein & Infeld, 1938). The root cause of the biggest problem in 20th century physics, the "special theory of relativity", is actually the incorrectly accepted and maintained for more than 100 years "postulate of the constancy of the speed of light for all reference frames". The reason for the emergence of this postulate is the incorrect interpretation of the famous "Michelson-Morley experiment". This experiment was based on the inappropriate conceptual design used in Michelson’s "two-way interferometer". All other known experiments: the Sagnac experiment in 1912, the "Michelson-Gale-Pearson" experiment in 1925, and the "One-way measurement of the speed of light" experiments carried out in recent years, indisputably prove that the speed of light is not the same for all frames of reference. The measured speed of light in the frame of reference related to the Earth’s surface differs from the "speed of light in vacuum" and this difference varies depending on the latitude (proven by Michelson himself back in 1925). Michelson published the results of the "Michelson-Gale-Pearson" experiment in the articles "The Effect of the Earth’s Rotation on the Velocity of Light I and II". Even with the title of these articles, Michelson shows that such an effect exists, i.e., that the speed of light in vacuum differs from the speed of light in the frame of reference related to the Earth’s surface. Michelson’s "two-way interferometer" uses exactly the same path in two directions for each arm. That is why, the existing difference in the speed of light in both opposite directions in the frame of reference related to the Earth’s surface caused by the Earth’s rotation around its axis cannot be established. This is because this difference in the speed of light is completely and accurately compensated for each arm and for any direction of the arm. (Truncated by viXra Admin to <400 words)
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5022] viXra:2503.0013 [pdf] submitted on 2025-03-03 19:52:19

The Universe is at Least Five Trillion Years Old

Authors: Martin R. Johnson
Comments: 2 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Please cite and list scientific references)

When Lorentz contraction is included in travel time estimates, the Universe is found to be much older than presently believed.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5021] viXra:2503.0005 [pdf] submitted on 2025-03-01 22:37:22

Inferring the Source of Cosmic Expansion Forces from the Presence of Charge in Space

Authors: Kuo Tso Chen
Comments: 10 Pages.

The accelerating expansion of the universe suggests the presence of a repulsive force exceeding gravitational attraction. This study explores the asymmetry in electron and positron production during the formation of the universe, which may have led to a residual charge imbalance. If a uniform but minuscule charge density pervades the universe, the resulting electrostatic repulsion could drive cosmic expansion. Through mathematical modeling, we demonstrate that even an extremely slight charge density variation can result in accelerated expansion, aligning with current observations.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5020] viXra:2502.0194 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-28 22:55:04

Revisiting Hawking Radiation: Gravity Decoupled from Mass and the Nature of Black Holes

Authors: David E. Jacob
Comments: 6 Pages. © 2025 David E. Jacob

Hawking radiation is traditionally understood as a quantum process near a black hole’s event horizon that leads to gradual mass—energy loss. In this work, we present a unified interpretation that bridges conceptual and technical perspectives: once an event horizon forms, the external gravitational field decouples from its interior—transforming from a dynamically "anchored" field (as seen in normal massed objects) to a self-sustaining "unanchored" or fossil imprint. This decoupling permits the slow reduction of the black hole’s energy via Hawking radiation without invoking superluminal updates, thereby preserving causality, energy conservation, and the equivalence principle. Complementing the standard ADM formulation, we incorporate insights from quasilocal energy methods, isolated horizon frameworks, and quantum field theory in curved spacetime to further support our view. In contrast, for ordinary astrophysical bodies (e.g., planets and stars) where the gravitational field remains causally connected to the source mass, any analogous process would violate these fundamental principles. We also discuss observational prospects and numerical simulations that may eventually reveal signatures of this decoupled evolution
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5019] viXra:2502.0191 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-27 21:56:01

Born Reciprocal Relativity Theory Redefines the Notion of Mass: How Massless Photons Appear Massive in Accelerated Frames

Authors: Carlos Castro
Comments: 15 Pages.

Starting with a brief review of Born Reciprocal (Non-inertial) Relativity Theory (BRRT), it is shown how massless photons in one frame of reference can appear massive, even tachyonic, in an acccelerated frame. An immediate application can be found in the behavior of in-falling/outgoing photons propagating in a black hole gravitational background. When the in-falling photon gains energy one learns that ($ d tau')^2 > 0 $ such that the blue-shifted photon from the point of view of an accelerated frame of reference (with respect to a static spherically symmetric Schwarzschild black hole, for example) will appear massive and subluminal. However, when the outgoing photon loses energy one has $ ( d tau')^2 < 0 $ and the red-shifted photon from the point of view of an accelerated frame will appear tachyonic and superluminal. This is an interesting physical feature because no particle (inside the horizon) can escape the interior of black hole unless it moves faster than light; i.e. it is tachyonic (superluminal). These effects may have important consequences in cosmology (dark energy, dark matter problem).
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5018] viXra:2502.0190 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-27 21:52:16

A Scale Invariant Fully Conformal Cosmological Model and Its Support by Astrophysical Data

Authors: Richard Dvorsky
Comments: 21 Pages.

According to general relativity, the cosmological redshift may be caused by other mechanisms than the source moving away from the observer. It can occur on a global scale, similar to the gravitational redshift near massive stars. In principle, these are differences in the time-dependent global metric field between the source in the past and the observer in the present. In this paper we attempt a new interpretation of the simple solution of Einstein’s equations within a fully conformal metric for the case of a time-independent energy-momentum tensor. The scaling factor here acts identically on all four space-time coordinates and the speed of light is independent of the conformal time. The fully conformal metric is interpreted here as a universal geometric background which is scale invariant and acts universally on all objects, including gauges and clocks, regardless of their dimensions and internal interactions. The associated scale invariant exponential expansion is thus only relative and all observers at different times are completely equal. The model introduces the concept of the appearent age of the universe, which is the limiting consequence of time dilation into the past, and corresponds to the present value of the age of the universe H —1 according to the standard model. This appearent age is the same for all observers, and the Hubble constant is thus a true universal constant, invariant to time translations. The motivation of this work was to test the possibility of the above cosmological redshift mechanism in confrontation with astrophysical data. Probably the most important consequence is the generalized formulation and interpretation of the Hubble-Lemaître law z(r) = (eHr/c − 1), which shows good agreement with astrophysical data even for the most distant supernovae. Confronting the conformal metric model with some astrophysical data shows an interesting agreement with the observed spatial distribution of astrophysical sources such as γ-ray bursts and quasars. On a cosmological scale, the above fully conformal metric naturally determines the global energy density, spatial flatness, and solves the horizon problem and Olbers’ paradox in infinite spacetime.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5017] viXra:2502.0187 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-27 21:45:05

A New Natario Warp Drive Vector $ny$ in $2D$ Polar Coordinates with the Hodge Star Over the Y-Axis and a Constant Speed $vs$

Authors: Fernando Loup
Comments: 23 Pages.

The Natario warp drive appeared for the first time in 2000.Although the idea of the warp dive as a spacetime distortion that allows a spaceship to travel faster than light predated the Natario work by 7 years Natario introduced in 2001 the new concept of a propulsion vector to define or to generate a warp drive spacetime.Natario defined a warp drive vector nX=vs*(dx) where vs is the constant speed of the warp bubble and *(dx) is the Hodge Star taken over the x-axis of motion in Polar coordinates.In this work we present a new warp drive vector nY=vs*(dy) where vs is the constant speed of the warp bubble and *(dy) is the Hodge Star taken over the y-axis of motion in Polar Coordinates.Our new proposed warp drive vectoralso satisfies the Natario requirements for a warp drive spacetime.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5016] viXra:2502.0183 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-27 19:43:20

Traversability and Energy Constraints of a Traversable Wormhole in f(R) Gravity

Authors: Raghav Krishna
Comments: 2 Pages.

This paper investigates the traversability and energy constraints of wormholes under f(R) gravity, an alternative to Einstein's General Relativity. By numerically solving the modified Einstein field equations, we demonstrate that the required exotic matter can be significantly reduced through curvature modifications. The study analyzes tidal forces, showing that human traversability is possible with accelerations below 50 m/s² at a distance of 1000 km from the throat. Energy requirements are estimated at 3.77 × 10¹u2076 J (equivalent to 9 megatons of TNT), far lower than previous classical models. The findings suggest that f(R) gravity provides a more feasible framework for future wormhole research, with possible stabilization via Casimir effects. This work contributes to the theoretical groundwork for constructing traversable wormholes in modified gravity theories.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5015] viXra:2502.0167 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-25 03:45:15

Orbital Decay Process by Deviation of Geodesic Trajectory in Normalized Regular Metric Tensor

Authors: Sergio de Azevedo Melo
Comments: 54 Pages. In Portuguese

Orbital decay and gravitational radiation are energetic correlates, however the correspondence between the quantities in an energy balance by the field equations is challenging under nonlinearity conditions. Analytically formulating the decay due to orbital imbalance and mechanical prediction of the deviation of the geodetic trajectory requires a natural cause for the occurrence of instability. Once all the conditions for an orbit to be circular are in place, stability is tested by predicting aberration in the movement of the metric in space, which determines the emissivity that the body has measured by the relationship to the natural frequency of its mass. The equation is tested in the prediction of the decay of the orbital period of the pulsar PSR J0737-3039, and the verification shows the gravitational emissivity by the natural frequency of the body.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5014] viXra:2502.0134 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-19 22:09:29

Fractal Holographic Lattice Cosmology: A Λ-Free Resolution of the Hubble Tension

Authors: Joshua D. Smith
Comments: 3 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Please cite and list scientific references; AI assisted article is in general not acceptable)

Fractal Holographic Lattice (FHL) Cosmology resolves the Hubble tension without a cosmological constant, achieving H(0) = 73.2 km/s/Mpc locally and H(z = 1100) = 67.4 km/s/Mpc at the CMB epoch, matching SH0ES and Planck constraints. It reproduces intermediate expansion and growth rates (H(z = 0.51) = 74.7 km/s/Mpc, f(z = 0.51) ≈ 0.71) per DESI BAO, validated across z = 0 to z ≈ 1100against supernovae, cosmic chronometers, Lyman-alpha forest, and clustering data. FHL eliminates dark energy, leveraging a fractal lattice geometry, and aligns with gravitational wave dispersion, shortdistance gravity tests, and black hole entropy corrections.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5013] viXra:2502.0127 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-18 10:24:27

Gravity and Light Speed Novel Concept for Stellar Aberration

Authors: Florian Michael Schmitt
Comments: 22 Pages.

This work presents, for the first time in history, a coherent and correct concept for stellar aberration based on the wave nature of light and classical physics. Considering the spherical propagation of the light wavefront and the motion of the observer relative to the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) leads to a physically meaningful formula that, unlike the classical formulas, relates to the squares of the velocities for light and the CMB. Moreover, stellar aberration is explained by the entire light path from the star to the observer, with significant consequences for the concept of a dragged ether and the reinterpretation of a large number of experiments. It is demonstrated that all relevant experiments can be consistently explained within the framework of an ether fully dragged by gravity. The anisotropy of light is presented from a new perspective, and time dilation and length contraction become obsolete.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5012] viXra:2502.0108 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-15 23:23:58

A Space-Time Equation for Electromagnetic Interaction.

Authors: Davide Cericola
Comments: 10 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Authors' names should be listed right after the title)

In the present work is explored the profound symmetry between the theories of gravity and electromagnetism, with particular attention to the similarity between the fundamental forces of nature: the weight force and the electric Lorentz force, Newton's law and Coulomb's law, as well as Maxwell's equations and the equations of gravitational electromagnetism. There are papers that explain how to obtain the gravitational electromagnetism equations by applying the weak field approximation to the Einstein field equations. Precisely in honour of this symmetry, this work aims to obtain Einstein field equations valid for electromagnetism, i.e. field equations from which to derive, under weak field approximation, Maxwell's equations. This research suggests a parallel vision between electromagnetism and gravity, suggesting that perhaps there could be a curved electromagnetic field in 4 dimensions alongside the curved gravitational field (Einstein's space-time).
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5011] viXra:2502.0100 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-15 04:38:23

Solution to Gravity Divergence and Effective Renormalization of Gravity

Authors: Hyoyoung Choi
Comments: 12 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Please remove "Physics Department")

By using the fact that the mass M changes to M_eff, which reflects the binding energy, we can obtain the RG flow and gravitational coupling constant G(k). G(k)=(1 − R_gp/R)G_N. When k^*=5Rc^3/3G_N, G(k^*)=0, which means that gravity is zero. Therefore, we can solve the problem of gravitational divergence at high energy. This work presents an effective renormalization approach to gravity, where the running G(k) naturally leads to the resolution of gravitational divergence without requiring quantum corrections. If R > R_gp , G(k)>0, and attractive force acts. If R = R_gp , G(k)=0, and gravity is also zero. If R < R_gp , G(k)<0, and repulsive force or antigravity acts. This repulsive force prevents the formation of a singularity at the center of the black hole. Therefore, the singularity problem is also solved.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5010] viXra:2502.0088 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-13 21:25:36

Emergent Time Theory: From Timeless Quantum Fields to Physical Time

Authors: Nir Platek
Comments: 19 Pages. Copyright © 2025 Nir Platek.

Emergent Time Theory (ETT) posits that time is not fundamental but emerges from the dynamics of a timeless quantum scalar field, Φ. Our framework develops a rigorous quantum field theory that makes specific, falsifiable predictions—a 10^-4-level deviation from Newtonian gravity at millimeter scales, atomic clock frequency shifts on the order of 10^-18, and Casimir force modifications at the 10^-5 level—that are accessible with current or near-future experiments. Recognizing that groundbreaking theories often blend mathematical precision with deep conceptual insights, we present ETT in two parts: a Core Theory addressing immediate experimental implications, and a Visionary Roadmap outlining speculative extensions—from cosmic bounces and black hole transitions to potential links with consciousness and unconventional information transfer. This structured approach clearly distinguishes established predictions from exploratory ideas, inviting further investigation into the nature of time, space, and physical reality.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5009] viXra:2502.0084 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-12 21:06:20

Cosmological Thermodynamics and the Source of Dark Matter

Authors: Robert Street
Comments: 5 Pages.

The Friedmann equations and the ΛCDM model describe the adiabatic expansion of the universe. The model explains the red-shift and decrease in total energy of the photons but the equations also require energy conservation according to the first law of thermodynamics, an apparent contradiction that has proved hard to understand. Further consideration of the thermodynamics of adiabatic expansion demonstrates how to reconcile the loss of energy of the photons with overall conservation of energy, and points to the source of dark matter.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5008] viXra:2502.0077 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-12 20:46:44

The Informational Physical Model: Detection of Dark Matter Particles

Authors: Sergey V. Shevchenko, Vladimir V. Tokarevsky
Comments: 3 Pages.

In the paper dark matter particles detection problem is considered in framework of the Planck scale informational physical model. It is shown that the detection practically for sure is impossible.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5007] viXra:2502.0060 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-09 20:08:55

Mechanical Transcription of Canonical Geodesics of the Regular Metric Tensor

Authors: Sergio de Azevedo Melo
Comments: 27 Pages. In Portuguese

Geodesics of a metric tensor describes the motion of a test particle in the gravitational field of a central mass by a second-order differential equation. A resolution gives the trajectory the shortest distance, demonstrated by variational principles, and carries out parallel transport of the velocity tensor, according to the covariant derivative. The characterization by geometric principles makes the kinematic effect resolvable, but untangling the dynamic cause in Christoffel's symbol remains intricate. The canonical representation of the equation in its geometric purpose introduces terms that disturb mechanical understanding. Geodesics also appears in the derivative of the Lorentz invariant, which conditions parallel transport to the conservation of the invariant velocity modulus. The vectorial elaboration of this equation involving geodesics reduces the tensor system to a closed scalar sentence. The correspondence between terms can be inferred from the reciprocity between space and time in the metric tensor by the variational pattern.Considering the covariance isometry property, we establish equivalences between the terms of the geodetic equation and expose the dynamics of geodetic acceleration in a concise equation.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5006] viXra:2502.0051 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-08 21:21:47

Does the Red Shift Contradict GR and SRT?

Authors: Vladislav Mirkin
Comments: 16 Pages.

The contradiction between the provisions of the general and special theories of relativity and the spectral characteristics of radiation from distant galaxies has been identified and explained within the framework of the unipolar ether paradigm. It has been established that space within atoms has nonlinear properties caused by fluctuations in the density of the ethereal medium.

Выявлено и объяснено в рамках парадигмы униполярного эфира противоречие между положениями общей и специальной теорий относительности и спектральными характеристиками излучений отдаленных галактик. Установлено, что пространство в пределах атомов обладает нелинейными свойствами, обусловленными колебаниями плотности эфирной среды.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5005] viXra:2502.0047 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-07 07:26:20

The Time Symmetry in Special Relativity Is Broken?

Authors: Linyi Wu
Comments: 26 Pages.

This paper presents a fundamental revision of the theoretical framework of special relativity by abandoning both the Lorentz transformations and the concept of time dilation. By critically analyzing symmetry issues in relativistic effects, this study argues that time is a universally invariant quantity, remaining unaffected by the relative motion between reference frames. By re-evaluating the core principles of relativity, the study rederives the mass-energy equivalence formula without invoking time dilation or Lorentz transformations. This novel approach resolves long-standing paradoxes in relativity, such as the twin paradox, and opens new possibilities for theoretical and experimental research in fundamental physics.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5004] viXra:2502.0036 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-06 22:13:14

Once More About G. Gamow’s "fireball"

Authors: Samvel Srapioni Poghosyan
Comments: 4 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: A labeled abstract in the article is required)

The article presents a new hypothesis that the theory of Gamow’s "Fireball’’ does not refer to our universe or the Metagalaxy, it refers to the main structural unit (component) of the Metagalaxy - superclusters of galaxies.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5003] viXra:2502.0035 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-06 22:11:26

The Armon Structure of Metauniverse

Authors: Samvel Srapioni Poghosyan
Comments: 335 Pages.

In Chapter 1 the author sets forth his philosophical concept of matter, where he justifies the existence of two opposite forms (sides) of matter: positive and negative pra-matters. Chapter 2 recounts the physical theory of matter: the physical essence and nature of matter, as well as the types of fundamental components of non-free physical systems is explained. In Chapter 3 Samvel Pogosyan represents his approaches to the solution of Einstein’s Great Dream. He uncovers the physical nature of inertia, ideally flat space, its structure and regularities of its formation, as well as physical consequences. The basics of GchԱ - physical theory are developed. It is a general physical theory that describes free and non-free local (finite) physical systems and their types. A new cosmic model is created, within the framework of which the physical nature and micro-structure of Dark energy, as well as the direct physical reason of accelerated expansion of the Universe is brought to light. It is to be mentioned that many observable phenomena, which do not go into the frames of ΛСDМ — cosmic model, receive natural explanation within the GchԱ-cosmic model. Chapter 4 is devoted to Armons — fundamental components of the Metauniverse, to these peculiar "pumps", thanks to which the eternal circulation of matter takes place, providing the eternal existence of the Metauniverse. Here the author continues the development of Cosmology, setting forth his views on the structure of our Universe, evolution of Primary black holes, the Universe, D bodies, etc.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5002] viXra:2502.0032 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-06 18:07:35

Signal Transmission in the Schwarzschild Metric: The Case of Forced Motion at a Constant Fraction of the Speed of Light

Authors: Miquel Piñol
Comments: 6 Pages.

In this article, we examine the case of a body following a nongeodesic centripetal trajectory in the Schwarzschild metric while maintaining a constant fraction of the speed of light. At any moment, light signals can be sent to the body and recovered after reflecting off its surface. Nevertheless, in its own comoving reference frame, the body would require only a finite amount of proper time to reach the Schwarzschild radius. This raises a paradox: the ability to send and recover signals implies that the body remains outside the event horizon, contradicting the usual interpretation of gravitational collapse based on finite proper time. As the body follows a nongeodesic trajectory, we compute the four-force necessary to sustain its motion.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5001] viXra:2502.0031 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-06 21:33:52

Time as an Imaginary Space: A New Framework for a Predetermined Universe

Authors: Sardar Dilbag Singh Khalsa
Comments: 28 Pages.

Interpreting spacetime as a 4-dimensional manifold, an entity that locally resembles $mathbb{R}^4$ but may possess global geometric or topological characteristics, leads to asymmetry when time is treated differently from space. We propose a manifold having three spatial dimensions $mathbb{R}^3$ and time as three spacelike imaginary construct where every spatial dimension associated as $t = itau quad text{with} quad tau in mathbb{R}$ treated as an imaginary space $iotamathbb{R}$. It preserves the Minkowski interval $Delta s^2$ without explicit time requirement for lorentz boost along (x). Conventionally, time is treated as an entity passing from one time $t_1 text{ to } t_2$, and all the objects observed at a single instance are called $t_{now}$. Contrary to this, objects that are in two distinct times called $t_{now}^{1}$ and $t_{now}^{2}$ can exist simultaneously! We can explain this perspective of reality by viewing time as an imaginary space within the 6-dimensional Space-Imaginary Space manifold. We will raise the conjecture that the 6-dimensional volume ( for simplicity, we take it for the cubic object) $V =[ (text{length}),(text{breadth}),(text{height}),bigl(i,c_xbigr)Delta T_x bigl(i,c_ybigr) Delta T_y bigl(i,c_zbigr) Delta T_z$] of the object is independent of the observer in a frame. Where $Delta T_x$, $Delta T_y$ and $Delta T_z$ are the time intervals along the length, breadth and height, respectively. We also postulate that the now-frame of time isn't a single specific time but an interval $iotadelta$.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[5000] viXra:2502.0028 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-05 21:50:54

On the Alternative Special Theory of Relativity Applicable to Physical Theorems of Rotation in the Uniform Rotating Frames

Authors: Guangyi Pu
Comments: 11 Pages. Thanks to Chengxi Pu for her assistance.

Albert Einstein formulated the Special Theory of Relativity in 1905 based on the principles of relativity and constancy of light velocity principles. The Lorentz transformation, applicable to inertial frames, ensures the form of physical laws remains the same when transformed between them. It should be noted that the viewpoints expressed in this paper are merely the personal insights of the authors and do not necessarily represent absolute correctness. This paper notes that physical rotation theorems have the same form in uniform rotating frames (Alternative Principle of Relativity). Relativity states no object can exceed light speed. Similarly, this paper postulates that the rotational angular speed of a "structural body" in nature has a maximum limit. Photons in vacuum are the "structural body" with the fastest rotational angular velocity (Ωmax = c/2π, unit: rad/s), called the principle of constancy of light angular velocity. Using analogy, the paper obtains the Alternative Lorentz Transformation for rotational physics in uniform rotating frames and derives the Alternative Special Theory of Relativity within angular displacement space - time. Photons thus have dual properties: the fastest - moving "particles" and the "structural body" with the fastest rotational angular velocity. This theory may offer new insights into rotational physical phenomena in uniform rotating frames and photon behavior. It could bridge the gap between the special theory of relativity for linear motion and the field of rotational motion. Future research should focus on experimentally validating predicted phenomena, like the maximum angular velocity limit and the effects of the Alternative Lorentz Transformation. Exploring its application in other physics areas, such as rotating celestial bodies in astrophysics, could also bring new understandings. Although this work is just a start with many uncertainties, the authors hope to contribute to scientific progress.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4999] viXra:2502.0024 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-04 21:48:51

Development of Hypersphere World-Universe Model (Narrative) Part X: Paradigm Shift in Astronomy, Cosmology, Classical Physics

Authors: Vladimir S. Netchitailo
Comments: 78 Pages.

Four Spatial Dimension World-Universe Cosmology presents a fresh approach to understanding the Observable World and the science of Cosmology. It builds on the foundations of Classical Physics and has the potential to challenge core assumptions in both Cosmology and Classical Physics. Rather than claiming to explain all existing cosmological data or presenting a fully developed theory, WUC serves as a starting point for a New Cosmology envisioned by Paul Dirac in 1937. While further refinement by the global physics community is essential, World-Universe Cosmology’s insights, combined with the groundbreaking discoveries of the JWST and the legacy of Dirac's ideas over 87 years, underscore the need for a Paradigm Shift in Astronomy, Cosmology, and Classical Physics.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4998] viXra:2502.0015 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-02 15:57:17

A Solution to the Dark Energy Conundrum

Authors: En Okada
Comments: 20 Pages.

This study examined a hitherto untested theoretical model as a solution to the longstanding conundrum of dark energy. We demonstrated in a quantitative manner how a cosmic scale factor-dependent evolution of the Rydberg constant has yielded the illusions that our detectable matter density drives the universe to expand as if there exists a critical density and that the expansion even seems to be accelerating. As a natural conclusion from the mathematics of the Bernoulli trials and spatial symmetry breaking, the characteristics of the universe, more specifically the value of the Planck constant and the elementary charge and the mass of elementary particles, should evolve in accordance with the size of the universe. The cosmic scale factor-dependent increase of the Rydberg constant is a culmination of such an evolution of fundamental physical constants, which implies that we have doubly overestimated the Hubble's constant and that our redshift data needs a non-linear reinterpretation. We also demonstrated how such a cosmic scale factor-dependent evolution of physical constants solves the hierarchy problems in fundamental physics. We presented implications of our hypothesis to particle physics as well. By showcasing its capability to purely mathematically explain the mass and electric charge of quarks and exotic baryons without a single God-given parameter, and to provide vivid explanations for the underlying mechanism of quark confinement and asymptotic freedom, we provided evidence that underpins our newly proposed model as a promising paradigm for theoretical physics. Finally, as a responsible scientific theory, we predicted a detectable decrease over an annual span in both the mass of electron and the elementary charge in the 9th digit of their significant figures, which serves as a test for falsification of our hypothesis.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4997] viXra:2502.0008 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-01 07:20:37

Galactic Geons: Revisiting the Dark Matter Paradigm

Authors: Rudi Van Nieuwenhove
Comments: 6 Pages.

This study presents the mathematical derivation of geons, gravitationally stable spacetime structures, as an alternative to dark matter. Assuming galaxies are embedded in galactic-sized geons, the observed flat galaxy rotation curves can be explained without requiring the standard dark matter halo. This concept has been applied to the case of the Milky Way and profiles of density, pressure and rotation velocity have been derived, demonstrating a close correspondence with the observations. The geon’s Gaussian density profile naturally explains the flat central density cores observed in dwarf galaxies, providing a compelling solution to the core-cusp problem. Furthermore, the early formation of geons shortly after the Big Bang offers a framework for understanding the rapid emergence of massive galaxies, addressing the challenges posed by recent James Webb Space Telescope observations. These findings suggest that geons could serve as both the gravitational scaffolding for galaxy formation and a replacement for cold dark matter, unifying multiple cosmological phenomena under a single theoretical framework.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4996] viXra:2502.0004 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-01 21:16:00

The Extremely Slow Expansion in the Early Universe

Authors: Zhengxi Wang
Comments: 3 Pages.

300,000 years after the Big Bang, the first atoms formed. Subsequently, matter began to clump together, giving rise to stars and galaxies. As matter accumulated, its mass increased while its motion velocity decreased significantly. Simultaneously, under the influence of gravity, the expansion rate of the universe was substantially reduced, leading to a period of extremely slow expansion. During this period, stars and galaxies developed, grew, and matured. Subsequently, as temperatures continued to drop, dark energy came into play, and the universe entered a phase of slow expansion, gradually accelerating to reach the Hubble velocity.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4995] viXra:2502.0003 [pdf] submitted on 2025-02-01 21:21:23

Dynamic Sources, Dynamic Multi-Folds, and General Relativity Lense-Thirring and Frame Dragging Effects

Authors: Stephane H. Maes
Comments: 25 Pages. All related details of the projects (and updates) can be found and followed at

In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles, whether they are real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure, and non-commutative geometry, which is Lorentz invariant, and where spacetime nodes, and particles, can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General Relativity (GR) at large scales, and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model (SM) resulting into what we define as SMG. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model without new Physics other than gravity, as well as to open issues with the Standard Cosmological Model The paper discusses how multi-folds apply when sources of gravity, or the center of mass of entangled systems, are dynamically moving: multi-folds mechanisms remain the same but using the evolving center of mass. As a result gravity, or gravity-like, contributions are to be vectorially integrated over the retarded multi-fold spacetime location that can contribute to a point at a certain time (spacetime location), instead of all the multi-folds for all directions. It is illustrated in the case of a rotating sphere as source of gravity: we recover the Lense-Thirring results with its centripetal, Coriolis and axial contributions. The analysis allows us to settle contradictory, and incorrect, results encountered in the literature. It also shows how non-linearity of General Relativity (GR) appears in the multi-fold mechanisms, something that may not have been obvious to all in the original papers. The ability for the multi-fold mechanisms to explain such GR effects help better understand these effects, but more importantly, it is another way to illustrate and validate that multi-folds recover GR and GR recovers the multi-folds.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4994] viXra:2501.0165 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-29 22:08:30

The Aberration of Light Doesn't Negate the Aether Drag Hypothesis [:] New Possibility of Existence of Aether

Authors: Yukihiko Hoshino
Comments: 9 Pages. (English version of viXra:1709.0055 with new materials added)

Aether was widely believed to be the medium of light that fills the universe. However, the Michelson-Morley experiment failed to detect the aether wind that should have been observed if the Earth was moving through the aether, so the existence of aether was not proven, and aether is now considered an obsolete physics theory. At that time, one of the hypotheses to explain the existence of aether even without the aether wind was the aether drag hypothesis, which proposed that the aether moves with the Earth. However, this hypothesis was rejected because it could not explain the aberration of light. Consequently, modern physics has progressed and developed on the premise that aether does not exist. Here I show that the aberration of light can be explained even if aether moves with the Earth. I clarified that the moving aether does not receive light directly from above, but receives it from an upward diagonal forward angle according to the same principle as the aberration of light and transmits it linearly. This means that, for an observer on Earth moving at the same speed as the aether, the direction of light matches the direction observed in the aberration of light. This consideration strongly suggests the possibility of the existence of aether. Therefore, I propose that various physical phenomena should be reconsidered based on the premise of the existence of aether.This paper is a rewrite in English of a Japanese paper originally published in 2012, with new findings added.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4993] viXra:2501.0150 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-28 01:10:10

The Expanding Universe is Derived from the Permanent Omniverse Justified by the Existential Paradox

Authors: Dominique Mareau
Comments: 8 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Title modified to conform with scholarly norm - Please conform!))

Regarding fundamental physics, this study replaces the "old moons" such as: uniqueness by duality; absolute inertial zero by symmetrical dipole zero; the notions of "principle", "model" or hypothesis, by the logico-deductive approach; the notion of "creation" by the notion of state transformation. This study denounces the amalgams between "describing or explaining, and cause or effect. Symmetry, consubstantial with Nature, is never broken, because it only changes scale. The common name "Universe" is ambiguous because it denies its duality of state: 1) the eternal Omniverse state justified by the inertial paradox and characterized by its informational entropy which tends towards infinity. 2) the BUE state (Expanding Universe Bubble), declined from the Omniverse by a partial and random synchronization, forming BEC (Bose Einstein Condensate). From the rigorous study of the inertial paradox, arises multiple mutual occurrences and with observations. It lifts the more than 60 enigmas of the standard model. Each piece of evidence will be compared to observation, justified by an explanation ofmthe causes (other than describing the effects) and some confirmed by a numerical occurrence equal to 7σ. All of this lifts the more than 80 enigmas of the standard model.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4992] viXra:2501.0147 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-28 00:53:54

[exploration] of the Main Law of Cosmomicrophysical Evolution

Authors: Samvel Srapiobi Poghosyan
Comments: 23 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Pleease cite and list scientific references)

The main path of the evolution of Physics is the complex path of overcoming infinities and various kinds of uncertainties. That is why it is impossible to create a unified or generalized physical theory free of uncertainties by means of universal constants with G, c, ħ -dimensionality and simple, one-dimensional variables - m, r, t. In order to build such a theory, a dimensionless universal constant is also necessary: Ա=〖2,7∙10〗^63=const. , as well as a dimensionless variable: 〖 N〗_Ա∈(1,Ա). We call that maximum value of the armonic variable N_Ա - the Armonic Constant and denote it with the capital letter "Ա" of the Armenian alphabet. In the article, we are trying to find the experimental confirmation of the constant numerical value of the Ա-constant, to discover the main law of cosmomicrophysical evolution and identify the role and significance of the Ա-constant in that law. The future General Physical Theory (GPT) should be a theory composed of four constants (G, c, ħ, Ա) and four variables (m,r,t,N_Ա).
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4991] viXra:2501.0142 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-28 00:47:33

Intrinsic Spin Quantum Gravity Universe Metatheory

Authors: Thomas Neil Neubert
Comments: 23 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Pleease cite and list scientific references; also AI assisted content is in general not acceptable)

Everything in the universe rotates of spins; except the universe as portrayed in the classical Λ-CDM Standard Cosmic (big bang) Model implicit metatheory. This intrinsic spin quantum gravity universe is a working metatheory. It is not a working model. What it brings to the table is a different way to connect and interpret our extraordinary physics and astronomy subspecialties. This intrinsic spin quantum gravity universe metatheory visualizes a more credible universe than the Λ-CDM model. What it lacks in mathematical detail and rigour; it gains in physical logic and usefulness. A metatheory is not a patchwork of subspecialties. It is an overall framework based on generalization of specific observations into a physical and logical whole. By definition, it misses much detail. Charles Darwin’s evolution is the best scientific example of a metatheory. It gave a useful big picture without specifying the detailed mechanisms of how evolution works. Genetics and epigenetics were unknown. In a certain sense, Darwin’s evolution provided the framework for the Λ-CDM model. But Darwin’s framework of evolution, while appropriate for life on Earth and the life cycle of a galaxy, is not so useful for building an understanding of our entire Universe. Nevertheless, the classical Λ-CDM model of our visible universe has many proponents. Their help will be needed to turn this intrinsic spin quantum gravity universe metatheory into a robust quantum metatheory. In this intrinsic spin quantum gravity universe metatheory, everything in the Universe rotates of spins; including our visible universe and the Universe.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4990] viXra:2501.0137 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-26 00:53:13

Four Spatial Dimension World-Universe Cosmology

Authors: Vladimir S. Netchitailo
Comments: 9 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Further repetition will not be accepted!)

This article represents the culmination of a decade-long effort to develop the World-Universe Cosmology (WUC), building upon a series of published works. These include the first one, "5D World-Universe Model. Space-Time-Energy" [1] and the last one, "JWST Discoveries and the Hypersphere World-Universe Model. Transformative New Cosmology" [2], both featured in the Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology. WUC is a unified model of the World built around the concept of the Cosmic Medium, composed of particles (protons, electrons, photons, neutrinos, and universe-created particles). WUC provides a mathematical framework that enables precise calculation of Medium-bound physical parameters: Gravitational parameter, Hubble’s parameter, Absolute age of the World, Intergalactic plasma parameters, Temperature of microwave background radiation and the Minimum energy of photons. This paper aligns WUC with the theoretical framework developed by P. Wesson and J. Overduin [3], [4], albeit assigning a new physical meaning to the fourth spatial coordinate associated with the total energy of the observable World.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4989] viXra:2501.0136 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-25 21:28:15

Refutation of Wiltshire's "Timescape Cosmology"

Authors: Warren D. Smith
Comments: 9 Pages.

I use previously-published observed astronomical facts to refute Wiltshire's recently-hyped "Timescape cosmology" in 1 page.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4988] viXra:2501.0131 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-24 14:05:35

Use Bernoulli's Force to Explain How Galaxies Move Between Them

Authors: Zhi Cheng
Comments: 8 Pages.

In this paper, we try to solve the problem of motion between two adjacent galaxies by using the motion of the dark matter fluid driven by the rotation of galaxies. In this study, it is believed that when two adjacent galaxies differ in their direction and relative position, it is easy to lead to differences in the speed of dark matter fluid motion between the two galaxies, which will form the so-called Bernoulli force. This Bernoulli force is one of the reasons why the positions of galaxies in many of the multigalaxies we have observed so far are relatively random. If Newton's theory of gravity or general relativity is used to explain it, then the motion of galaxies due to gravitational effects purely should be circular. This is not quite the same as what we have observed. In fact, in the multigalaxies that we now observe, the movements of the various galaxies exhibit a state of random motion similar to Brownian motion. The existence of this state of random motion can be well explained by dark matter fluids. The estimates in this paper are also largely similar to those of my previous work that the effects of dark matter fluids are on the same order of magnitude as gravitational effects.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4987] viXra:2501.0129 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-25 03:25:38

Relic Black Holes, in Terms of a Quantum Number n, Linked to Torsion and Quantum Hair on Black Holes

Authors: Andrew W. Beckwith
Comments: 10 Pages. Contest entry in the 2025 gravity award foundation contest run by George Grideout.

Our idea is that a particular set of values of initial conditions for relic black holes will enable using the idea of torsion to formulate a cosmological constant and resultant dark energy. Relic Planck-sized black holes will allow for a spin-density term presenting an opportunity to cancel torsion. Meanwhile, speculation given by Corda replaces traditional firewalls in relic black holes with a quantum number, n. In addition, thisidea can offer a solution to the incompleteness of hairless black holes.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4986] viXra:2501.0127 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-23 18:27:32

Elementary Particles Crystallization Process in a Proto-Galactic Egg According to the BSM-SG Unified Theory

Authors: Stoyan Sarg Sargoytchev
Comments: 4 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: An abstract in the article is required - Please conform!)

The article presents a graphical illustration of the elementary particles crystallization in a protogalactic egg during a hidden phase of galaxy evolution. The process is predicted and derived in the Basic Structures of Matter — Supergravitation Unified Theory. The article also shows the matter-energy balance at the different levels of matter organization.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4985] viXra:2501.0115 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-21 21:23:48

The Microcosm and Its Model

Authors: Zheng-Guang Wang
Comments: 25 Pages. In Chinese

Suppose B is a celestial body in the universe, B is called the microcosm, if and only if: (i) B contains the metagalaxy; (ii) all celestial bodies in B do not contain the metagalaxy. Based on the hypothesis that the microcosm exists, a model of the microcosm is established by axiomatic method. The results show that: (i) the microcosm is spherical, and it is constantly shrinking and rotating; (ii) the force which causes the microcosm to shrink is a kind of new fundamental force. The model is simple and natural. It not only can explain some important observed facts, such as redshifts of extragalactic galaxies and dipole anisotropy of spiral galaxy rotation direction distribution, but also can be consistent with other existing astronomical observations. This shows that: (i) the microcosm is most likely existent; (ii) the model is most likely correct.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4984] viXra:2501.0103 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-19 20:41:34

Is it Necessary to Reinterpret the Theory of Relativity?

Authors: Attilio Colombo
Comments: 6 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: An abstract in the article is required)

As it is known, the Lorentz Transformation is the transformation of coordinates between reference systems in uniform relative motion that is at the basis of the Theory of Relativity. But what is its physical meaning? What do the variables obtained by applying this mathematical transformation represent, physically? The interpretation that currently prevails in the context of contemporary physics is that these variables represent the physical space and time coordinates of a given event for a reference system in uniform and rectilinear motion with respect to another one. According to this interpretation, two events that are simultaneous for a given reference system are not simultaneous for another reference system that is in motion with respect to the first one, the so-called "relativity of simultaneity", and therefore time and space are no longer absolute, invariant in the passage from one reference system to another, but become relative, resulting dependent from the state of motion ofthe system being considered.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4983] viXra:2501.0096 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-17 21:13:18

Chaos to Cosmos: Quantum Whispers and The Cosmic Genesis

Authors: Owais Farooq, Romana Zahoor
Comments: 14 Pages.

Quantum fluctuations, usually arising from the inherent uncertanity in the quantum fields, are pivotal in understanding the the universe at both the small and large scales. Despite the fact that fluctuations are usually unob-servable rather small, they give significant observable effects during specific epochs under specific conditions. During the early epochs of the universe the fluctuations were scaled, resulting into the primordial density perturbations that gave rise to the large scale structure of universe and the observedinhomogenities. In this paper we study the basic origin, structure, evolution and the imprints of fluctuations during inflationary period resulting into the large-scale structure formation. We use the Mukhanov-sasaki formalism to model scalar perturbations, embedding the theoretical results into observations.Theoretical predictions show almost scale-invariant power spectrum with stringent constraints on the inflationary parameters. It further states that in the very early universe the inflatons that is quanta of primordial field were highly filled in the degenerate quantum state. This carry large potential energythat resulted in an exponential expansion of universe. During post inflationary period the inflaton dominated the Universe’s energy density; they interact among themselves and due to non-linear effects, these inhomogeneities grow which amalgamate into spatially distinguishable patches in our observableuniverse. Our understanding projects us towards the fact that fluctuations play a pivotal role in understanding the structure formation at micro, macro, and far-macro scales. This study also addresses the significance of quantum fluctuations in cosmic evolution and manifests the enduring relevance in addressing some of the profound mysteries of our universe.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4982] viXra:2501.0089 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-15 17:04:06

Photons in General Relativity

Authors: Elio Proietti
Comments: 5 Pages.

This paper is grounded exclusively on the GR-Hamilton’s variational principle,reducible to the principle of geodesics in the case of a body in free motion in agravitational field. The first two sections deal with the theory of gravitational lightbending, available in all general relativity texts, but rewritten here using exclu-sively formulas between quantities, more suitable for the physical interpretationthan the formulas between measurements commonly used (c = 1, G = 1).The third section deals the main question: what properties should GR assignto a particle moving according to a null-geodesics? Without resorting to anyprevious theory, the general relativity itself imposes very stringent and interestingproperties for "photons" (of course in agreement with those asserted by specialrelativity in the absence of a gravitational field).
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4981] viXra:2501.0088 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-16 00:03:23

The Question of Primordial Black Holes

Authors: Keith D. Foote
Comments: 3 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Please list scientific references)

The question of whether or not primordial black holes actually exist is examined. Stellar and supermassive black holes are described to offer a comparison. The lack of observable, hard supporting evidence, after 58 years, makes the concept of primordial black holes less and less likely, in spite of the imaginative, though somewhat unrealistic scenarios used to theorize their existence.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4980] viXra:2501.0076 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-12 17:36:34

The Problems of General Relativity, from "Equivalent Principle" to "Local Inertial Frame"

Authors: Zheng-Hua Zhang
Comments: 2 Pages. In Chinese

Analysis shows that the situation described in the "equivalence principle" thought experiment where gravity and inertia force are equivalent cannot be observed in the same reference frame, meaning it does not occur in the universe; The "local inertial frame" defined based on the "equivalence principle" does not meet the equivalent conditions set by the "equivalence principle" thought experiment, that is, the "local inertial frame" has no relationship with the "equivalence principle".
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4979] viXra:2501.0062 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-10 19:32:25

Is Relativistic Length Contraction Consistent?

Authors: Lars Frølund Jensen
Comments: 5 Pages.

An important part of special relativity (SR) is length contraction. According to this theory, it is a coordinate-dependent and ‘symmetrical’ effect, such that two observers, moving relative to each other, both with their own measuring rod, can both rightly claim that the other observer’s measuring rod is contracted, even though the rest lengths of the rods are exactly the same. However, with the help of thought experiments, it can be shown that this cannot be true in the real world — and that SR predicts two fundamentally different length contractions.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4978] viXra:2501.0057 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-10 19:18:42

The Nature of Whiteholes, Blackholes and the Energy Cycle of the Universe

Authors: Paul Caracristi
Comments: 4 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: AI assisted article is in general not acceptable)

Abstract. This paper proposes and explores the theory that whiteholes and blackholes serve as complementary structures in the cosmos, facilitating a continuous energy cycle between a dynamic universe and a static Latent realm. Whiteholes are proposed as sources of energy and entropy, giving rise to dynamic universes, while blackholes transition the complexity of matter and energy back into a latent, negentropic state. The interplay between these phenomena is governed by a temporal spectrum, wherein energy fluctuates between near-zero values in the latent realm and greater-than-zero values in a dynamic universe. The proposed model offers an integrated framework for understanding the universe’s origin, evolution, and potential termination within a broader cosmological context.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4977] viXra:2501.0056 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-10 19:33:43

The Metric Problem in Polar Coordinates: A Comprehensive Analysis and a Solution

Authors: Mueiz Gafer KamalEldeen
Comments: 4 Pages.

The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that the common method for calculating the metric tensor in polar coordinates is incorrect. However, it does not lead to erroneous results due to the presence of another error that cancels out the effects of the first error in calculations. Nerveless, these offsetting errors creates a problem in understanding the metric.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4976] viXra:2501.0048 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-08 21:41:43

A 3D Spherical Warp Drive Vector Created Using a New Methodology But with the Same Physical Properties of the Natario Warp Drive

Authors: Fernando Loup
Comments: 12 Pages.

The Natario warp drive appeared for the first time in 2001.Although the idea of the warp dive as a spacetime distortion that allows a spaceship to travel faster than lightpredated the Natario work by 7 years Natario introduced in 2001 the new concept of a propulsion vector to define or to generate a warp drive spacetime.Natario defined a warp drive vector for constant speeds in Polar Coordinates using the Hodge Star but remember that a real warp drive must accelerate orde-accelerate in order to be accepted as a physical valid model so it must possesses variable speeds.We developed a new warp drivevector different than the original Natario warp drive vector using a new methodology and without the Hodge Star that encompasses variable speeds.Also Polar Coordinates uses only two dimensions and we know that a real spaceship is a tridimensional 3D object inserted inside a tridimensional 3D warp bubble that must bedefined in real 3D Spherical Coordinates.In this work we present the new warp drive vector in tridimensional $3D$ Spherical Coordinates without the Hodge Star for both constant or variable speeds.Our new proposed warp drive vectors also satisfies the Natario requirements for a warp drive spacetime.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4975] viXra:2501.0041 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-08 21:30:20

Cellular Generation Number as an Invariant Measure of Biological Time in Relativistic Inertial Systems: Biological Systems Do Not Experience Time Dilation

Authors: Domenico Maglione
Comments: 18 Pages.

This work presents a thought experiment where the number of cellular duplications or generations (G) is used as a biological clock to investigate the effects of relativistic environments on biological time. We demonstrate that, although physical clocks in different reference systems measure varying times due to relativistic time dilation, biological time remains invariant and corresponds to the "proper" time. This invariance holds not only across inertial reference frames but also extends to non-inertial, accelerated, and gravitational systems. The invariance arises because G is defined as the ratio of the growth time to the duplication time, ensuring that any relativistic effects influencing these intervals mathematically cancel out. These findings challenge the classic interpretation of Einstein's twin paradox, which suggests differential aging due to relativistic velocities. In reality, while physical clocks indicate differing times, biological time, and thus the biological age of living organisms, remains unaffected, aligning consistently with proper time. Although bacterial cultures were used as a model in this study, the results are generalizable to all cellular systems, provided identical growth conditions are maintained. This study provides new insights into the interplay between biological processes and relativistic effects, establishing G as a reliable and invariant measure of biological time across all reference frames.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4974] viXra:2501.0032 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-07 21:50:40

A New Approach to Conceive the Measurement of the Ono-Way Speed of Lightbased on an Astounishing Conflict Within Relativity

Authors: Rodrigo de Abreu
Comments: 18 Pages.

The measurement of the speed of light one-way can be easily conceived since we can consider a rod with length l_1 between the extremities A´ and B´ and emit light from A´ to B´ and reciprocally emit light from B´ to A´. If we measure the time A´B´ and the time B´A´ we know the speed of light A´B´ and B´A´. However, standard approach affirm astonishingly that this is not possible. Because we need to know the speed of light to synchronize the clocks at A´ and B´, to measure the times A´B’ and B´A´. Why? Because standard approach accept the necessity to have synchronized clocks. And astonishingly also affirm that the one-way speed of light one-way is the two-way speed of light measured in one-clock with the value c in vacuum. In the following approach we defend that this standard approach can not subsist based on the conceptualization of the measurement one-way. For this we use a new method using a gap of synchronization that standard approach can not be aware.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4973] viXra:2501.0028 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-06 09:24:31

Is General Relativity Really General Relativity?

Authors: Taha Sochi
Comments: 7 Pages.

In this short paper we briefly discuss the issue of the theory of general relativity as a supposed generalization of the theory of special relativity to see if general relativity did really generalize special relativity as a relativity theory. The simple conclusion that we reach in this discussion is that the theory of general relativity is not actually a generalization of the theory of special relativity and hence general relativity is neither a general theory nor a relativity theory. In short, the so-called "general theory of relativity" should more appropriately be called the "special theory of general covariance" since it is special in content (as it is essentially a gravitation theory) and it lacks the physical substance of relativity (as it is actually about mathematical artwork of general covariance rather than about physical relativity).
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4972] viXra:2501.0026 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-06 21:08:26

Ether and Its Geometric Changes [as] Origin of Mass, Energy and Light

Authors: Ahmad Torfi
Comments: 6 Pages.

This paper presents a novel model that introduces ether and its geometric changes as the fundamental source of matter, energy, gravity, electromagnetic properties, light, and quantum phenomena such as wave-particle duality and tunneling. This model proposes that the behavior of fundamental particles and forces can be interpreted through the dynamic and complex geometry of ether.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4971] viXra:2501.0025 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-06 21:05:41

Trial Experiments for the Technology [Predicted by] Theories

Authors: Vladimir Pastushenko
Comments: 10 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Further regurgitation will not be accepted)

There are amazing properties of mathematics to model and calculate physical properties of matter. Mathematics describes physical experiments, generalizes and predicts physical properties. And mathematical models are created in the Euclidean axiomatics of points ("...having no parts"), lines ("...length without width"), a system of numbers equal by analogy to units. A set of Euclidean points at one point, is it a point or a set of them? A set of Euclidean lines at one "length without width", is it a line or a set of them? Euclidean axiomatics does not give answers to such questions. But it is this axiomatics that is our technology of theories in space-time. There is another technology of theories of dynamic space-matter, in which the technology of theories in Euclidean axiomatics is a limiting, special case. To test the reality of such a technology of theories, in essence, research is conducted by examining trial experiments that follow from such a technology of theories of dynamic space-matter.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4970] viXra:2501.0012 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-04 21:34:38

The Black Hole Universe Hypothesis

Authors: Stefanos Kiriakidis
Comments: 4 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Listed scientific references should be cited in the article) Contact info:

This paper proposes a novel hypothesis exploring the formation of black holes and their potential role as conduits to new universes. Building on general relativity and quantum gravity concepts, the hypothesis suggests that singularities within black holes create ruptures in the fabric of space-time, giving rise to white holes that initiate new space-time continua. This process reinterprets the Big Bang as a white hole event linked to a black hole in a parent universe, offering a cyclical model of cosmic regeneration. Observational predictions are outlined, including potential traces of parent universes in the cosmic microwave background, unique gravitational wave signatures, and anomalies in antimatter behavior. Mathematical formulations are provided to describe energy conservation and entropy dynamics during black hole transitions, while future experimental tests are suggested to validate the theory. If proven, this hypothesis could revolutionize our understanding of black holes, the multiverse, and the nature of cosmic evolution.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4969] viXra:2501.0010 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-02 10:23:57

Duni Model and H0 Tensions

Authors: Mohammad Hadi Mohammadi
Comments: 15 Pages.

In this study, we introduce the Dark Universe (DUNI) model, a novel cosmological framework addressing the Hubble tension and the fine-tuning problem associated with vacuum energy. Unlike the ΛCDM model, which exhibits significant discrepancies with the R21 (Adam Rises) data , the DUNI model proposes that dark energy, rather than radiation, dominates the early universe’s expassion. This distinctive approach significantly reduces the Hubble tension to a consistency level of 0.22σ while maintaining the same number of free parameters as the ΛCDM model . By assuming an exponential function for dark energy and its effects on matter, the DUNI model also addresses the hierarchy problem by predicting a lower effective mass for particles like the Higgs boson in the early universe. Using CosmoMC tools, we validate the DUNI model against observational datasets including R21(Adam Riess), Type Ia Pantheon supernovae, the cosmic microwave background (CMB), and baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO), demonstrating its robust compatibility with current observations.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4968] viXra:2501.0008 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-02 20:00:46

Sn1987a and the Neutrino Mass

Authors: Enrique Domínguez Pinos
Comments: Pages.

In this paper, the multi-messenger event SN1987A is analyzed from the point of view of special relativity of fields. We will first obtain the speed of the neutrinos which, together with the estimate of their kinetic energy, will allow us to get an idea of their mass. The characteristics of the next Betelgeuse event will also be predicted.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4967] viXra:2501.0005 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-01 22:04:40

Spacetime Quantization Via Null Geodesics in a Static Manifold

Authors: Christopher R. Brown
Comments: 13 Pages.

We construct a static, spherically symmetric cosmological solution that reproduces the observed linear redshift-distance relation without resorting to metric expansion. By defining the radial coordinate via null geodesics and introducing the dimensionless parameter Hr/c, the matter density profile and metric emerge directly from the Einstein field equations. The solution admits a stable static configuration with a density distribution scaling as ρ(r) ∝ [1 + (Hr/c)]-2, and recovers standard redshift-distance behavior through gravitational redshifts alone. No cosmological constant or fine-tuning is required, and the resulting spacetime is consistent with basic observational constraints. This model also predicts a Schwarzschild horizon and associated Hawking radiation. The factor of change needed to blue shift this radiation to the 2.725 K observed in the CMB is shown by (2.725 K)/(TK) = √(rH/2lp). The quantization of spacetime simply emerges as a consequence of the presence of mass. This entire framework should be considered with a great deal of skepticism, as it deviates considerably from standard practices. However, the approach does offer a theoretically consistent model that has the potential to resolve several long-standing mysteries in physics and warrants investigation from the broader community based on the scholarly arguments alone.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4966] viXra:2501.0004 [pdf] submitted on 2025-01-01 03:27:00

Geometrical Meaning of Covariant and Contravariant Vector

Authors: Mueiz Gafer KamalEldeen
Comments: 4 Pages.

This article presented the accurate understanding of the geometrical meaning of covariant and contra-variant vectors, critically analyzing three prevalent misconceptions about this concept found in numerous sources.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4965] viXra:2412.0182 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-30 21:13:59

A Generalized Scalar Field Lagrangian for Cosmological Phenomena

Authors: A. Solomon
Comments: 8 Pages.

We establish a generalized scalar field field framework with a universal speed of ( v_t ). Implications for quantum mechanics, particularly in the context of pilot wave theory, suggest a novel perspective on non-locality and quantum entanglement. The corresponding generalized scalar field Lagrangian provides a unified description of inflation, dark matter, and dark energy. In the early universe, the theory predicts inflationary observables with a modified Lorentz factor; at galactic scales, it accommodates MOND phenomenology; and in the late universe, it reduces to a modified quintessence model with corrections of order $c^2/v_t^2$ to the dark energy equation of state. The extremely high value of $v_t$ ensures compatibility with existing constraints while allowing for small, potentially observable effects at cosmological scales.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4964] viXra:2412.0176 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-28 23:32:02

A Long-lasting Dilemma Around the Relativistic Mass in the Special Theory of Relativity Resolved With Experimental Proof

Authors: Bhasanpal Thiru
Comments: 2 Pages.

The glitch in the Special Theory of Relativity that has been unresolved for very long time due to its insignificance in the day to day practical application, but will be of greater significance in the upcoming era has been finally resolved.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4963] viXra:2412.0168 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-26 00:34:55

Gravitational Redshift from the Early Universe

Authors: Dave E. Dunstan
Comments: 4 Pages.

A simple gravitational alternative to Hubble’s Law is presented. Measured redshifts are attributed to gravitation rather than recessional velocity. The measured redshift-distance data fits a gravitational potential with constant mass. Redshift is then a measure of the gravitational potential and the space-time curvature of the early universe. The redshift-distance data is fitted to a constant mass of 3.35 x 1053 kg (1.67 x 1023Msol) which is 2.23 times the estimated total mass of ordinary matter in the current universe. The expanding and accelerating universe are not predicted and the speculation of dark energy is no longer required.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4962] viXra:2412.0163 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-25 22:56:11

A Discussion About Certain Axioms in Physics

Authors: Moshe Segal
Comments: 6 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Please move the author's credentials etc to a footnote)

An Axiom is a statement whose truth or validity is accepted, without providing any additionalproof or explanation why this statement is accepted as true or valid. On the other hand, Physics is about providing explanations about the Existence and the Universe, and it is expected that the Physics explanations should be accompanied by reason and proof. However, Physics does still contain statements which are presented as Axioms, even though, suchstatements are usually the basis, or the corner stones, of structures, which are built over these statements. This paper addresses this issue, about some of such statements that Physics presents as Axioms, and this paper also intends to provide an additional tentative explanation for one of these statements, which might help in providing additional validity to these statements.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4961] viXra:2412.0159 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-25 01:18:11

Black Hole Dynamics: Transition Across Temporal Spectra

Authors: Paul Caracristi
Comments: 4 Pages.

This paper presents a novel interpretation of black holes, proposing that they represent a transitional process between realms of increasing and decreasing entropy. The event horizon is redefined as the beginning of this transition, where matter and energy shift from dynamic states of high gravitational interaction to a latent realm of static energy. Within this framework, space, time, entropy, and gravity progressively diminish, forming a temporal spectrum of decreasing frequency values. The core of the black hole is characterized as an asymptotic state of stasis and potentiality, a latent realm of pure potential energy. This theory challenges traditional notions of singularities and offers new perspectives on the cyclical nature of dynamic and latent realms.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4960] viXra:2412.0158 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-25 01:15:25

Resolving Dark Matter/Dark Energy Through Gravitational and RSC Fields

Authors: Paul Caracristi
Comments: 5 Pages.

The Great Attractor and Great Repeller are two prominent large-scale structures in the universe, influencing the motion of galaxies through their gravitational and proposed levitational effects. This paper proposes that the Great Attractor represents a region of strong positive spacetime curvature (gravitational field), while the Great Repeller corresponds to a region of strong negative spacetime curvature (Replusive spacetime curvature "RSC"). These dual fields generate dynamic cosmic flows, analogous to atmospheric high and low-pressure gradients on Earth. By incorporating RSC fields into cosmological models, this framework offers an alternative explanation for phenomena currently attributed to dark matter and dark energy. This perspective suggests that these enigmatic entities may not be as abundant or necessary as previously assumed, providing a new paradigm for understanding the universe’s large-scale structure and evolution.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4959] viXra:2412.0156 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-25 01:09:52

Fabrika Theory Part 1: A Pixel-Based Framework for Deriving the Gravitational Constant

Authors: Ali Movahedian
Comments: 21 Pages. (Correction made by viXra Admin on the Submission Form - Please conform!)

Fabrika Theory introduces a novel framework in which space-time is fundamentally discrete, composed of Planck-scale cubic pixels. Gravity, within this paradigm, emerges from the annihilation dynamics of these pixels in the vicinity of mass. This paper presents a comprehensive mathematical derivation of the gravitational constant based on the principles of pixel annihilation. By setting the radial distance to the Planck length and expressing the speed of light in terms of Planck units, we derive an expression that aligns closely with its observed value. The implications of this derivation suggest a profound connection between quantum-scale structures and macroscopic gravitational phenomena, offering a potential pathway towards unifying General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics [1][2].
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4958] viXra:2412.0152 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-25 00:48:49

A Gravitational Force that is Independent of Speed Contradicts the Equivalence Principle and the Equality of Heavy and Inertial Mass.

Authors: Ulrich Brosinsky
Comments: 4 pages in English, 4 pages in German

This consideration is concerned with the effect of a given gravitational field on a sample body and not with the contributions made bygravitational sources according to the energy-momentum tensor.The special theory of relativity is therefore sufficient for the investigation in local approximation.a) Using the example of a movement in the direction of a gravitational field, it is shown that either the equivalence principle only applies approximately or gravity does not act on the mass but on the energy of falling bodies.b) If the equivalence of gravity and inertia should also apply to bodies with internal kinetic and potential energies, then gravity isproportional to the respective energy of theindividualcomponents. Otherwise, gravity and inertia would only be approximately equal.The proportionality is transferred to the energy of the entire body despite any internal velocities.c) The planetary motion suggests a velocity-dependent gravitational force, from which the exact validity of the equivalence principlefollows as well as the exact equality of gravity and inertia, even taking into account special relativistic effects.d) Newton's law of gravitation for two masses can be formulated in special relativistic terms by replacing their product with the scalar product of the "mass tangential vectors" to the world lines. This is a conclusion that is possible without recourse to general relativity.e) Short reference to the difference between the gravitational field and the electrostatic field, the force of which is independent of velocity.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4957] viXra:2412.0138 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-23 01:36:30

The Temporal Spectrum: Understanding the Universe as an Unbounded Continuum

Authors: Paul Caracristi
Comments: 4 Pages.

This paper explores a conceptual universe model that rejects traditional notions of beginnings, ends, boundaries, infinity, and nothingness. It describes the universe as a spectrum of scales and energy values, where realms of expanding voids and contracting matter coexist within a dynamic framework of implicit and explicit phenomena. The paper examines human perception and its limitations and argues that significant portions of the universe lie well beyond our perceptual and cognitive range. Using examples from cosmology, quantum mechanics, and relativity, this paper seeks to support the assertion that our understanding is necessarily incomplete yet enriched by recognizing the universe's transitional, asymmetric, and spectral nature.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4956] viXra:2412.0137 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-23 01:34:18

On the Flaws in a Resent Extension of Schwarzschild Geometry to Accelerated Masses

Authors: Mueiz Gafer KamalEldeen
Comments: 4 Pages.

In this article, I attempted to demonstrate that generalizing the Schwarzschild solution to cases involving the motion of the gravitational source by decomposing the definition of the metric tensor, transforming the differential elements between reference systems and then reassembling it in the desired system, as presented in some recently published papers on arXiv and elsewhere, is an incorrect approach.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4955] viXra:2412.0111 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-19 02:28:27

The Relational Dynamics of Space-Time

Authors: Daniel Marques Rodrigues
Comments: 18 Pages.

This article proposes a theoretical framework for an emergent model of spacetime, conceptualized as a relational structure built from fundamental discrete interactions. The formulation is guided by the central postulate: "Nothing is empty, nothing is solitary; interactions define reality", alongside the Dual Stability Principle and the Triple Existence Principle. In the proposed model:u2022 Binary interactions (EAB) establish local equilibrium and static structure.u2022 Triple interactions (EABC) introduce dynamical complexity and emergentnon-linearity.u2022 Higher-order interactions (EA...N ) describe quantum-scale fluctuations,endowing space-time with intrinsic granularity.A mathematical formalism is developed to sum these contributions into an emergent metric tensor, which smoothly transitions between discrete (microscopic) and continuous (macroscopic) scales. Notably, the model recovers classical General Relativity (GR) solutions, including the Schwarzschild, Kerr, and FLRW metrics, in the macroscopic limit.At extreme regimes—such as black holes and the primordial universe—the model regularizes classical singularities via quantum-induced oscillations and fluctuations, ensuring finite curvature and physical consistency.Testable predictions are presented, including quantum corrections to gravitational waves near horizons (detectable by LIGO, Virgo, and LISA) and nonGaussian signatures in the cosmic microwave background (CMB), observablethrough Planck and future CMB-S4 missions. These results pave the way toward a unified gravitational description across all physical scales.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4954] viXra:2412.0101 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-18 00:21:26

On Complex Dynamics and Primordial Gravity

Authors: Ervin Goldfain
Comments: 21 Pages.

We recently pointed out that, under suitably defined conditions, the Schrödinger equation represents a limit case of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation (CGLE). As generic prototype of complex dynamics, CGLE is naturally tied to dimensional fluctuations conjectured to develop far above the electroweak scale. The goal of this work is to uncover an unforeseen connection between CGLE and the equation of geodesic deviation in General Relativity (GR). This connection is likely to come into play in primordial cosmology, where strongly fluctuating gravitational fields evolve in far-from-equilibrium conditions. Our findings unveil the duality between primordial gravitation and Kolmogorov entropy and suggest a potential gateway towards field unification outside Lagrangian theory.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4953] viXra:2412.0074 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-12 20:42:26

World-Universe Cosmology: Principal Points

Authors: Vladimir S. Netchitailo
Comments: 7 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Further regurgitation will not be accepted; Please cite and list scientific references)

The Hypersphere World—Universe Cosmology (WUC) addresses numerous unresolved issues in modern Astrophysics and Cosmology by providing alternative explanations to the prevailing Big Bang Theory (BBT). WUC solves critical problems such as: 1) The Hubble tension; 2) The missing baryon problem; 3) The origin of Fermi bubbles; 4) The age of the Universe discrepancy; 5) The coronal heating problem; 6) Internal heating and diversity of gravitationally-rounded objects in the solar system; 7) The presence of Plutonium-244, with an 80-million-year half-life, in nature; 8) Faster core rotations of the Sun and Earth compared to their surfaces; 9) The faint young Sun paradox; 10) The black-body spectrum of cosmic microwave background radiation.Additionally, WUC eliminates fundamental issues, including: 1) The need for the Universe to begin at t=0 , avoiding a temporal singularity; 2) The angular momentum problem in galaxies and extrasolar systems evolution; 3) The matter-antimatter asymmetry; 4) The magnetic monopole problem; 5) The uneven distribution of matter and voids; 6) Singularities leading to black holes; 7) The formation of supermassive black holes; 8) The "Axis of Evil" anomaly in cosmic microwave background measurements; 9) The wave—particle duality dilemma.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4952] viXra:2412.0067 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-11 21:02:30

Rebuttal to Lann N. Ramez's [Commentaries]

Authors: Mohammad Shafiq Khan
Comments: 15 Pages. Those who want to accept my open challenge should read it first.

The papers written by Lann N. Ramez are as a consequences of not understanding the fact that Einstein had used two different velocities of light in two coordinate systems though explained in great detail in the paper Mohammad ShafiqKhan (2012) thereby Einstein had violated the very postulate of constancy of velocity of light which he had introduced in Albert Einstein (1905) as in one coordinate system he adopts the velocity of light as ‘c’ which is in accordance with the postulate of constancy of velocity of light whereas in other coordinate system headopts the velocity of light as constant ‘c’ not with respect to the observer but with respect to space as he uses c+v and c-v as velocity of light. The purpose of writing the paper Mohammad Shafiq Khan (2012-Elixir-I) was to show that in the Einstein’s ‘equation of trickery’ [as declared in the Mohammad Shafiq Khan (2012)]the term ∂τ/∂t' is simply baseless, incorrect and mathematical manipulation whereas it has been shown in Mohammad Shafiq Khan (2012) that ∂τ/∂t'= 0 and also in Mohammad Shafiq Khan (2012-Elixir-II) it is again shown, by using simple calculus, that ∂τ/∂t'= 0. This demonstrates that both the papers of Lann N. Ramez are preposterous, absurd and as the result of not understanding the papers Mohammed 2 Shafiq Khan (2012) and Mohammed Shafiq Khan (2012-Elixir-I). Lann N. Ramez and Einstein have not given any logic for using two different velocities of light in two coordinate systems.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4951] viXra:2412.0066 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-10 22:09:25

A Weak Gravity Knot in Empty (2+1)-Dimensional Anti de-Sitter Space-Time

Authors: Miftachul Hadi
Comments: 10 Pages.

We propose the existence of a topological object, a weak gravity knot, in the framework of an Abelian Chern-Simons action with a small negative cosmological constant (anti-de Sitter) in empty (2+1)-dimensional space-time.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4950] viXra:2412.0065 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-10 22:08:58

A Weak Gravitational Knot in (2+1)-Dimensional Empty Space-Time

Authors: Miftachul Hadi
Comments: 9 Pages.

We propose the existence of a topological object, a weak gravitational knot, in the framework of an Abelian Chern-Simons action with a small positive cosmological constant in (2+1)-dimensional empty space-time.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4949] viXra:2412.0064 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-10 22:08:36

Newtonian Knot in Empty (2+1)-Dimensional Anti-de Sitter Space-Time

Authors: Miftachul Hadi
Comments: 11 Pages.

We propose the existence of a topological object, a Newtonian knot, in the framework of an Abelian Chern-Simons action with a small negative cosmological constant (anti-de Sitter) in empty (2+1)-dimensional space-time.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4948] viXra:2412.0061 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-10 22:16:54

Common Reality

Authors: Tarun Sharma
Comments: 109 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Please submit in pdf only; please cite and list scientific references)

This manuscript presents a theory that challenges the current understanding of gravity and introduces the existence of a fifth force of nature, which is, in fact, a redefined version of gravity. Contrary to the widely accepted notion that gravity is a result of an object’s mass, this theory posits that gravity arises from a different mechanism altogether. By redefining gravity, the theory proves the nature of dark matter and dark energy, offering explanations for phenomena that have long puzzled scientists and astronomers. This redefined gravity not only explains the nature of dark matter and dark energy but also addresses numerous other phenomena within our solar system and on a larger, universal scale. Additionally, this theory offers a completely new perspective on black holes.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4947] viXra:2412.0056 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-09 21:27:07

Design for a Gravitational Wave Generator/Thruster V7

Authors: Peter C.M. Hahn
Comments: 23 Pages.

This device generates gravitational waves which can be utilized as a thruster or as a communication device. It is comprised of a linear antenna array that is injected with a Radio Frequency (RF) signal. The antennas are configured to convert electromagnetic (EM) waves into gravitational waves.When the antennas are arranged in a linear phased-array configuration, a thrust is produced that allows the device to be used as a method of propulsion. Part I of this article describes the device when configured as a thruster and documents the test results.Part II will document the test results of the device when configured as a gravitational wave transmitter. If the injected RF signal is modulated with an Intermediate Frequency (IF) signal, the gravitational waves produced are also modulated. The invention can then function as a communication device by using the gravitational waves as a carrier instead of EM waves. A gravitational wave detector at the receiving end will demodulate the gravitational waves, thereby extracting the original (IF) signal.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4946] viXra:2412.0041 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-07 22:04:07

From Straight Beams to Curved Paths: A Unified Perspective on Energy, Fields, and Spacetime

Authors: Marco Maccarrone
Comments: 5 Pages.

This paper proposes a conceptual and athematical framework that replaces the straight-line propagation of energy and fields, as traditionally assumed in quantum field theory (QFT), with a curved-wavefront perspective that aligns with the geometry of spacetime in general relativity (GR). By redefining straight beams as curved paths where the length of any beam equals the radius of a spherical wave-front at a given instant we achieve a unified description of energy propagation, reconciling wave-particle duality with spacetime curvature. This approachresolves inconsistencies between QFT and GR, offering a new lens for understanding phenomena like redshift, gravitational lensing, and wave-particle interactions in curved spacetime.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4945] viXra:2412.0032 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-06 21:49:01

The Solution of the Nordstrom-Einstein Paradox

Authors: Constantin Sandu
Comments: 9 Pages.

The main goal of this paper is to solve the Nordstrom-Einstein paradox in the General Theory of Relativity (GTR) and open a new perspective on understanding the generation of gravitational fields. At present it is not exactly known how the gravitational field is generated. This field is responsible for attraction at the distance of bodies in Newton’s sense and for space-time distortion in Einstein’s sense. In 1913, Nordstrom blamed Einstein’s GTR that it cannot explain why the electromagnetic waves confined in a mass-less box with reflective walls have a gravitational mass while the invariant of the stress-energy tensor of the electromagnetic field is zero. This is the Nordstrom-Einstein paradox in GTR. The fact that his paradox was not solved for 111 years created a niche in GTR which blocked progress in the field of gravity.The present paper solves the Nordstrom-Einstein paradox for the hypothetical case of a sphere with a mass-less reflective surface filled with electromagnetic waves. It demonstrates that the gravitational field of such a sphere is generated only during the reflection of electromagnetic waves by the sphere’s reflective surface and not in its volume. The methodology used is specific to GTR, establishing a new form of the stress-energy tensor for the case of the mentioned hypothetical sphere. Solving this paradox has significant implications for understanding the gravitational field essence. It can serve as a basis for further theoretical and experimental research, with important implications for the development of Quantum Gravity, String/Superstring theory, and Unified Field theories.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4944] viXra:2412.0029 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-06 19:53:39

The Geodesic Principle and the Nature of Passive Mass

Authors: M. Wolnik, R. Wolnik
Comments: 7 Pages.

The geodesic principle represents an essential aspect of general relativity and is the physical manifestation of the space-time manifold but can also be considered as the metric field effect on the passive mass of a freely falling test particle. The equation of motion is derived on the basis of the universal conservation condition from the given stress-energy tensor field of an isolated body, with the help of its moments in the near limit case. Then the reduced stress-energy tensor, which is based on the energy density of the body, is being used in the context of its local energy balance to get the global solution in the form of the geodesic equation. The influence of an external force field on such a solution is presented.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4943] viXra:2412.0020 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-05 20:57:56

A Discussion About Human's Ability to Evaluate Exactly Energy Amounts and Whether This Might Have Possible Implications on the Energy Conservation Principle

Authors: Moshe Segal
Comments: 13 Pages.

A corner stone of Physics is the Energy Conservation principle which states that the Energy is always conserved and that the Energy, embedded in the whole Universe, cannot disappear or be created from nothing. This should imply that the Total amount of the Energy, which is embedded in the whole Universe, must be a constant value. However, Humans are not able to devise means or experiments which will provide the exact amount of the Energy embedded in the whole Universe, which implies that Humans are not able to devise means or experiments which will conclude, with complete validity, that the amount of the Energy embedded in the whole Universe, can be indeed represented by a constant value. Moreover, the fact, that the nowadays Science of Physics does agree that in addition to the Detectable Energy, the Universe embeds a very large amount of undetectable, or Dark Energy, (about 70% of the estimated Total Energy which is estimated to be embedded in the whole Universe is estimated to be Dark Energy), might further imply, that Humans cannot evaluate the actual amount of the Total Energy embedded in the Universe, which might further support the assumption, that Humans cannot prove, that all the Energy embedded in the Universe, is indeed conserved. The above implies that Humans are not able to provide a proof for the Energy Conservation Principle, which means, that the Energy Conservation Principle is presented only as an axiom, and no discussion was yet provided as to the extent of validity that Humans can attribute to the Energy Conservation Principle, even though, it is a corner stone of the nowadays Science of Physics. Thus, in view of the above, this paper tries to examine the extent of the validity that Humans can attribute, to the Energy Conservation Principle. Initially, this paper tries to explore, if the evaluation of the amount of Energy, only in certain specific Energy components, in the Universe, will result in the evaluations of the same Energy amounts, by all Human evaluators, or, if separate Human evaluators might arrive at different results, relating to the Total Energy Content, of these certain several specific Energy components, which they evaluated. Thus, in view of the above, this paper provides arguments that two separate Humans, evaluating the Total Energy Content of certain several specific Energy components, in the Universe, might arrive at different results, relating to this Total Energy Content, of these several specific Energy components, which they evaluated. The arguments mentioned above, relating to the possibility that two separate Humans, evaluating the Total Energy Content of certain several specific Energy components, in the Universe, might arrive at different results, relating to this Total Energy Content, of these several specific Energy components, which they evaluated, appear also in an additional paper, by the author of this paper, titled: "A discussion related to the Energy Relativity and its Implications" (4).
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4942] viXra:2412.0013 [pdf] submitted on 2024-12-04 20:04:26

Special Relativity: Types of Forces

Authors: Alejandro A. Torassa
Comments: 12 Pages.

In special relativity, this paper presents four net forces, which can be applied in any massive or non-massive particle, and where the relationship between net force and special acceleration is as in Newton's second law (that is, the special acceleration of any massive or non-massive particle is always in the direction of the net force acting on the particle).
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4941] viXra:2411.0179 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-29 21:47:23

A Little Correction About Special Relativity

Authors: Christian Suavet
Comments: 10 Pages.

A small experimental inaccuracy could be the cause of a conceptual error in special relativity, an error which could hinder the resolution of problems in physics and cosmology.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4940] viXra:2411.0177 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-29 00:31:39

Gravitation and the Casimir Effect: A Potential Coupling Between Gravity and Quantum Fluctuations

Authors: Helena Kivelitz
Comments: 4 Pages.

This paper investigates the potential coupling between gravitational fields and quantum vacuum fluctuations, as evidenced by variations in the Casimir effect. The Casimir effect is a quantum phenomenon that arises from electromagnetic vacuum modes between two closely spaced plates, resulting in a force inversely proportional to the fourth power of their separation. This study hypothesizes that gravitational fields, by curving spacetime, may influence these vacuum modes, leading to measurable changes in the Casimir force. Existing precision experiments on the Casimir effect and short-range gravity tests are reviewed for their suitability in probing this hypothesis. Proposed experiments under varying gravitational conditions—Earth’s surface, high-altitude stations, and microgravity environments—are detailed, along with the inclusion of a strong local gravitational source (e.g., a massive tungsten sphere). If verified, such interactions would provide experimental evidence for a direct connection between quantum mechanics and general relativity, with profound implications for physics.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4939] viXra:2411.0160 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-26 23:54:03

An Extension of the Schwarzschild Solution: Combined Gravitational Field of Two or More Sources

Authors: Mueiz Gafer KamalEldeen
Comments: 5 Pages. I will not agree to publish this work in any journal that requires payment from the writer for publication.

There is no direct mathematical tool that enables us to generalize Schwarzschild solution to cases where there is more than one source of gravitational field. In this paper, we explained that this generalization can be made if we develop an equivalent and parallel description to the geometric description based on the metric tensor, and we found that this method succeeds in generalizing the Schwarzschild solution for any number of gravitational sources that move relative to each other.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4938] viXra:2411.0134 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-20 21:04:28

URTG: Theoretical Extensions and Applications

Authors: David Kolb
Comments: 27 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Please cite and list scientific references)

This paper presents significant theoretical extensions and practical applications of the Unified Relativistic Theory of Gravity (URTG). We develop the mathematical framework to incorporate hyperbolic geometry into URTG, demonstrating the integral connection between motion trajectories and space geometry. The enhanced formulation includes modified field equations, an extended hyperbolic metric tensor, and refined gravitational lensing equations. We analyze URTG's predictions for gravitational lensing against historical data from the 1919 Eddington eclipse expedition, showing alignment with observational evidence while suggesting subtle deviations that could be detected in future high-precision measurements. The paper addresses the treatment of singularities in URTG, demonstrating how the theory reinterprets black holes, the Big Bang, as well as Wormholes, as transitions between frame-dependent and frame-independent states, potentially resolving the black hole information paradox. Additionally, we explore gravitational waves through URTG's causal structure framework, deriving wave solutions from the Causality Emergence Equation that maintain consistency with current observations while offering new insights into gravity's quantum nature. These theoretical developments extend URTG's explanatory power while maintaining its foundational principles of relational space-time and emergent phenomena. The work provides testable predictions that could differentiate URTG from standard general relativity in future experiments, particularly in scenarios involving strong gravitational fields or quantum-scale effects.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4937] viXra:2411.0125 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-19 05:31:18

Definitive Experimental Test of Lorentzian Relativity

Authors: Simon WW Manley
Comments: 15 Pages.

In contrast with Special Relativity, the Lorentzian formulation allows absolute motion of the laboratory against a putative preferred frame of reference to be revealed by small but non-zero signals in Michelson-Morley experiments with light beams passing through a refractive medium. Testing this hypothesis, we developed a rotating Mach-Zehnder interferometer to compare the phase velocity of light in gas and vacuum. The new experiment reduces by three orders of magnitude the drift velocity against a preferred frame derived from historical Michelson-Morley data under the assumptions of Lorentzian Relativity, rendering this formulation untenable.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4936] viXra:2411.0115 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-18 02:57:27

A Simple Equation to Calculate the Gaussian Curvature of Space-Time According to the Schwarzschild Model

Authors: Fernando Salmon Iza
Comments: 3 Pages.

The Flamm paraboloid is a space-time solution to the problem posed by Schwarzschild concerning finding a solution other than the trivial one to Einstein's equations in an empty space. For this reason, it also represents the space that exists in the contour of a gravitational point mass. The solution of J. Droste that we study here, the Flamm paraboloid, leads to calculating values of the Gaussian curvature of its space-time that require a complicated process of obtaining. We have found a simple equation that allows calculating these values in a simple way. This equation obtained here by means of an algebraic expansion is exact in the space-time represented by the Flamm paraboloid.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4935] viXra:2411.0111 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-15 18:57:22

The Origin of Our Universe and the Potential Influence of External Cosmic Energy Events: Gravitational Waves, Neighboring Universes, and the Role of Redshift

Authors: Jan Srowig
Comments: 11 Pages. In English & German

This hypothesis views the universe as a dynamic structure that was formed not by a single, all-encompassing Big Bang, but through several independent cosmic energy bursts cite{penrose2010cycles, steinhardt2002colliding}. Such events could have occurred over very long periods in various regions of a possibly unbounded cosmic space, where universes expand freely without separating membranes or isolating structures. The aim of this hypothesis is not to challenge the Big Bang theory but to broaden it with a more comprehensive perspective. While the classical Big Bang theory provides us with the image of a singular origin, this hypothesis suggests that various cosmic events may have contributed jointly to the formation and structuring of the universe.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4934] viXra:2411.0093 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-11 22:38:57

Dark Energy from Cosmological Energy Conservation

Authors: Manuel Uruena Palomo
Comments: 4 Pages.

The value of the gravitational wave energy density is unknown. Current progress in gravitational wave detection suggests that the energy density of the stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB) will be estimated in the next decades. We present a derivation of its value under the assumption that energy lost due to cosmic redshift is fully responsible for the energy gained by the cosmological constant in the expanding universe. This unknown non-local mechanism of energy conservation on the cosmic scale could explain dark energy and hint at a property of a theory of quantum gravity.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4933] viXra:2411.0092 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-11 22:40:48

On Regular Negative Mass Black Holes Under Unitary Time and Proper Antichronous Transformations

Authors: Manuel Uruena Palomo
Comments: 10 Pages.

A non-singular black hole solution is briefly presented which violates energy conditions only at its interior by postulating a consistent shift to negative energies and gravitationally repulsive negative masses at the event horizon. This shift is the unitary parity-time $PT$ transformation of relativistic quantum mechanics and the proper antichronous transformation of the full Lorentz group. The transformation at the event horizon respects Einstein's equivalence principle, and the considered negative mass interaction does not result in the runaway motion paradox or vacuum instability. The correspondence of these regular black holes with observed ones is studied by proposing another mechanism of black hole growth independent of accretion and merging due to interior increasing entropy, which attempts to solve the unexplained size and formation of high-redshift supermassive black holes, the intermediate mass gap, and the information paradox.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4932] viXra:2411.0081 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-11 21:00:17

The Relative Nonlocality or the Illusion of Superluminal Speed Due to Curvature Difference Between Different Spacetime Intervals

Authors: Rayd Al-Shammari
Comments: 29 Pages.

The relative nonlocality in general relativity is the illusion of superluminal speed due to curvature difference between different spacetime intervals, as I will show later the relative nonlocality is very useful to bridge the gap between general relativity and quantum mechanics without the need for a new unifying theory, in fact, we could harmonize both theories if we put the relative nonlocality in our perspective, it is derived from Einstein work in 1911, as I will show that the condition of curvature difference is the master key element to solve the compatibility problem between general relativity and quantum mechanics, by following this line of work, I found that Einstein field equations are compatible with the uncertainty principle in such a way that the stress energy tensor can be extracted from the momentum uncertainty in the uncertainty principle; this happens only when we have a quantum entangled system of collective masses larger than or equal to half Planck mass as minimum requirements to bend spacetime. Then, by using a quantum entangled system with a rest mass of half the Planck mass or more, I put here the requirements for an experiment to generate an artificial gravitational singularity as a falsifiability requirement to prove or disprove my work experimentally in particles accelerators
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4931] viXra:2411.0078 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-10 06:04:49

Hypersphere World-Universe Model — Natural Extension of Classical Physics. Digest

Authors: Vladimir S. Netchitailo
Comments: 14 Pages.

Today, a growing number of researchers share a sense of stagnation in the field of Physics. In many ways, this situation is reminiscent of the late 19th century when it was widely believed that the body of Physics was nearly complete. It may be an opportune moment to propose new fundamental models that are not only simpler than the current state of the art but also open up new areas of research. Several ideas presented in this Digest are not new, and we do not claim credit for them. In fact, many of these ideas, originally proposed by classical scientists, are revisited here with fresh insights. This Digest aims to describe the World by unifying and simplifying existing models and results in Cosmology into a single coherent picture. Hypersphere World—Universe Model (WUM) is radically different from the prevailing Big Bang Model. The main advantage of WUM is its elimination of the "Initial Singularity" and "Inflation," providing explanations for many unresolved problems in Cosmology. This Digest offers an overview of WUM covering the period from 2013 to 2024 and explores various themes of the World. It concludes a Series of 38 articles published in the Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology. Interested readers are encouraged to consult the published articles for more details. WUM is a classical model and should be described using classical notions, which define emergent phenomena. An Emergent Phenomenon is a property that is a result of simple interactions that work cooperatively to create a more complex interaction. These simple interactions occur at the microscopic level, while their collective outcomes can be observed at the macroscopic level. WUM introduces classical notions from the moment a first ensemble of particles was created (≅10^(-18) c). Classical Physics deals with ensembles of quantum objects!
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4930] viXra:2411.0075 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-11 02:53:26

Dark Matter Annihilates & is Neutrinos Entirely, and Galaxies Emerge from Population III Stars

Authors: Bernd Clemens Huber
Comments: 9 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Please cite and list scientific references in a scholarly format))

Details of the dynamic in how different types of galaxies and their interplay emerges frompopulation III stars, alongside evidence speaking for their past existence. But foremostly, a long listof mainly astronomical evidences of which I have identified that they support the hypothesis thatdark matter annihilates has been created upon thorough search for predicted instances in which suchannihilation signs should and indeed do show up, on the scale of large planets, stars, and galaxies.Several other unexplained or mis-understood but thought to already have been explainedphenomena are covered as well and dark matter annihilation should contribute partially or entirely,depending on the case, to their qualitative explanation. The paper however does not cover reasonsfor why cosmic web pressure between mainly black holes of galaxies represents the concretemechanism that describes at least a majorly contributing part of the dark energy phenomenon thateventually leads to a big crunch.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4929] viXra:2411.0073 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-09 23:39:56

How Many Fundamental Constants Are Necessary and Sufficient to Express All Physical Laws and Parameters of the Universe?

Authors: Mykola Kosinov
Comments: 14 Pages.

The divergent views of Duff, Okun and Veneziano on the number of fundamental constants in nature are examined from a new perspective. It is shown that the problem of the minimum number of dimensional fundamental constants can be solved by choosing the fundamental constants of the electron as the primary and independent constants. Three dimensional constants of the electron (me, re, te) and two dimensionless constants, the fine structure constant "alpha" and the large Weyl number (D0 = 4.16561... x 10^42), are proposed as a complete basis for independent fundamental constants. Numerous examples have shown that the fundamental constants (me, re, te, α, Do) are the primary basis for both physical constants and parameters of the Universe. The parameters of the Universe, physical constants, and large Weyl-Eddington-Dirac numbers originate from the primary fundamental constants (me, re, te, α, Do). Five fundamental constants (me, re, te, α, Do) are sufficient to express the entire set of observable physical laws. Veneziano's statement about the non-fundamental status of the constants G, ћ is confirmed. Duff's statement about the non-fundamental status of all three constants G, ћ, c is confirmed. Duff's statement about the zero number of dimensional fundamental constants in Nature is not confirmed.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4928] viXra:2411.0058 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-07 01:40:24

A Unified Relativistic Theory of Gravity (URTG)

Authors: David Kolb
Comments: 7-page conceptual basis, 27-page mathematical framework, 5-page framework extension, 9-page variational formulation, Bianchi Identities & reduction to GR & SR, 4-page physical & testable conditions, 3-page glossary. Original work in english

AbstractThis paper presents the Unified Relativistic Theory of Gravity (URTG), a novelframework that extends and unifies Special and General Relativity. URTG posits thatspace, time, mass and motion are relative and inter-causal properties emerging frominteractions. The theory introduces the concept of a frame-independent unified field anda speed of causality, redefining our understanding of light, gravity, and spacetimegeometry. URTG treats scalar, inertial, and tensor fields as mathematical descriptions ofemergent effects rather than fundamental ontological entities, aligning with aprocess-based ontology. The framework incorporates a causal structure tensor andcosmic inertia field, offering new insights into the nature of mass, energy, andelectromagnetic interactions. Key equations, including the UnifiedMass-Energy-Geometry-Light Relationship and the Causality Emergence Equation,demonstrate how URTG integrates various physical phenomena within a single,comprehensive model. By reinterpreting concepts such as light's momentum andmass-energy equivalence, URTG provides a fresh perspective on fundamental physics.This theory offers potential resolutions to long-standing issues in physics and opensnew avenues for exploring the universe's underlying structure and behavior.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4927] viXra:2411.0051 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-08 03:27:14

The Fringes of the Double-Slit Experiment with Changes in Brightness and Darkness

Authors: Jiankun Lai
Comments: 6 Pages.

We have always been using the theory of coherent waves to explain the double-slit experiment. Recently, I conducted an experiment with a redesigned double slit and obtained an unexpected result. By simultaneously and symmetrically adjusting the widths of the left and right slits and observing the fringes in the double-slit experiment, I noticed that as the slits gradually narrowed, the brightness of the fringes in the double-slit experiment underwent an uneven change with the middle part gradually getting darker and the two sides gradually getting brighter. This is very difficult to explain using the traditional theory of coherent waves.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4926] viXra:2411.0049 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-07 15:59:12

A Unified Cosmology Proposal: Vacuum as a System of Harmonic Oscillators Expanding at Relativistic Velocities Within an Antimatter Universe

Authors: Juan Moreno Borrallo
Comments: 108 Pages.

This paper introduces a novel cosmological framework that interprets the vacuum as a dynamic system of harmonic oscillators, expanding at relativistic velocities within a universe composed of dual matter and antimatter dimensions. By modeling the vacuum as an RLC circuit, we propose that the vacuum itself functions as a resonant system of harmonic oscillators. Within this framework, we derive new relationships between fundamental constants—including the speed of light, gravitational constant, and fine-structure constant— suggesting these constants arise from the vacuum’s intrinsic properties and oscillatory dynamics.Based on these relationships, we propose a novel mechanism of energy exchange across the boundary between matter and antimatter domains, conceptualized as a microscopic "Quantum "black" hole" network. These "holes" in the boundary facilitate energy transfer, generating local spacetime deformations that we perceive as gravitational and electromagnetic interactions. This model suggests that spacetime curvature and force interactions are emergent phenomena, stemming from quantum fluctuations within the vacuum as it oscillates and expands. By reinterpreting the vacuum as an active, resonant medium, we offer a cohesive framework that may unify quantum mechanics and general relativity while aligning with observed cosmological expansion.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4925] viXra:2411.0044 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-06 21:33:39

Influence of Gravitation оn the Origin and Propagation of Electromagnetic Radiation

Authors: Gocho V. Sharlanov
Comments: 15 Pages.

Impressively, against the background of extraordinary advances in physics and technology, the mainstream continues to support the two most obvious delusions in 20th-century physics: "special relativity" and "the accelerating expansion of the universe". Both of these problems are based on a lack of understanding of the nature and behavior of electromagnetic radiation in the gravitational field. In this paper, an attempt is made to present a new approach to this problem.To understand the real fabric of the Universe, to understand the influence of gravitation on the characteristics of light (frequency, wavelength, speed of light in vacuum), we must first be aware of the nature of electromagnetic radiation and the nature of the medium of propagation of electromagnetic radiation. In this respect, as discussed at the 3rd Annual International Conference on Physics, 20 — 23 July 2015, in Athens, Greece, the characteristics of electromagnetic radiation must be considered in two aspects:1) in the "local time-spatial domains in any place of the Universe" (the regions with a uniform intensity of the gravitational field), and 2) in the "global physical reality of the Universe" (related to the regions with different intensities of the gravitational field as an infinite set of local time-space domains).On the basis of the modern achievements of science and the analysis of the behavior of electromagnetic radiation in the local and global physical reality of the Universe, this article contains the following scientific contribution: "Thesis On the Behavior of Electromagnetic Radiation in the Gravitational Field of the Universe", which should replace the erroneous "postulate of the constancy of the speed of light for all inertial frames of reference". This thesis also ends the delusion that the speed of light in vacuum measured on the Earth’s surface is the limit speed for the entire Universe.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4924] viXra:2411.0041 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-05 01:14:26

Modification of the Complex Scalar Field Lagrangian in FLRW Space-Time and Its Cosmological Outcomes.

Authors: Subhayan Maity, Parna Patra
Comments: 7 Pages.

The most popular approach of understanding the cosmic evolution is Einstein’s General Relativity(GR). GR is the classical gateway to obtain the dynamics of the cosmic fluid and it canat best describe the macroscopic evolution of the Universe. In this work, we have accomplishedan alternative tool to examine the microscopic dynamics of the cosmic fluid particles via quantumfield theory (QFT). We have proposed a cosmic fluid model with complex scalar field Lagrangiancorresponding to the modified Klein-Gordon equation (KG equation) of the scalar field in FLRWspace-time. Following this Lagrangian, the cosmic fluid system has been quantized under certainrestrictions on the parameters. This restrictions are used to determine the cosmic evolution patternin the macroscopic level.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4923] viXra:2411.0035 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-05 21:33:39

Ehrenfest Paradox Explained: How Misapplication of Length Contraction Leads to Contradictions

Authors: Mueiz Gafer KamalEldeen
Comments: 7 Pages.

It can be clearly, simply and decisively explained that the Ehrenfest Paradox arises from an incorrect application of the length contraction rule, and that a correct analysis of the case of the rotating disk leads to the fact that the relationship between the radius and the circumference remains as usual.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4922] viXra:2411.0026 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-04 18:16:21

A Comparison of Light Path Equations in General Relativity Using a Taylor Series Approach vs Jacobian Elliptic Functions

Authors: Gerald Malczewski
Comments: 31 Pages.

Based on a method to calculate the deflection of light near the Sun based on General Relativity, a formula is derived which expresses the light path as a function of the radial distance r from a gravitating central body. This method, based on the General Relativity (GR) geodesic equation applied to the Schwarzschild metric, uses an infinite Taylor series expansion. This requires a ‘finite cutoff’ of the series be taken to compute the polar angle of a light path coordinate for a given radial distance. We take the light path to be a trajectory of a photon or light packet originating at radial infinity and then departing to radial infinity after reaching its point of closest approach to the central body. Constraints are found that limit the discussion to central bodies of mass M which obey M/R< 1/3 where R is the turning point, the point of closet approach. A comparison is then made with a different approach previously published using Jacobian elliptic functions which yields a closed expression for the light path equation. It is shown that the two approaches are equivalent if a finite cutoff is not taken for the Taylor series. If the cutoff is taken, then computationally the two methods yield approximately the same result for small radial distances but diverge as r increases. The elliptic function method has the advantage that the method can be applied to the case where M/R ≥ 1/3, including calculating light paths inside a black hole horizon. This case is outside the scope of this paper.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4921] viXra:2411.0025 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-04 23:24:18

Is Modern Physics Moving Towards Metaphysics?

Authors: Tadeusz Pastuszek
Comments: 20 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: An abstract and scientific references in the article are required)

The increasing incorporation of speculative constructs such as dark matter, the Higgs field, and cosmic inflation within modern physics indicates a shift towards metaphysical frameworks, potentially compromising the empirical rigor traditionally upheld in physical sciences. This article critically evaluates the foundational paradigms in quantum mechanics and cosmology, asserting that constructs like the Big Bang theory and baryogenesis introduce elements that lack experimental validation and challenge established physical principles. By examining the epistemic and methodological implications of these paradigms, the author argues that theoretical physics must resist the encroachment of metaphysical assumptions and prioritize models grounded in measurable, observable phenomena. The article proposes a recalibration of the discipline, advocating for a return to empirically verifiable principles and logically cohesive theories that align with classical physics. Through this approach, the author suggests, physics can maintain its empirical integrity, ensuring that theoretical advancements remain anchored in experimentally testable reality and do not drift into speculative abstraction.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4920] viXra:2411.0019 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-03 22:56:12

Negative Mass, the e-Dimensional Universe and the Hubble Tension

Authors: Rajib Kumar Bandopadhyay
Comments: 8 Pages.

In the earlier paper, The Absence of the Implications of Negative Mass and the Resultant Problems in Physics, various insights on different kinds of matter and the existing ideas such as the Dark Matter and the Dark Energy were presented. The article, Non-Stellar Black Holes, including microscopic Black Holes, brings into attention a very pertinent aspect overlooked by all earlier researchers. The present article probes further into such various overlooked aspects of our universe. Various other important inferences are drawn from the said model that seem to agree to the experimental results better than the existing models, such as the possible reason for Hubble Tension.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4919] viXra:2411.0015 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-03 22:48:28

Observing Multiple Big Bangs Within the Only Universe

Authors: Michael Lawrence
Comments: 6 Pages.

This paper shows how big bangs, which do not produce new universes, can be used to build a framework that enables the location of the centre of our big bang to be estimated. The calculation also requires the use of failed big bangs that are apparently conjoined with commoving objects within our own big bang flow to calculate that flow over time.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4918] viXra:2411.0010 [pdf] submitted on 2024-11-02 03:51:48

Planck Power with Joule Heating Applied to Cosmology?

Authors: Stéphane Wojnow
Comments: 4 Pages.

Recent advances in deterministic models of quantum cosmology of the RH=c tH type have paved the way for the possible appearance of Planck power in the ΛCDM model as a constant, beyond the Planck era, thanks to Joule heating applied to cosmology.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4917] viXra:2410.0186 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-30 21:00:12

Relativistic Form of Newton's Second Law of Motion

Authors: Tadeusz Pastuszek
Comments: 6 Pages.

The article presents a relativistic extension of Newton's second law of motion, adapted to a four-dimensional spacetime construct where time and space are treated under the framework of special relativity. By introducing a unique concept of"U-space", where time functions as a spatial coordinate with its own metric pro-perties, the study explores Newtonian dynamics through a relativistic lens. Thisexploration includes the derivation of relativistic force and acceleration equations,considering both constant and variable rest mass scenarios. The derived formulations, based on the principles of special relativity, are presented with modications that incorporate mass-energy equivalence, enabling a more comprehensive understanding of force interactions within relativistic contexts.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4916] viXra:2410.0183 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-30 06:01:00

The Conflict Between the Relativity of Rotation and the Fact that the Speed of Light is the Maximum Speed

Authors: Mueiz Gafer KamalEldeen
Comments: 6 Pages.

When analysing the issue of relative motion between two bodies, one of which is rotating around itself, it becomes clear that the common perception that fixing the reference system on the rotating body means the movement of the other body around it at a speed equal to the angular velocity multiplied by the distance between the two bodies is a false perception based on mixing the concept of relative motion with another different concept. Therefore, the rotational motion is relative motion and does not conflict with the fact that the speed of light is the maximum speed.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4915] viXra:2410.0178 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-29 20:19:28

Space Theory: Evolution of the Expansion of the Universe and Rotation Speed of Galaxies

Authors: Khalid Jerrari
Comments: 69 Pages. In French (Note by viXra Admin: Title and abstract should be in English)

The book entitled "[] Space Theory" by Khalid Jerrari offers an exploration of concepts relating to the expansion of the Universe and the rotation speed of spiral galaxies, without using energy or dark matter. Structured in several parts, it begins with a reminder of the foundations of space theory presented in a previous work entitled "The mysteries of space". This concept is based on the notion of "spatial density", a new interpretation of space as a form of energy linked to matter. The book is divided into three parts. The first summarizes the basic principles of space theory, notably the idea that space and matter are inseparable. It also discusses the "principle of universal balance", which suggests that the Universe constantly seeks to maintain a state of dynamic equilibrium. The second part studies the expansion of the Universe through the evolution of spatial density, an alternative to current explanations involving dark energy. The author develops several mathematical models to describe spatial density, proposing functions such as the inverse power law or the increasing exponential function. These models make it possible to simulate universal acceleration and the distribution of mass in the Universe. Finally, the third part examines the rotation curves of galaxies. Based on spatial density, the author explains how the distribution of visible matter can influence the rotation speed of galaxies without resorting to dark matter. The work is intended to be an introduction to an alternative theory of the expansion of the Universe and the rotation curves of galaxies, offering avenues for future research.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4914] viXra:2410.0168 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-29 02:37:04

Is Iron-56 Just Mond in Disguise?

Authors: Tomáš Ajdari
Comments: 3 Pages.

In previous work, we have looked at the product of the 26 sporadic groups. We've observed specific distances and masses related to the observable universe at the moment of "maximum expansion". It appears that the energy released by the fusion of hydrogen (protium) into iron-56 (or the iron group) is just enough to allow the resulting nuclei to enter a "MOND-stable" orbit around the baryonic mass of the local Hubble volume, i.e. at the orbit defined by the global Hubble radius. This energy is just about half of the energy of a proton accelerated at the critical acceleration a0 (Milgrom's constant) for the duration of Hubble time (global), with the resulting Planck-diameter channel having the volume of a proton. Links to the masses of the quarks might arise.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4913] viXra:2410.0152 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-25 22:42:26

JWST Discoveries and the Hypersphere World-Universe Model: Transformative New Cosmology

Authors: Vladimir S. Netchitailo
Comments: 25 Pages.

Twenty-six years ago, a small committee report was built upon earlier studies to articulate a compelling and poetic vision for the future of astronomy. This vision called for an infrared-optimized space telescope with an aperture of at least four meters. With the support of their governments in the US, Europe, and Canada, 20,000 people brought this vision to life as the 6.5-meter James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). The telescope is working perfectly, delivering much better image quality than expected [1].JWST is one hundred times more powerful than the Hubble Space Telescope and has already captured spectacular images of the distant universe. A view of a tiny part of the sky reveals many well-formed spiral galaxies, some over thirteen billion light-years away. These observations challenge the standard Big Bang Model (BBM), which posits that early galaxies should be small and lack well-formed spiral structures. JWST's findings are prompting scientists to reconsider the BBM in its current form. Throughout the history of science, technological advancements have led to new results that challenge established theories, sometimes necessitating their modification or even abandonment. This happened with the geocentric model four centuries ago, and the BBM may face a similar reevaluation as JWST provides more images of the distant universe.In 1937, P. Dirac proposed the Large Number Hypothesis and the Hypothesis of Variable Gravitational Constant, later incorporating the concept of Continuous Creation of Matter in the universe. The Hypersphere World-Universe Model (WUM) builds on these ideas, introducing a distinct mechanism for matter creation. WUM is proposed as an alternative to the prevailing BBM. Its main advantage is the elimination of the "Initial Singularity" and "Inflation," offering explanations for many unresolved problems in Cosmology. WUM is presented as a natural extension of Classical Physics with the potential to bring about a significant transformation in both Cosmology and Classical Physics. Considering JWST's discoveries, WUM's achievements, and 87 years of Dirac’s proposals, it is time to initiate a fundamental transformation in Astronomy, Cosmology, and Classical Physics.The present paper is a continuation of the published article "JWST Discoveries—Confirmation of World-Universe Model Predictions" [2] and a summary of the paper "Hypersphere World-Universe Model: Digest of Presentations John Chappell Natural Philosophy Society" [3]. Many results obtained there are quoted in the current work without full justification; interested readers are encouraged to view the referenced papers for detailed explanations.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4912] viXra:2410.0148 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-24 20:41:06

The Fallacy of Time Dilation in Relativity

Authors: Akash Dixit
Comments: 15 Pages.

In this paper, we critically examine general and special relativity, with a particular focus on the concept of time dilation. Relativity introduces counterintuitive predictions, including the distortion of time and space, the speed of light as the ultimate velocity limit, and bizarre results like the omnipresent photon and theoretical time travel. Given these contradictions, we argue that the foundational assumptions of relativity demand thorough reevaluation. Alongside highlighting these contradictions, we also provide alternative reasoning for some of the experimental results commonly thought to validate relativity, offering interpretations that shift the validation away from relativity. We propose that many of these experimental results, traditionally interpreted through a relativistic lens, could instead be reexamined within a classical framework. This paper challenges the prevailing belief that classical mechanics is restricted to specific physical domains, suggesting that with the inclusion of additional forces and effects, Newtonian mechanics can account for phenomena typically attributed to relativistic physics. In summary, this paper advocates for a science grounded in human intuition and their logical consistency over science that is counterintuitive.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4911] viXra:2410.0128 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-22 21:51:10

A Road to Reality on How the Universe Works

Authors: Dino Bruniera
Comments: English, pages 1-3 and Italian, pages 4-6 (Note by viXra Admin: Further repetitions will not be accepted)

The model of the Universe supported by the scientific community is unsustainable because, among other things, it predicts that its expansion is accelerating, in contrast with the law of conservation of energy.But what is the primary cause for which this model was theorized?It is that of having considered the isotropy of the speed of light relative to the Earth as real, while it is only apparently so.Instead, considering the speed of light isotropic only relative to the space, I have theorized a very simple model of the Universe, whose expansion is decelerating and therefore compatible with the law of conservation of energy. I have also developed a theory on how the Universe really works, compatible with this model.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4910] viXra:2410.0124 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-21 00:17:04

Lorentz Covariant Gravity Theory with the Subsidiary Dynamic Symmetry of General Coordinate Transformation Covariance

Authors: Jonathan J. Dickau, Steven K. Kauffmann, Stanley L. Robertson
Comments: 6 Pages.

Physical phenomena, sometimes with the exception of gravity, are usually assumed to be described by Lorentz transformation covariant theories, and the validity of the Lorentz transformation has been empirically verified to very high accuracy. The Einstein equation of gravity theory, however, has an infinite set of metric solutions, an infinite subset of which aren't Lorentz covariant, and one of the latter might be taken as valid, e.g., the Robertson-Walker metric for cosmology. But if all of nongravitational physics is in fact Lorentz covariant, it would almost certainly be physically inconsistent for gravity theory not to be Lorentz covariant as well. The solution ambiguity of the Einstein equation is a consequence of its important symmetry of general coordinate transformation covariance. However the four-vector potential form of electromagnetic theory has an analogous solution ambiguity as a consequence of its important symmetry of gauge transformation invariance, but in that case it is standard practice to break this symmetry by imposing the retarded Lorentz gauge condition, the simplest gauge condition which is Lorentz covariant and causal. Here we show that both gauge transformation invariance in electromagnetic theory and general coordinate transformation covariance in gravity theory arise spontaneously from fully Lorentz covariant initial assumptions. These subsidiary dynamic symmetries crucially affect the structure of the equations of their respective theories, but any solutions they happen to admit which aren't fully Lorentz covariant are ipso facto excluded by the fully Lorentz covariant initial assumptions.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4909] viXra:2410.0108 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-19 20:31:26

Acceleration History Breaks Symmetry Principle and Resolves the Twin Paradox

Authors: Branimir Špigel
Comments: 11 Pages.

In this paper, we examine the symmetry of motion in special relativity and show that the 'twin paradox' resolves when considering the history of acceleration. Acceleration creates a permanent asymmetry in motion, which persists even after the acceleration stops and the objects move uniformly in inertial frames. This suggests that the apparent symmetry of motion, as described in Einstein's theory, arises largely from ignoring acceleration history. When acceleration is accounted for, the symmetry unravels, revealing a deeper asymmetry rooted in the objects' dynamic histories.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4908] viXra:2410.0102 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-18 08:06:35

Quantum Relativity Cosmos Theory(QRC) Theory by Vaishnav Shailesh Kakade

Authors: Vaishnav Shailesh Kakade
Comments: 17 Pages.

The Quantum Relativity Concepts (QRC) Theory introduces a pioneering framework that seeks to bridge one of the most profound gaps in modern physics: the unification of Quantum Mechanics (QM) and General Relativity (GR). By reimagining spacetime as an emergent property arising from quantum informational relationships, QRC presents a fundamentally new approach to understanding the universe. Central to the theory is the concept of Quantum Entanglement-Induced Gravitational Waves (QEIGWs), where quantum entanglement between massive particles generates detectable gravitational waves. This groundbreaking theory offers not only novel mathematical models but also testable experimental designs, positioning QRC as a revolutionary step towards unraveling the quantum-gravitational divide.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4907] viXra:2410.0069 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-13 01:44:59

A Model for Synchronous Physical Law Variation and Space Typology Based on Gravitational Fields

Authors: Anton Rudy
Comments: 3 Pages.

We propose a new model in which the fundamental physical constants, such as the speed of light and the gravitational constant, vary synchronously across the entire universe. This variation depends on the local gravitational field, leading to a classification of space into different "types" based on gravitational strength. These space types influence the manifestation of both quantum and classical laws. Our model offers a novel approach to unify quantum mechanics with classical physics and potentially explains phenomena such as dark matter, dark energy, quantum gravity, and the mass of neutrinos. Additionally, we discuss how this model aligns with the theory of relativity and accounts for phenomena like time dilation observed in GPS systems.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4906] viXra:2410.0065 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-11 07:24:29

Special Relativity and Dark Energy

Authors: Eran Sinbar
Comments: 3 Pages.

Special relativity can be explained mathematically and can be confirmed by applying laboratory measurements, but it is not intuitive and sometimes confusing. This paper will combine dark energy with the length contraction of special relativity, and the outcome will lead to a revolutionary model of quantized space time and staggered frames of reference ,sometimes will be referred to in this paper also as reference frame.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4905] viXra:2410.0053 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-10 15:23:47

Can Einstein Field Equations be Generalized?

Authors: Tomasz Kobierzycki
Comments: 16 Pages.

This work is based on idea of extending Einstein field equations leading to more general statement about gravity field, this leads to new field equations and new idea about gravity field. Gravity field is now directly connected to matter field. From it follows that matter field in given point of space is responsible for spacetime curvature in that point so matter field can't vanish in any point of space. Field equations now become fourth order equations and include Riemann tensor Ricci tensor and metric tensors with Ricci scalar, same goes for stress-momentum tensor that is now composed out of stress-momentum tensor,metric tensors and its trace.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4904] viXra:2410.0052 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-08 19:18:23

Notes on Critical Phenomena and Primordial Cosmology

Authors: Ervin Goldfain
Comments: 15 Pages.

Critical phenomena describe continuous phase transitions characterized by power-law divergences, universality of scaling exponents and ergodicity breaking. Scaling exponents depend on the dimension of the underlying spacetime and, in many cases, also on the dimension of variables defining criticality. Recent studies suggest that both dimensions run the observation scale and, as a result, determine the rate of divergence near critical points. Building on these observations, the goal of this report is to close the gap between critical behavior in continuous dimensions and the anomalous findings of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4903] viXra:2410.0048 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-09 11:56:24

The Temporal Cavitation Model of Cosmology

Authors: Paul Caracristi
Comments: 36 Pages.

The Cavitational Model of Cosmology presents a novel framework for understanding the Universe, emphasizing the interconnected roles of Time and Space. It delves into key cosmological concepts, such as the Latent and Patent realms, Time-Space fields, Spacetime fabric, gravity, levity, quantum fields, whiteholes, and blackholes. This model challenges traditional views in cosmology by offering alternative explanations for phenomena like gravity, dark matter, and dark energy, suggesting that these can be addressed through a reinterpretation of Time, Space, Energy, and Matter.The model suggests that the transition from the Latent realm (a potential energy state) to the Patent realm (the observable universe) is driven by energy fluctuations, creating a temporal cavity where Time and Space fields interact dynamically. These fields influence energy flow across Spacetime, which in turn affects fundamental constants like the speed of light and the universe's curvature.A key proposition is that Time’s inflation and deflation, tied to the interaction of these fields, controls the universe’s expansion and influences how we measure cosmic age and distances. The relationship between levity and gravity is redefined as complementary forces, potentially explaining phenomena like dark matter and dark energy without requiring new forms of unseen matter.The model also reexamines blackholes and whiteholes. Black holes absorb energy, while whiteholes disperse it, representing two ends of cosmic processes. The idea challenges traditional views on blackhole singularity, proposing that they may dissipate into the Latent realm over time, cycling energy between the realms.Further implications include the emergence of Matter and Antimatter, linked to the dominance of levity or gravity fields during their formation, which contrasts with conventional particle physics theories.Empirical validation is essential for this model to transition from theoretical speculation to a widely accepted cosmological framework. Suggested experiments involve studying the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) for anomalies, analyzing gravitational wave data, examining redshift patterns, and conducting high-energy particle physics experiments. If validated, the Cavitational Model could revolutionize our understanding of the universe's structure, evolution, and the interplay of its fundamental forces.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4902] viXra:2410.0011 [pdf] submitted on 2024-10-03 20:17:46

New Aspects of the Temporal Evolution of the Universe

Authors: Martin Schauer
Comments: 6 Pages. Creative commons CC BY 4.0.

In 1929, Edwin Hubble measured the redshift and brightness (magnitude) of distant stars and plotted the redshift against the derived distance in what is now known as the Hubble diagram. This plot revealed a linear relationship, leading to the conclusion that the universe is expanding as a function of distance. However, to fully comprehend the temporal evolution of the universe, redshift must be plotted against time. When this is done consistently, it becomes evident that redshift has been continuously decreasing over time, suggesting that the expansion of the universe is also progressively slowing down. This observation challenges the necessity of postulating dark energy, and it is therefore recommended that the standard physical model be thoroughly reevaluated.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4901] viXra:2409.0169 [pdf] submitted on 2024-09-30 20:38:33

The Significant Gaps and Errors in the Interpretations of Special Relativity

Authors: Tadeusz Pastuszek
Comments: 16 Pages.

This article critically examines the commonly overlooked gaps and errors in the interpretations of the Special Theory of Relativity (STR), particularly in the treatment of the external and internal observers, the role of the Lorentz transformation, and the misapplication of moving reference frames. The core argument revolves around the objective versus subjective observations within STR, emphasizing the pivotal role of an external observer who perceives spacetime as a whole, in contrast to the limited perspective of internal observers. The discussion further extends to mathematical misinterpretations, such as the dimensional alignment of time and space, the improper handling of inertial frames, and inconsistencies in the application of Newtonian mechanics within relativistic contexts. These gaps underscore the needfor a refined conceptual framework in interpreting STR, paving the way for a more rigorous understanding of relativistic dynamics and its implications for modern physics.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4900] viXra:2409.0147 [pdf] submitted on 2024-09-27 03:36:08

The Bubble Theory and Cosmic Phenomena: A Higher-Dimensional Perspective

Authors: Jameel Chamberlain
Comments: 5 Pages.

The Bubble Theory proposes a higher-dimensional framework in which the fourth spatial dimension hosts multiple energy-matter structures, or "bubbles," coexisting within the same spatiotemporalcoordinates. Central to this theory is the ’S’ Energy Field, a higher-dimensional field through whichunique ’S’ Energy wavelengths propagate, binding matter and maintaining bubble integrity. This paper extends the Bubble Theory to explore its implications for black holes, dark matter, dark energy,and quantum phenomena. By modeling these cosmic phenomena through the lens of the BubbleTheory, we aim to provide new insights and propose potential avenues for experimental validation.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[4899] viXra:2409.0146 [pdf] submitted on 2024-09-26 02:45:46

The Zero-Expansion Behavior for the New $3D$ Spherical Warp Drive Vector Compared with the Natario Original Warp Drive

Authors: Fernando Loup
Comments: 13 Pages.

The Natario warp drive appeared for the first time in 2001. Although the idea of the warp dive as a spacetimedistortion that allows a spaceship to travel faster than lightpredated the Natario work by 7 years Natario introduced in2001 the new concept of a propulsion vector to define or togenerate a warp drive spacetime.Natario defined a warp drivevector for constant speeds in Polar Coordinates and PolarCoordinates uses only two dimensions and we know that a realspaceship is a tridimensional 3D object inserted inside atridimensional 3D warp bubble that must be defined in real 3DSpherical Coordinates.The "ex-libris" of the Natario 2001original paper was the so-called "zero-expansion" behavior in theexpansion of the normal volume elements that occurs only in 2DPolar Coordinates but not in tridimensional $3D$ SphericalCoordinates.We demonstrate this affirmation in the present work.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

Replacements of recent Submissions

[3210] viXra:2503.0155 [pdf] replaced on 2025-03-30 13:03:32

Potential Evidence for Evolving Spacetime Dimensions from DESI

Authors: Ervin Goldfain
Comments: 9 Pages.

Recent results reported by the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) suggest that Dark Energy (DE) may be weakening over time. The hypothetical time-dependence of DE raises a major challenge to standard cosmology, which is built on the assumption that DE represents the cosmological constant (CC) of Einstein’s equations. Here we point out that DESI’s findings reinforce the conjecture that, a) well above the range of electroweak interactions, spacetime dimensionality is continuous and runs with the observation scale, and b), the energy content of the CC stems from the cumulative contribution of energies stored in the fractal structure of Dark Matter/Cantor Dust.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[3209] viXra:2503.0120 [pdf] replaced on 2025-03-21 21:12:41

Investigating Cyclic Gravity and Cosmology (CGC) as an Alternative Framework to Standard Cosmology

Authors: Joseph Bakhos
Comments: 18 Pages. This is the revised version.

Cyclic Gravity and Cosmology (CGC) is introduced as an alternative framework to General Relativity (GR) and the ΛCDM model. CGC retains Euclidean space and proposes that gravity is a residual effect of electromagnetism ratherthan a fundamental force. The theory replaces the standard expansion model with cyclic expansion and contraction phases governed by large-scale gravitational oscillations. Redshift in CGC is explained through a combination ofDoppler motion, neutrino interactions, and a refined tired light mechanism. Time dilation and light deflection arise from neutrino scattering rather than spacetime curvature, preserving a Euclidean structure. CGC naturally explains the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) power spectrum without requiring inflation, aligns with observed large-scale structure, and provides a resolution to the Hubble tension within a non-expanding space framework. The theory predicts a self-regulating cosmic equilibrium maintained by an outer shell of intergalactic medium, preventing energy loss and sustaining cyclic dynamics. The observed galactic rotation curves, large-scale filament-and-void cosmic structures, and elemental recycling in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are also consistent with CGC’s gravitational model. The purpose of this paper is not to assert CGC as the definitive model of cosmology but to establish it as a framework worthy of rigorous scientific investigation. Given recent challenges to ΛCDM from JWST observations and inconsistencies in Hubble measurements, CGC presents an opportunity to explore alternative gravitational dynamicsand cosmic evolution mechanisms that align with observational data.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[3208] viXra:2503.0013 [pdf] replaced on 2025-03-05 22:29:41

The Universe May be More Than a Trillion Years Old

Authors: Martin R. Johnson
Comments: 3 Pages.

When Lorentz contraction is included into travel time, the Universe is found to be much older than present estimates suggest.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[3207] viXra:2502.0077 [pdf] replaced on 2025-03-06 20:58:36

The Informational Physical Model: Detection of Dark Matter Particles

Authors: Sergey V. Shevchenko, Vladimir V. Tokarevsky
Comments: 4 Pages.

In the paper dark matter particles detection problem is considered in framework of the Planck scale informational physical model. It is shown that the detection practically for sure is impossible.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[3206] viXra:2501.0088 [pdf] replaced on 2025-01-27 22:38:06

The Question of Primordial Black Holes

Authors: Keith D. Foote
Comments: 4 Pages.

The question of whether or not primordial black holes actually exist is examined. Stellar and supermassive black holes are described to offer a comparison. The lack of observable, hard supporting evidence, after 58 years, makes the concept of primordial black holes less and less likely, in spite of the imaginative, though somewhat unrealistic scenarios used to theorize their existence.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[3205] viXra:2501.0062 [pdf] replaced on 2025-03-21 21:14:28

Is Relativistic Length Contraction Consistent?

Authors: Lars F. Jensen
Comments: 5 Pages. An error in the argumentation has been corrected, plus minor changes to the text.

An important part of special relativity (SR) is length contraction. According to this theory, it is a coordinate-dependent and ‘symmetrical’ effect, such that two observers, moving relative to each other, both with their own measuring rod, can both rightly claim that the other observer’s measuring rod is contracted, even though the rest lengths of the rods are exactly the same. However, with the help of thought experiments, it can be shown that this cannot be true in the real world — and that SR predicts two fundamentally different length contractions.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[3204] viXra:2501.0056 [pdf] replaced on 2025-01-28 22:13:18

The Metric Problem in Polar Coordinates: A Comprehensive Analysis and a Solution

Authors: Mueiz Gafer KamalEldeen
Comments: 5 Pages.

The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that the common method for calculating the metric tensor in polar coordinates is incorrect. However, it does not lead to erroneous results due to the presence of another error that cancels out the effects of the first error in calculations. Nerveless, these offsetting errors creates a problem in understanding the metric.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[3203] viXra:2412.0152 [pdf] replaced on 2025-02-18 21:39:39

A Gravitational Force that is Independent of Speed Contradicts the Equivalence Principle and the Equality of Heavy and Inertial Mass

Authors: Ulrich Brosinsky
Comments: 4 pages in English, 4 pages in German

This consideration is concerned with the effect of a given gravitational field on a sample body and not with the contributions made by gravitational sources according to the energy-momentum tensor. The special theory of relativity is therefore sufficient for the investigation in local approximation.a) Using the example of a movement in the direction of a gravitational field, it is shown that either the equivalence principle applies only approximately or gravity does not act on the mass but on the energy of falling bodies.b) If the equality of gravity and inertia is also to apply to bodies with internal kinetic and potential energies, then gravity is proportional to the respective energy of the individual components. Otherwise, gravity and inertia would only be approximately equal.The proportionality is transferred to the energy of the entire body despite any internal velocities.c) The planetary motion suggests a velocity-dependent gravitational force, from which the exact validity of the equivalence principle follows as well as the exact equality of gravity and inertia, even taking into account special relativistic effects.d) Newton's law of gravitation for two masses can be formulated in special relativistic terms by replacing their product with the scalar product of the "mass tangential vectors" to the world lines. This is a conclusion that is possible without recourse to general relativity.e) Short reference to the difference between the gravitational field and the electrostatic field, the force of which is independent of velocity.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[3202] viXra:2412.0152 [pdf] replaced on 2025-01-07 00:28:12

A Gravitational Force that is Independent of Speed Contradicts the Equivalence Principle and the Equality of Heavy and Inertial Mass.

Authors: Ulrich Brosinsky
Comments: 4 pages in English, 4 pages in German

This consideration is concerned with the effect of a given gravitational field on a sample body and not with the contributions made by gravitational sources according to the energy-momentum tensor. The special theory of relativity is therefore sufficient for the investigation in local approximation. a) Using the example of a movement in the direction of a gravitational field, it is shown that either the equivalence principle only applies approximately or gravity does not act on the mass but on the energy of falling bodies. b) If the equivalence of gravity and inertia should also apply to bodies with internal kinetic and potential energies, then gravity is proportional to the respective energy of the individual components. Otherwise, gravity and inertia would only be approximately equal. The proportionality is transferred to the energy of the entire body despite any internal velocities. c) The planetary motion suggests a velocity-dependent gravitational force, from which the exact validity of the equivalence principle follows as well as the exact equality of gravity and inertia, even taking into account special relativistic effects. d) Newton's law of gravitation for two masses can be formulated in special relativistic terms by replacing their product with the scalar product of the "mass tangential vectors" to the world lines. This is a conclusion that is possible without recourse to general relativity. e) Short reference to the difference between the gravitational field and the electrostatic field, the force of which is independent of velocity.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[3201] viXra:2412.0101 [pdf] replaced on 2024-12-21 13:19:53

On Complex Dynamics and Primordial Gravity

Authors: Ervin Goldfain
Comments: 21 Pages.

We recently pointed out that, under suitably defined conditions, the Schrödingerequation represents a limit case of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation (CGLE). Asgeneric prototype of complex dynamics, CGLE is naturally tied to dimensional fluctuationsconjectured to develop far above the electroweak scale. The goal of this work is to uncoveran unforeseen connection between CGLE and the equation of geodesic deviation in GeneralRelativity (GR). This connection is likely to come into play in primordial cosmology,where strongly fluctuating gravitational fields evolve in far-from-equilibrium conditions.Our findings unveil the duality between primordial gravitation and Kolmogorov entropyand suggest a potential gateway towards field unification outside Lagrangian theory
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[3200] viXra:2412.0064 [pdf] replaced on 2025-02-12 23:48:49

Newtonian Knot in Empty (2+1)-Dimensional Anti-de Sitter Space-Time

Authors: Miftachul Hadi
Comments: Written using latex, no figure, 6 pages

We propose the existence of a topological object, a Newtonian knot, in the framework of an Abelian Chern-Simons gravity with a small but non-zero negative cosmological constant in empty (2+1)-dimensional anti-de Sitter space-time. This proposal is based on the idea that the Ricci curvature tensor consists of a set of curvature components satisfying the non-trivial Hopf maps, leading to topological structures. Working within the Abelian Chern-Simons (first-order) framework, where the dreibein and spin connection are treated as independent fields, we derive the corresponding field equations and present ansatz solutions for both fields. Our results suggest that the Newtonian knot may be a novel topological feature in low-dimensional gravity.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[3199] viXra:2412.0029 [pdf] replaced on 2025-01-25 03:33:04

The Geodesic Principle and the Nature of Passive Mass

Authors: M. Wolnik, R. Wolnik
Comments: 7 Pages.

The geodesic principle represents an essential aspect of general relativity and is the physical manifestation of the space-time manifold but can also be considered as the metric field effect on the passive mass of a freely falling test particle. - The equation of motion is derived from the given stress-energy tensor field of an isolated body with the help of its moments in the near limit case, on the basis of the universal conservation condition. Then the reduced stress-energy tensor that is based on the energy density of the body matter is being used in the context of its local energy balance to get the global solution in the form of the geodesic equation. Finally, the influence of an external force field on such a solution is presented.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[3198] viXra:2412.0020 [pdf] replaced on 2024-12-27 21:10:39

A Discussion About Humans Ability to Evaluate Exactly Energy Amounts and Whether This Might Have Possible Implications on the Energy Conservation Principle

Authors: u202aMoshe Segalu202cu200f
Comments: 14 Pages. (Note by viXra Admin: Please move the author's credentials etc to a footnote)

A corner stone of Physics is the Energy Conservation principle which states that the Energy is always conserved and that the Energy, embedded in the whole Universe, cannot disappear or be created from nothing. This should imply that the Total amount of the Energy, which is embedded in the whole Universe, must be a constant value. However, Humans are not able to devise means or experiments which will provide the exact amount of the Energy embedded in the whole Universe, which implies that Humans are not able to devise means or experiments which will conclude, with complete validity, that the amount of the Energy embedded in the whole Universe, can be indeed represented by a constant value.Moreover, the fact, that the nowadays Science of Physics does agree that in addition to the Detectable Energy, the Universe embeds a very large amount of undetectable, or Dark Energy, (about 70% of the estimated Total Energy which is estimated to be embedded in the whole Universe is estimated to be Dark Energy), might further imply, that Humans cannot evaluate the actual amount of the Total Energy embedded in the Universe, which might further support the assumption, that Humans cannot prove, that all the Energy embedded in the Universe, is indeed conserved.The above implies that Humans are not able to provide a proof for the Energy Conservation Principle, which means, that the Energy Conservation Principle is presented only as an axiom, and no discussion was yet provided as to the extent of validity that Humans can attribute to the Energy Conservation Principle, even though, it is a corner stone of the nowadays Science of Physics.Thus, in view of the above, this paper tries to examine the extent of the validity that Humans can attribute, to the Energy Conservation Principle.Initially, this paper tries to explore, if the evaluation of the amount of Energy, only in certain specific Energy components, in the Universe, will result in the evaluations of the same Energy amounts, by all Human evaluators, or, if separate Human evaluators might arrive at different results, relating to the Total Energy Content, of these certain several specific Energy components, which they evaluated.Thus, in view of the above, this paper provides arguments that two separate Humans, evaluating the Total Energy Content of certain several specific Energy components, in the Universe, might arrive at different results, relating to this Total Energy Content, of these several specific Energy components, which they evaluated.The arguments mentioned above, relating to the possibility that two separate Humans, evaluating the Total Energy Content of certain several specific Energy components, in the Universe, might arrive at different results, relating to this Total Energy Content, of these several specific Energy components, which they evaluated, appear also in an additional paper, by the author of this paper, titled: "A discussion related to the Energy Relativity and its Implications" (4).However, in order to emphasize the possibility, that evaluations of Energy amounts by Humans might be also relative, to the Human which executed that evaluation of this Energy amount, the additional paper, mentioned above, did not elaborated on the limitations, that also exist, in the arguments that two separate Humans, evaluating the Total Energy Content of certain several specific Energy components, in the Universe, might arrive at different results, relating to this Total Energy Content, of these several specific Energy components, which they evaluated.Thus, this paper presents also these limitations which further emphasizes the conclusion, presented also in the additional paper, mentioned above, that, although Energy evaluations by Humans might be sometimes relative to the specific Human evaluating that Energy, The Energy Conservation Principle should be recognized as a valid principle when it relates to Energy conservation related to what Humans detect in any specific Inertial Frame of Reference. And, although Humans cannot provide a complete proof for the Energy Conservation Principle, as related to the whole Universe, Humans should still attribute validity to the Energy Conservation Principle, also as related to the whole Universe, because it is a very significant corner stone of the nowadays Science of Physics, but should recognized that this validity is attributed to this principle only as an axiom, without being able to prove it.An important factor, in the arguments, presented in this paper, and the additional paper mentioned above, relating to the possibility that two separate Humans, evaluating the Total Energy Content of certain several specific Energy components, in the Universe, might arrive at different results, relating to this Total Energy Content, of these several specific Energy components, which they evaluated, is the following:The nowadays Science of Physics recognizes only one velocity as absolute, non-relative velocity. This velocity is the velocity of Light in vacuum, which is also recognized as the maximum velocity that Humans can attribute to a moving body.All other velocities are recognized, by the nowadays Science of Physics, as non-absolute or as relative velocities, and this implies, as this paper presents, that Humans might be in situations, in which, their evaluations of the Kinetic Energies, which should be attributed to moving bodies, might turn to be wrong evaluations.The paper then elaborates on the Implications of what was presented above, on the Energy Conservation Principle.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[3197] viXra:2411.0049 [pdf] replaced on 2024-12-09 13:30:37

A Unified Cosmology Proposal: Vacuum as a System of Harmonic Oscillators Expanding at Relativistic Velocities

Authors: Juan Moreno Borrallo
Comments: 151 Pages.

This paper presents a novel cosmological framework interpreting the vacuum as a system of harmonic oscillators, resonating at relativistic scales and manifesting properties that unify aspects of quantum mechanics and general relativity. By modeling the vacuum through an equivalent RLC circuit, fundamental constants, including the speed of light, gravitational constant, and fine-structure constant, are derived as emergent properties of this oscillatory vacuum structure, revealing a dynamic structure within the vacuum, and linking oscillatory vacuum states to the emergence of gravitational and electromagnetic phenomena.Based on this framework, they are postulated explanations for the cosmological constant, observable gravitational phenomena, and large-scale structure, proposing a resonance-based expansion model of the universe consistent with current cosmological observations. By re-envisioning the vacuum as an active, resonant medium, this model offers a unified theoretical basis that could integrate quantum mechanics, relativity, and cosmology, with implications for both fundamental theory and potential observational validation. Finally, the model further explores energy exchange across a hypothesized matter-antimatter boundary, conceptualized as a "quantum black hole" network, which would induce spacetime curvature and give rise to gravitational and electromagnetic interactions, postulating itself as a significant step toward a complete and consistent "Theory of everything".
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[3196] viXra:2411.0049 [pdf] replaced on 2024-11-12 11:00:53

A Unified Cosmology Proposal: Vacuum as a System of Harmonic Oscillators Expanding at Relativistic Velocities Within an Antimatter Universe

Authors: Juan Moreno Borrallo
Comments: 111 Pages.

This paper introduces a novel cosmological framework that interprets the vacuum as a dynamicsystem of harmonic oscillators, expanding at relativistic velocities and interacting with an antimatteranti-universe. By modeling the vacuum as an RLC circuit, it is proposed that the vacuum itselfbehaves as a resonant system of harmonic oscillators. Within this framework, they are derivednew relationships between fundamental constants—including the speed of light c, gravitationalconstant G, and fine-structure constant α— showing that these constants arise from the vacuum’sintrinsic properties and oscillatory dynamics.Based on the relationships derived within this framework, it is proposed a novel mechanism ofenergy exchange across the boundary between matter and antimatter domains, through quantumgaps conceptualized as a "Quantum "black" hole" network. These "holes" in the boundary facilitateenergy transfer, generating local spacetime deformations that we perceive as gravitationaland electromagnetic interactions. It is showed that spacetime curvature and force interactions areemergent phenomena, stemming from quantum fluctuations within the vacuum as it oscillates andexpands. By reinterpreting the vacuum as an active, resonant medium, it is offered a cohesiveframework that may unify quantum mechanics and general relativity while aligning with observedcosmological expansion.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[3195] viXra:2411.0026 [pdf] replaced on 2024-12-05 21:03:41

A Comparison of Light Path Equations in General Relativity Using a Taylor Series Approach vs Jacobian Elliptic Functions

Authors: Gerald Malczewski
Comments: 31 Pages. Added an acknowledgement section and clarified some statements about the turning point R.

Based on a method to calculate the deflection of light near the Sun based on General Relativity, a formula is derived which expresses the light path as a function of the radial distance r from a gravitating central body. This method, based on the General Relativity (GR) geodesic equation applied to the Schwarzschild metric, uses an infinite Taylor series expansion. This requires a ‘finite cutoff’ of the series be taken to compute the polar angle of a light path coordinate for a given radial distance. We take the light path to be a trajectory of a photon or light packet originating at radial infinity and then departing to radial infinity after reaching its point of closest approach to the central body. Constraints are found that limit the discussion to central bodies of mass M which obey M/R < 1/3 where R is the turning point, the point of closet approach. A comparison is then made with a different approach previously published using Jacobian elliptic functions which yields a closed expression for the light path equation. It is shown that the two approaches are equivalent if a finite cutoff is not taken for the Taylor series. If the cutoff is taken, then computationally the two methods yield approximately the same result for light path locations near the point of closest approach to the central body. The elliptic function method has the advantage that the method can be applied to the case where M/R >= 1/3, including calculating light paths inside a black hole horizon. This case is outside the scope of this paper.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[3194] viXra:2411.0025 [pdf] replaced on 2024-11-05 21:30:35

Is Modern Physics Moving Towards Metaphysics?

Authors: Tadeusz Pastuszek
Comments: 20 Pages.

The increasing incorporation of speculative constructs such as dark matter, the Higgs field, and cosmic inflation within modern physics indicates a shift towards metaphysical frameworks, potentially compromising the empirical rigor traditionally upheld in physical sciences. This article critically evaluates the foundational paradigms in quantum mechanics and cosmology, asserting that constructs like the Big Bang theory and baryogenesis introduce elements that lack experimental validation and challenge established physical principles. By examining the epistemic and methodological implications of these paradigms, the author argues that theoretical physics must resist the encroachment of metaphysical assumptions and prioritize models grounded in measurable, observable phenomena. The article proposes a recalibration of the discipline, advocating for a return to empirically verifiable principles and logically cohesive theories that align with classical physics. Through this approach, theauthor suggests, physics can maintain its empirical integrity, ensuring that theoretical advancements remain anchored in experimentally testable reality and do not drift into speculative abstraction.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[3193] viXra:2411.0010 [pdf] replaced on 2024-12-13 21:53:45

Planck Power with Joule Heating Applied to Cosmology?

Authors: Stéphane Wojnow
Comments: 4 Pages.

Recent advances in deterministic models of quantum cosmology of the RH=c tH type have paved the way for the possible appearance of Planck power in the ΛCDM model as a constant, beyond the Planck era, thanks to Joule heating applied to cosmology.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[3192] viXra:2411.0010 [pdf] replaced on 2024-11-08 01:07:22

Planck Power with Joule Heating Applied to Cosmology?

Authors: Stéphane Wojnow
Comments: 4 Pages.

Recent advances in deterministic models of quantum cosmology of the RH=c tH type have paved the way for the possible appearance of Planck power in the ΛCDM model as a constant, beyond the Planck era, thanks to Joule heating applied to cosmology.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[3191] viXra:2410.0168 [pdf] replaced on 2024-11-02 18:32:04

Is Iron-56 Just Mond in Disguise?

Authors: Tomáš Ajdari
Comments: 3 Pages.

In previous work, we have looked at the product of the 26 sporadic groups. We've observed specific distances and masses related to the observable universe at the moment of "maximum expansion". It appears that the energy released by the fusion of hydrogen (protium) into iron-56 (or the iron group) is just enough to allow the resulting nuclei to enter a "MOND-stable" orbit around the baryonic mass of the local Hubble volume, i.e. at the orbit defined by the global Hubble radius. This energy is just about half of the energy of a proton accelerated at the critical acceleration a0 (Milgrom's constant) for the duration of Hubble time (global), with the resulting Planck-diameter channel having the volume of a proton. Links to the masses of the quarks might arise.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[3190] viXra:2410.0128 [pdf] replaced on 2025-02-12 10:09:47

A Road to Reality on How the Universe Works

Authors: Dino Bruniera
Comments: English, pages 1-3 and Italian, pages 4-6

The model of the Universe supported by the scientific community is unsustainable because, among other things, it predicts that its expansion is accelerating, in contrast with the law of conservation of energy.But what is the primary cause for which this model was theorized?It is that of having considered the isotropy of the speed of light relative to the Earth as real, while it is only apparently so.Instead, considering the speed of light isotropic only relative to the space, I have theorized a very simple model of the Universe, whose expansion is decelerating and therefore compatible with the law of conservation of energy. I have also developed a theory on how the Universe really works, compatible with this model.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[3189] viXra:2410.0124 [pdf] replaced on 2024-12-10 22:18:08

Lorentz Covariant Gravity Theory with the Subsidiary Dynamic Symmetry of General Coordinate Transformation Covariance

Authors: Jonathan J. Dickau, Steven K. Kauffmann, Stanley L. Robertson
Comments: 6 Pages.

Physical phenomena, sometimes with the exception of gravity, are usually assumed to be described by Lorentz transformation covariant theories, and the validity of the Lorentz transformation has been empirically verified to very high accuracy. The Einstein equation of gravity theory, however, has an infinite set of metric solutions, an infinite subset of which aren't Lorentz covariant, and one of the latter might be taken as valid, e.g., the Robertson-Walker metric for cosmology. But if all of nongravitational physics is in fact Lorentz covariant, it would almost certainly be physically inconsistent for gravity theory not to be Lorentz covariant as well. The solution ambiguity of the Einstein equation is a consequence of its important symmetry of general coordinate transformation covariance. However the four-vector potential form of electromagnetic theory has an analogous solution ambiguity as a consequence of its important symmetry of gauge transformation invariance, but in that case it is standard practice to break this symmetry by imposing the retarded Lorentz gauge condition, the simplest gauge condition which is Lorentz covariant and causal. Here we show that both gauge transformation invariance in electromagnetic theory and general coordinate transformation covariance in gravity theory arise spontaneously from fully Lorentz covariant initial assumptions. These subsidiary dynamic symmetries crucially affect the structure of the equations of their respective theories, but any solutions they happen to admit which aren't fully Lorentz covariant are ipso facto excluded by the fully Lorentz covariant initial assumptions.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[3188] viXra:2410.0053 [pdf] replaced on 2024-12-27 21:12:45

Can Einstein Field Equations be Generalized?

Authors: Tomasz Kobierzycki
Comments: 11 Pages.

In this short paper I show a simple model of extending Einstein field equations.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[3187] viXra:2410.0053 [pdf] replaced on 2024-10-16 23:10:18

Can Einstein Field Equations be Generalized?

Authors: Tomasz Kobierzycki
Comments: 15 Pages.

This work is based on idea of extending Einstein field equations leading to more general statement about gravity field, this leads to new field equations and new idea about gravity field. Gravity field is now directly connected to matter field. From it follows that matter field in given point of space is responsible for spacetime curvature in that point so matter field can't vanish in any point of space. Field equations now become fourth order equations and include Riemann tensor Ricci tensor and metric tensors with Ricci scalar, same goes for stress-momentum tensor that is now composed out of stress-momentum tensor,metric tensors and its trace.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[3186] viXra:2410.0052 [pdf] replaced on 2024-10-13 16:27:19

Notes on Critical Phenomena and Primordial Cosmology

Authors: Ervin Goldfain
Comments: 17 Pages.

Critical phenomena describe continuous phase transitions characterized by power-law divergences, universality of scaling exponents and ergodicity breaking. Scaling exponents depend on the dimension of the underlying spacetime (d) and, in many cases, also on the dimension of variables defining criticality (D) . Recent studies suggest that both dimensions (d and D) run with the observation scale and, as a result, determine the rate of divergence near critical points. Building on these observations, the goal of this report is to close the gap between critical behavior in continuous dimensions and the anomalous findings of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

[3185] viXra:2409.0154 [pdf] replaced on 2025-01-14 21:40:49

Relativity's Nontheoretical Inutility

Authors: Ken Gonder
Comments: 27 Pages, 0 Diagrams

Relativity has little practical relevance in our real nontheoretical environment. Its founding premise, light's (presumed) constancy, is conceptually impossible. It only works theoretically in the one dimension of linear motion and only in one direction. In three dimensions it's inherently conflicted. In reality, its velocity can only compound mechanically with the motion of its source. This is what all of the Michelson-Morley type experiments actually show. And that's in addition to its factual variability that Einstein also asserts despite the invalidating contradiction. With an underlying premise that's altogether unworkable, relativity becomes untenable as well. Its other components that aren't necessarily dependent on light's (presumed) invariance are just as conflicted and innately unworkable. Its four-dimensional "space-time" is inconceivable, and it impossibly curves two-dimensionally underneath three-dimensional massive bodies to facilitate their "attraction." Its "principle of equivalence" impossibly has acceleration's one-dimensional uniform reaction and rotation's two-dimensional dispersive reaction equal to gravity's three-dimensional runaway coalescing/condensing. Its "finite and yet unbounded" universe, that with expansion has become the big bang, is strictly theoretical as well. To maintain its observed uniformity, it expresses two-dimensionally, like the surface of a sphere. So it's also not real. With relativity's manifest impracticality and the purely theoretical nature of its fundamental constituents, nearly all of it can be factually qualified as useless.
Category: Relativity and Cosmology